"Dawn stay away from him!"Buffy called after her 15 year old sister from Giles's kitchen at the young brunette girl sat on the couch in front of the tied up bleached blonde vampire.

Dawn gave the blonde slayer a 'are you kidding me' look."What the hell is he going to do Buffy!? Stare at me to death!? Mind control me!? He is tied up tell me how he's go to do samething!? Please you're not that blonde!"Dawn said sarcasticily making Spike laugh as Buffy glared at her little sister.

"Oi I like her nice Nibblet!"Spike said smirking at her Dawn smiled at the vampire she did see why he was so scary.

"Dawn he's a vampire it doesn't matter if he's tied up he's still dangeriste. You shouldn't be so close to him."Buffy told her younger sister hoping she would listen for once.

Dawn raised a brow at her sister as her bright blue eyes twinkled."I don't see why didn't you say."She stop turn to look Spike and said."No afence Blondie."Then looked to her sister."That he could hurt anyone that he was nuder."Dawn said.

"'Ey Bloody hell Slayer! Once I get this chip out I'm go to kill you!"Spike said glaring at the blonde slayer who rolled her hazle green eyes at him.

Buffy waved a hand at Spike."See Dawn this is why you shouldn't get to close to vampires they can turn on you."

Dawn looked at her sister like she was stupid."He's not a pitbull Buffy! Of corse he's going to turn on you guys. You haven't done one nice thing for him. Look at him tied to a chair when he's.. no afence again Blondie...harmless and with the way you'r treating him with the comments on his condition and with no feeding him. I'm not surpised I would want to kill you too if I were him! Jesus Buffy at lest get him some food!"

All the scoobies Giles Xander Buffy and Willow looked shocked at Dawn's outbust as she bluntily told them how she felt, while Anya didn't care and just smiled and Spike looked greatiful for the youngest Summers sticking up for him.

Spike realized he liked the little firey brunette, she was a beauty that's for sure Spike knew if she's a goddess now he didn't know how to desirbe her when she's older. The little brunette blue eyed teen was a force to be recand and Spike wanted to know her.

Dawn thought the british blonde blue eyed vampire was sexy as hell. As her friend Kat would say he was sex-on-legs but she thought he was a god umon men. Dawn liked the vampire she knew there was more to Spike then the others realized. Dawn wanted to get to know more about him.

Buffy was shocked and unhappy with her sister's outbusted, exspecliy sence she was right not that she'll ever emite it to anyone. No Buffy wasn't going to let her little sister win nope not to day. Buffy will never emite this to anyone as long as she lives but Buffy has the hots for Spike and was curius about him.

Willow cleared her thort at the unconffarble silence."Umm anyways we need to fingar out what to do about this native ghost guy. Buffy we can't kill him."Buffy was thankiful to get back to the task at hand.

"I know you don't Will but we may have to."As Buffy and Willow argered on that Dawn and Spike deside to get to know each other.

Spike looked at the young brunette."So, Bit, why are you here with big sis and not with your mum at a relatives?"He asked her with a slight smirk.

Dawn raised her eyes from the book she was reading."Well it was ether stay with my over portective and annoying older sister or spend hours with my alhoic grandma who when even sees me looks at my clothes and said I'm 'asking for it' and a spoild cousin who ever time I see her I just want to bitch slap her. But my cousin had to go to the hospital so mom left me with Buffy."Spike chuckled at her explaintion.

"'Ey I'm sure your sis isn't that bad Nibblet."Dawn raised a brow looking at him and the chair then met his eye."Okay so she that bad."He amited and Dawn let out a giggle which made Spike actully smile.

Dawn put her book down as she got up to get a drink."I'm going to get a drink do you something Blondie?"Dawn asked, Spike raised a brow at that nickname.

He nodded."Sure bright eyes if you can get me some blood and weatabits Please Bit?"Dawn smirked at the name he called her.

Dawn warmed up some blood for Spike sence the other scoobies were in Giles's office and a spirit for her self before walking back to the small living room. Dawn untied one of his hands so he could eat while she drank her spirit.

Spike was surpise that she untied his one hand and was greatiful he knew if he ran she would be in troble and for some reason that made his chest hurt at the thought of her getting yelled at because of him because of her kindness to him.

"So Blondie what do they call you?"Dawn asked him as she watched him she wasn't sqeemish so watching him drink blood didn't bother her like it did the others.

Spike raised a brow at her not being grossed out by him feeding."Well some call me William the Bloody but most call me Spike. What about you bright eyes what's your full name?"Spike asked her.

"My full name is Zerlinda Astrithr Summers. Zerlinda means beautiful Dawn and that's why my mom and everyone calls me Dawn."Dawn explained Spike thought her name was beautiful.

"What does Astrithr mean Pet?"Spike asked curius.

Dawn frowned in thought as she remenbered what her mom told her."I belive mom said it ment Fair Beautiful and Goddess."Dawn answered before she went back to her book missing the awe look on Spike's face.

Just then all hell brook loose.