The Emperor's New Clothes

Sherlock sidled into Mycroft's throne room with a derisive looking John trailing behind him, it was amazing how much a man in his mid-thirties could look like a six year old.

"I brought you some clothes brother," Sherlock said innocently, immediately putting Mycroft on guard "made from the finest threads known to man, said to be so rare that only those fit to be in their positions can see them."

John rolled his eyes as Sherlock tried for an approximation of an innocent smile while Mycroft glared on from his throne.

"Since when do you bring me anything?" Mycroft asked, playing along for the sake of seeing the permanent scowl, he always seemed to wear around him, disappear.

Sherlock toed the ground, almost looking innocent and abashed had it not been for the completely obvious act he were putting on… not to mention Doctor Watson's half amused, half annoyed look.

"I figured I had better start now" good God could Sherlock hear himself? He sounded like the captain of the cheerleading team.

Well… there was that brief stint of his in high school but Mycroft had vowed never to speak of it. Fat lot of good that did him.

"Shut up Sherlock, I won't fall for that twice" he snapped, remembering last time with determinedly not red cheeks.

John finally broke out of his derisive, wary parent-like stupor, his eye twitched "what?" he snorted "this has happened before?! How?"

Sherlock turned to John with glee, forgetting his plot and that his partner had not been present the last time.

Mycroft sighed; this was going to be a long day.

A/N: Sorry this took so long, uni and all that, also the formatting is probably all whacked up, does anyone know what happened to all the bold and italics buttons and whatnot because they seem to have disappeared for me... oh joy

I think I fixed it but who really knows with this site