The Meeting

"JACE!" Jace heard for the sixth time followed by banging on the door. He sighed and opened his door just as his adoptive sister,Izzy, fell in,"Umph!" Izzy grunted as she collided with the floor. Jace tried to keep in his laughs but failed and burst out laughing. Izzy swiftly stood up and glared a her brother, " Mom wants us all downstairs, now," Izzy said and with a flick of her long pitch black hair she spun on her heel and walked down the hall of the institute.

Jace sighed and followed his sister down the hall and down to the library where his adoptive mother,Maryse, was waiting. "Izzy,Jace please sit," Maryse said when she noticed them walk into the library. As Izzy and Jace sat down Maryse started talking,"OK, so as you know its your fathers birth-wait where is Alec?" Mayse cut short when she realised that her third child wasn't in the room. In that exact moment Alec made his presence known by opening the Institutes library door and walking down the steps,"sorry I'm late," he grumbled and came to sit with the others, Alec was like Izzy as they were biological siblings, they were always grumpy.

"OK well as I was saying that you all know that it's your fathers birthday this weekend so we decided that we were going to invite one of our good friends, Jocelyn, to the party with,her familyt and to stay with us for a while," Mayrse continued but stopped as she saw blank looks on all of the teenagers faces. She sighed,"and I want you three to welcome their daughter,Clary. She is your age don't worry," Mayrse added as the three of them slumped in their chairs. Although as she said that Izzy shot up in her chair,"So wait, I am finally getting to have a girl around the institute thats my age?" Izzy asked trying not to smile. "Yes, you will finally have a girl your age, Izzy," Mayrse replied. Izzy squealed with excitment and raced to her room muttering to herself like,"what am I going to wear?"

Jace shook his head laughed and Alec looked after his sisters retreating form with a look of bewilderment,"She acts as if she is going to meet the love of her life!" Alex exclaimed which just made Jace laugh even more as he walked up to the training room to practice with the weapons as Alec followed behind utterly confused.

Jace and Alec were sat in the training room sweating with Alec apologising as Jace took his shirt off to draw a healing rune on his forearm,"Alec,please,shut up," Jace calmly said as he slipped a spare t-shirt back over his head. Alec and Jace left the training room and went for dinner, that they were dreading as Izzy was cooking.

It was finally saturday and it was their fathers or in Jace's case adoptive fathers,Robert, birthday party and guests were already arriving. Jace sighed and checked his apperance. His look was pretty casual just in a gray v-neck t-shirt and jeans with a leather jacket, the typical Shadowhunter wear. He took one last look then walked out of his room and downstairs. When he got downstairs he immediantly saw Izzy and Alec talking to a red headed girl wearing some baggy leather pants and a black crop top showing the runes on her arms and back.

This must be Jocelyn's Daughter Jace thought as he moved closer but it's not until he caught a glimpse of her face that he stopped in his tracks, she was beautiful he thought and before he knew it his legs were moving toward them. Izzy caught sight of Jace and started introducing them," Oh by the way this is my adoptive brother, Jace," Clary turned and stopped for a moment staring at him the all of a sudden she seemed to snap out it and put her hand out to shake his and introduced herself,"Hi, I'm Clary,Clary Fray,"

Ok so this is the first chapter I hope you enjoyed it!