Author's Note: Just as promised I am staring a new story! It is not for everyone, so please don't read if you don't approve of the warnings. I love to write about controversial issues, so I understand not everyone is such a fan, but don't ruin it for those who enjoy it!

*Warning: controversial, underage relationship, dark themes

For over a century, Damon Salvatore had never felt anything; no emotion, no pain, no loss. He was a ruthless vampire with no restrictions and he had no reason to stop, until the day his heart coaxed him to change.

"Damon, my friend," Klaus grinned opening the front door to his grand house.

Damon returned a smile, taking a step into the man's home. His neck craned to look up at the massive chandelier that hung from the elaborate ceiling, seeing the expensive gems that sparkled in the light. Klaus held out of a glass of wine and Damon snatched it without question, taking a quick sip. He watched the commotion of the house; male vampires laughing, servants cleaning, and various victims being drained of their blood. It was like every party Niklaus held.

Klaus immediately led him into a nearby office, blocking out the ruckus of his other guests. He then motioned Damon to sit and he obeyed, taking another sip of his succulent wine.

"Is your business overwhelmingly full of rainbows and sunshine or have the other vampires seen how silly it is to pay for something they can have for free?" Damon spoke, glaring at his friend with his notorious smirk.

"You haven't changed a bit, have you?" Klaus chuckled.

"Nope," Damon said, popping the 'p'.

"I have a fine selection, Damon. I know you will be satisfied. I still owe you for helping my brother last month. Just think of it as a gift. You can dispose of her if you like," Klaus pressed, leaning himself against his desk.

"I would hope so. Can we speed this up?" Damon abruptly shot, holding his watch sarcastically.

"I guess. I know you have not an ounce of patience in you," Klaus spoke, walking toward the door, still smiling.

Damon set down his glass before rising from his seat to follow the British man. He was only doing this because it was a gift. Why would he pay obscene amounts of money for a girl he could just kidnap in her sleep? He would likely drain her later that night, anyway. He scoffed to himself as they made their way down to the basement. The long, narrow hallways continued for a few minutes before Damon could clearly see the cells. There must have been over seventy girls lining the hallway, their screams echoing. Many were tied up and gagged, while others lay sobbing. It was like a prison and for only a short moment, Damon felt disgust.

"Tyler can show you around. See what takes your fancy," Klaus smiled, motioning at the young man to help his new customer.

The men watched as Klaus left the dungeon, leaving them to their own devices. Damon just wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. What a waste of time, he thought. Tyler walked at a slow pace down the long corridor, so that Damon could view each girl. Many hid their faces and trembled at his harsh gaze.

He must have viewed all of them, as he finally approached the end of the hall. A sense of disappointment overcame the vampire.

"That's it?" The vampire snapped.

"Um, y-yeah. I can get Klaus if there's a problem," Tyler spoke nervously.

Damon's eyes searched that long hall one more time, his long strides showing his frustration. It felt like hours, but he suddenly noticed a steel door halfway down the hallway. His face lit up, his legs pulling him closer until his eyes peeked through the small window. He was shocked at what he saw.

The girl on the other side slept peacefully on the cement floor. Her long brown hair covered her shoulders and her lips were slightly parted. Damon could not help but notice that she looked so young; much younger than the other girls.

"Who is she?" Damon asked, his eyes still fixed on the beautiful girl.

"I don't think she's for sale. She's Klaus' toy. Elena is his favorite," Tyler answered, writing something on his clipboard.

"How old is she? She looks so young," Damon commented, feeling something inside him change.

Did Damon Salvatore actually care? How could he? He was just a heartless and cruel vampire who couldn't care less about anyone. Though he tried to not feel, he somehow could not stop the sudden empathy that washed over him.

"She's fourteen. She was an accident, actually. Klaus doesn't usually kidnap them that young, but there was a miscalculation of some sort. He decided to keep her. I mean look at her. She's a gem," Tyler laughed.

"Get me Klaus. I want to make a deal," Damon hissed, his eyes still watching the girl they called 'Elena'.

"Will do," Tyler confirmed, running the rest of the long hallway.

As he waited, Damon watched the girl. She slept so peacefully; far too peacefully for a cold dungeon. Suddenly she opened her eyes, her fingers rubbing her olive skin. Her eyes met his gaze and the vampire winced, maybe out of embarrassment.

"You want to make a deal," Someone barked behind him and his eyes instantly pulled from hers.

He turned around to see the blonde man standing there, arms crossed in defense. Tyler stood beside him, doodling on his clipboard nervously.

"I want this girl," Damon hummed, gesturing toward the door.

"She's my little toy. Are you sure there are no other girls that you would rather have?" Klaus tried to smile, but Damon could see the man's nervousness.

"After what I did for your brother, I think you owe it to me," Damon snapped, giving Klaus a nasty grin.

Klaus' smile soon faded and his defeat could be seen on his face. He let out a long sigh before finally speaking to his guest.

"Fine," He spat, his arms falling to his sides, "They are hard to come by, but I'll just find another toy to harass."

"Tyler, carry Elena out to Damon's car for him. He is a very important customer," Klaus breathed, forcing himself to smile.

Tyler was swift in unlocking the cell door, taking the frail girl by surprise. She let out a small cry, trembling violently in the man's arms.

"W-where am I going?" She whimpered.

"A very loyal customer wants you, Elena. You're going to be a good girl, right? He is not a patient vampire," Tyler cooed sarcastically.

As he walked past Damon with the girl against his chest, her eyes once again found his, and he swore he could see her soul…a courageous soul. She buried her face in Tyler's chest, too afraid of the vampire that pierced through her.

Damon shook Klaus' hand firmly before making his way to his car. The girl looked horrified in the passenger seat, Tyler shutting the door loudly.

"She's all set, sir," The kid smiled.

Damon rudely walked past Tyler, stepping into his expensive new car. As soon as the door shut, the girl let out a small sob, her body pressed against the door, as if she was expecting him to hurt her.

"I won't hurt you. I promise," He spoke softly, starting the engine.

She continued to cry quietly beside him, tucking herself into a small ball. He tried to keep his eyes concentrated on the road, but the girl mesmerized him. Somehow he knew she was special...somehow she would change him.

Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading! It means a lot! xoxo Ren