God, I feel like a horrible horrible person guys. I AM SO SORRY FOR THIS DELAY! First, it was mom's surgery, then we found a house that we're going to buy and so I needed to start help packing, and then my brother wanted me to come visit him, which meant I could get in even LESS editing (on a side note, I'm now in love with the show DareDevil), and now there's more (frantic) packing, because we have to get everything done in a week. BUT, I finally got this done for you guys!
No clue when I'll be able to even start working on the neck chapter with everything going on, but.. I'll do my best! Anyways, here's the long awaited chapter!
I had gotten home in the earlier hours of the morning and headed straight to bed when I got there, ignoring the feeling of wrongness that hung in the air and slipped to bed. When I woke up late the next morning and headed out to the kitchen, I frowned.
It was empty, both the kitchen and the living room.
Normally, John would be up by now. But he was no where to be found. "John?" I called. No answer came, the eerie silence still hanging in the air. Darting out and up the stairs, I quickly reached John's small bedroom, chest clenching in fear when I saw he wasn't there.
He wouldn't leave me like that, would he? He never had before.. That was when my eyes caught the unusual scruff marks on the floor, almost like there had been a struggle, and the stark white note laying in the middle of the ground, not far from where the struggle had been.
Darting over, I picked it up and quickly read it.
I got bored.
I felt my chest clench again, but this time with something else. Anger burned through me, and I clenched the hand that held the note into a tight ball. I had just gotten John back, and now he was gone? I looked around. Besides the signs of a struggle there wasn't much. Except for...
I quickly moved over to one of the corner of the room and reached up, the small camera pulling easily away from its position on the wall. I glared at it.
"I will find him," I snarled at it, counting on the fact that someone, that he was watching. "And you will pay." before quickly throwing it to the ground and crushing it with the heel of my foot before turning and moving to the living room, immediately setting to work on searching it.
I found four more cameras, each meeting the same fate as the first as I quietly berated myself for not noticing them before. I should have noticed them. How could I not have-
The door suddenly opened and I spun around, only to find Mycroft standing there, Anthea not far behind him. He opened his mouth to say something, but I broke him off.
"Moriarty took John."
Myroft frowned, eyes narrowing just slightly. "I had a feeling something like this would happen," he said, walking in. "Anthea, initiate Protocol Seven One Zero Four." Anthea nodded shortly, typing away even quicker than normal at her Blackberry.
"I'll try to track him," Mycroft said, but I shook my head.
"No use. His phone was left here.
Mycroft looked up from his own phone and smiled at me. "Not his phone, brother dear. His chip."
I stared at him incredulously. "John let you chip him?"
"Of course he didn't. It's amazing what one can get away with when someone is dead."
I glared at him, anger flaring just below the surface again, and I opened my mouth to say something in reply, before closing it again, the anger giving way to resignation and determination.
As long as it helped get John back. I needed to get John back.
Not long later Mycroft was frowning. "There isn't any signal."
I looked at him sharply. "What do you mean there's no signal? How can there be no signal?"
He had a more blank than normal face, but when he looked up I could see faint traces of worry or fear, I wasn't sure which, in his expression.
"I do not know," he admitted, "there should be one. I don't know why..."
I let out a frustrated growl as I started pacing, trying to think of why his chip wouldn't work, and where the hell Moriarty would have taken him. And no longer could I deny that it was Moriarty.
"Is it linked to his vitals? His DNA?" I demanded, and at Mycroft's hesitation I looked up sharply, eyes narrowing as I waited for him to say whatever it was he clearly didn't want to.
"The signal should go off as long as his heart is working. Even then it should still work, as long as his bodies temperature doesn't get below a certain amount, which normally would take days to achieve." Mycroft explained, and with every word I could feel my dread grow like a fungus and spread through me.
"Protocol Seven One Zero Four initiated, sir, and waiting for more orders." Anthea spoke, breaking the heavy silence that had fallen over 221B. Mycroft leaned more heavily on his umbrella and nodded shortly.
"Good." was all he said in reply.
I eyed him. "And what, exactly, is Protocol Seven One Zero Four?" I demanded, looking sharply from my brother to Anthea.
Mycroft sighed. "It's what you would call a.. Special unit, set up when we were resurrecting John, should a occasion like this ever occur."
I stared at him for a few moments. "So it is essentially a retrieval until?"
