Hello, my lovely readers.

I am sorry to tell you, but this is not a new chapter update. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who is reading this story, the number of views skyrocketed after my mag or update today. If it wasn't for you I would not still be writing this particular story. Over the last couple of weeks I had lost faith and interest in this story, but after seeing how many people have read it after chapter one and two were uploaded it realized it need to keep pushing myself to write this story and keep all my readers happy! :) Remember I love to hear what you have to say about this story and please review, but if you are going to review remember there is a different a between giving some criticism and just being a tad but rude. I love to hear what you would have to say, and I love to hear what I can do better. I just don't want to have to read someone's review and think 'hmmm if this is what this person thinks then maybe I should write this story.' You probably don't know this, but I am a very insecure person and I take everything someone tells me to heart. The last think I want to do is disappoint all of you reader out there who took the time to read this story out of the many stories on .

Ok, now that all the sad and depressing things are pit aside I just want to tell you to hold in there if it takes me forever to update, because as much as some people forget us writers have lives too and we can't always be update in for even writing our stories.

Sincerely with both my hearts,

Kat R. :)