Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin, but I do own a wand. So. . .

CHAPTER 1 - The Decision

Morgana is dying.

Her grave fall from the stairs left her with an irreparable broken skull. Every minute, they feel Morgana's life leaving her.

Merlin is crying.

He is at another crux in his life. The heavy weight of his decision, crushing his soul. The visions he saw at the Crystal Cave haunts him. Now, he must decide whether he should let his mortal enemy die, or save his once former friend. Looking at Morgana's life fading, he can't help but feel for her. She's always felt alone, felt like there was no one she could trust. Merlin always felt partly, if not wholly, responsible for what Morgana has become. The same questions always haunt him, "What if I just confided my magic with her? What if I let her know that me and her are not so different? What if instead of poisoning her secretly, I had just told her the truth? What if I was strong enough to just tell her that I miss her friendship, the real Morgana?"

Thoughts continue to flood his mind, "not like this. . . . I wanted to stop Morgana from killing Uther. . . but not like this. . ." Even though it is clear in Merlin's mind that Morgana truly has become the darkness to his light, the hatred to his love, his weakness for seeing the good in people's heart compels him to save her.

The Great Dragon reluctantly provided Merlin with the power to heal Morgana. With this power, Merlin can save Morgana.

Merlin sits next to the bed Morgana is laying on. Even in her weakest state, Merlin can still see the strong-willed girl that he came to admire before. The girl whose heart was pure, willing to put her life at risk for what she believes to be right. However, he knows that she acts on impulse, and never thinks of the consequences of her actions. This is her quality that Merlin dislikes the most, the quality that is causing him to fail to act. Even so, the vision of Arthur comforting Gwen earlier in the day broke him. Morgana's death would crush many people's hearts, the hearts of his closest friends. He has made his decision.

Merlin raises his hand over Morgana's head, and with the same Dragonlord voice that he uses to call The Great Dragon, he pronounces these words:

Ic þe þurhhæle þin licsare mid þam sundorcræftas þære ealdaþ æ!

Merlin's pupils sparkles bright gold. He studies Morgana's face, as he sees color coming back to her skin. Her breathing comes back to normal. He places his hand on her forehead to feel her temperature. Evidently, the coldness has left her body as Morgana's life returns to her.

Merlin feels his heart beat faster. He has never been this close to Morgana, let alone been able to touch her. Her skin is so soft, so pure. He realizes that his hand has lingered too long on her skin. He quickly retracts his hands as he leans back to fully sit in his chair. Merlin isn't sure if he made the right decision, he knows that once Morgana's strength returns to her, he will be back to protecting the kingdom hidden behind the shadows.

He let his thoughts play in his mind, he realizes that the spell took out more in him that he thought it would, and eventually, his eyes close as he drifts to sleep on his chair next to Morgana's sleeping figure.

OKAY, so I wasn't sure if I should've done the big reveal in the first chapter. But I guess it won't be here. Also, I was thinking if I should have redemption for Uther and have him accept publicly that Morgana is his daughter. What do you think?

Next chapter coming soon!