"At it's more basic function, yes." Mycroft agreed, and I huffed in irritation before moving quickly over to where my scarf was hanging.
"What are you doing, Sherlock?" Mycroft demanded, standing up straighter and staring me down.
I met his gaze unflinchingly. "I am going to find my friend, alive." I hissed, both of us knowing what Mycroft really meant by retrieval unit.
I was stepping through the door when Mycroft's voice stopped me, the weariness in it catching me off guard for a few brief moments.
"Just don't do anything rash," he said, the please going unspoken but implied. I stood there for a few moments, before snorting and looking over my shoulder.
"Of course not. I'm never rash," I replied, before quickly moving down the stairs and out the door into the cool London air.
***John's POV
I woke up awhile later, my head pounding. Moriarty's minions hit me in the head with something when I wouldn't come easily, before drugging me.
I think it might have been their pistol. Or maybe a baseball bat? I can't remember everything perfectly, try as I might, and it unnerved me.
Looking around, I noticed I was in a small cement room. In the darkness I could barely make out a door, but it was there, a pitch black blob against dark gray, and looking up I thought I could make out a couple heavy duty lights, but I couldn't be sure.
Hardly a minute after, as if they knew I was awake, someone vaguely familiar walked in, which is when the lights got flipped on, temporarily blinding me and giving my vision black spots, my head pounding in response to it.
Definitely heavy duty lights, then.
"You disappointed the boss." said the man who came in, voice light. I could hear him starting to circle me as I tried focusing on opening my eyes, squinting down as I tried to get them used to the sudden brightness, and I focused on the feet walking around.
'concussion, maybe?' I thought to myself as I pushed the headache away to the back of my mind, so I could focus more. The 'boss' could no doubt only mean Moriarty.
I glared, "your boss can go fuck himself." I said with false cheerfulness as I hesitantly started looking up more, the black dots slowly leaving my vision.
He tutted, "now now, Doctor Watson. Calm down." I kept glaring, this time aiming it at him instead of the floor. He wasn't the one tied to a chair, at a pissed off Moriarty's mercy.
Suddenly his phone started ringing, the shrill noise seeming to echo all around and bring the mostly ignored headache back with a vengeance. I bit back a groan of pain, mentally thanking him when he quickly answered it.
"Yes, we have him. He's chained in the Safe Room now," he said shortly, and I couldn't help but snort. Safe Room? Oh yes, because this was the definition of safe.
He suddenly gave a Cheshire cat smile, and I stilled instantly, fighting the urge to shift nervously and try to break free of the bindings. "Of course," he said almost cheerfully, before holding out the phone and mouthing "he wants to talk to you." before holding it up to my ear.
"Hello there, Johnny boy!" Moriarty said in a sing-song voice.
I said nothing, merely glared at the goon who was still giving that ridiculous grin.
Moriarty tutted at my lack of reply, before speaking again. "You made a mistake, little fly. You bored me! You stopped dancing! And I don't like that very much."
I let out a weak chuckle. "Funny how you think I even started 'dancing' in the first place," I bit back.
"Oh, but you did. As soon as you started hunting me down! And what a wonderful distraction you provided, Johnny boy! It was so fun! But then, oh. Then you stopped. You ran off to be with little Sherlock, and I got bored."
I felt a small chill run down my spine at the deadly tone his voice had taken, and the realization of how much I had played into his plans.
"So why don't you let me go and we can keep playing, hm?"
Moriarty let out a light laugh that was more of a giggle than anything.
"I'm afraid that's not how this is going to go. See you soon!" he said in a sing song voice, and the goon, obviously hearing him, took the phone away.
Moriarty must have said something because a more cruel smile spread across the mans face. "of course," he practically purred, eyeing me, before slipping the phone into his pocket and pulling something else out of another.
"The boss said I could have a little... fun before I have to hand you over," he said pleasently, a dangerous glint in his eyes that made me want to fidget.
I only barely was able to catch the slight gleam off the needle point to warn me before the syringe was plunged into my neck. My last conscious, pain-filled thought was 'sherlock.'.
Okay, so I hope that wasn't too terrible. There's something about this that is bugging me, but at the same time I couldn't think f anything to change or add, so.. here it is! Like I said before, I have no idea when I'll be able to update this, but I'll try!
Thank you for being patient with me and putting up with me being horrible at updates.
Hope you had a good weekend/have a good week!
cunning bird~