Alright. Well, this is my first story, so I'm honestly very nervous. Basically, I've had this idea in my head for a LONG time, pretty much since I beat Pokemon White after it came out.

Now, essentially, it'll be the Pokemon Black/White game, but I'll be giving the main character an actual personality instead of a silent protagonist. There will be several changes, however. Not everything will go according to the game.

Please review, and if someone wants to beta my writings, please ask.

Please note: While it may or may not seem similar to other stories, this is still my idea. I may be influenced or inspired by other writings, but in the end, this is still mine.

*{I do not own Pokemon, or any characters used in Pokemon. I only own this story}*

Chapter 1: New Beginnings

I groaned as my eyes flitted open. The sunlight coming from my window made it almost impossible to see. I felt groggy, yet well-rested. I sat up on my bed and yawned, a smile creeping onto my face. It was a good day and I knew it.

"Good morning!" Two voices from the opposite side of the room chorused, with a third voiced grunting in agreement. I didn't need to look to know who was in my room at (I quickly glanced at the digital clock on the side of my bed) 8:24 in the morning.

One of them, the only male, was a stoic looking young man with raven colored hair, dark eyes and frameless glasses. He was dressed in his usual attire of a blue jacket, a red and white shirt underneath, and black pants.

Next to him was a smiling blonde girl with piercing green eyes. She wore her attire of a simple white dress, having a tasteful orange vest over the dress, while orange stockings were visible underneath it. Normally, she also wore a green hat with a single white stripe as well, but I'm assuming her indoor manners got the best of her, as she carried said hat in her hands.

Finally, the youngest of the three (and my little sister). She had brown hair in a very convoluted bun (seriously, I don't know how she keeps it like she does). He eyes were also a fierce light blue. Much to my exasperation, she wore her usual outfit of a sleeveless white shirt, a black vest a surprisingly short shorts. Her signature pink and white hat was comfortably sitting on her head. I stopped trying to change her wardrobe a long time ago, since she refused to listen.

I turned and smiled at my would-be intruders. I was glad they were here, for they are my best friends and my younger sister. "Touko. Bianca. Cheren. What are you doing here this early?" I greeted them, but was still confused at their presence. I made a motion to stand up, but quickly realized something important. "Before you answer, can I get dressed, please, first?" My smile grew slightly mischievous. "Unless you want to stay?"

The reactions were what I expected. Bianca was the first to leave, practically dashing out of the door, yelling "Sorry!" behind her. Cheren just looked exasperated at my joke and quietly walked out with a sigh, and Touko just rolled her eyes before leaving. Knowing that I shouldn't take too long, I got dressed in my black undershirt and blue pants, not bothering to even grab my hat. When I stepped downstairs where they were waiting, I gave Touko a small, yet playful glare.

"What are you doing, waking people up this early?" I calmly said to Touko. "In fact, why did you let them into my room?" My little sister gave me a confused response in return. This surprised me, but knowing her, she assumed I knew something that I did not.

"It's your birthday, in case you forgot, Touya." Cheren spoke up in a collected voice. "It was not the best plan, but she wanted to surprise you." Now I was confused.

"Surprise me?" I asked. I completely forgot it was my birthday. I do remember that Mom had a smirk on her face the last few day, like she was hiding something, but I thought nothing of it. "Surprise me with what?"

Touko's face brightened considerably. "Mama's got a surprise for you. The party was supposed to be one too, Cheren," she playfully glared at the now flustered raven-haired young man "but there's still something else for you to look forward to!"

I didn't have to wait very long, for Mother came inside the house shortly after Touko said that. I almost chuckled at the uncanny timing.

Mother was a young looking woman. She and Touko looked so much alike, now that I think about it. They share the same hair and eyes. Mother looked more mature than Touko did, though, obviously. She wore her light green shirt with long sleeves, and a long red skirt.

Mom was actually surprised to see me. "Touya?" she asked nervously. "What are you doing awake so early?" She held two bags in her hands, but attempted to hide them behind her back. "You said you were going to sleep in, after all." She added with a smile, although she still seemed antsy.

"Well, I guess I forgot to shut the curtains." I shrugged. "Sunlight." I was about to ask about the bag, when a knock came to the door. With a cheery "I'll get it!", Touko answered the door, revealing a young woman with short, light brown hair shaped in an odd bun. She wore fairly casual attire (a green skirt and a white shirt), however, her white coat implied she was more important than just a normal person. She, in fact was. This woman was the Professor Aurea Juniper. All of us has met her at least once (she would sometimes teach younger children), so it's not too surprising. The real surprise, however was that she held a box in her hands. Blue with a green ribbon.

Well, if you've played the game, you'll know what's in the box. Now, as I've mentioned, this is my first fic, so I apologize if there are too many mistakes. Also as I've mentioned, I would love it if someone(s) would beta my writing, to see if it's any good.

Anyway, I hope you like this, and if you do, please review, it helps. ^_^

See you later
