Light Reads: Supper Smash Bros Mishonh from God
So…Yeah. I'm reading what is known to be the My Immortal of Smash Bros, and you all get to see my reaction. Because you people love reading torture. Help?
Oh, and a minor note, I'm turning off Autocorrect for this fic. Because I want you all to SEE WITH YOUR OWN EYES how horrible this fic is.
So, yeah, enjoy my torture.
(Okay…How do I turn off Autocorrect…?)
Hi my name is Sara (not Palin unfortanetly) and im a 13 yearold girl who loves America and God and the Constantution (Yeah. I guessed.) so i librul soshalist who likes barrack obama than LEAVE NAO (What?) and go back too getting wefare for noting and trying to turn every1 into gay athists also I lik video games like supper smash bras ('Supper Smash Bras'? So, what, it's a game of Hulk bras that are eating supper?) and otters even thou im a gril (my mom sad id turn a les if I play video game but I put pics of jaykob from twilit and juston beber in my room so idont) (Oh God. This woman has NO idea of how EVIL JB is. I would almost pity her if not for the fact she wrote this monstrosity.).
CHAP 1: MISSON FORM GOD (We haven't even started yet and my brain's ALREADY exploded.)
I was in my seance (Soo you were summoning the dead? Cool class.) class one dat when my librul (I think you mean 'Liberal', but it's hard to say.) teacher mr jonson was talkin about evilusion.(Evil Illusions) (Huh. Okay then.)
"an tat is why humins came form monkees and their is no god" he said. (Yep. Here we go.)
I razed (You WHAT? *One check of Percy Jackson later* Oh, you DESTROYED. Wait, what did you destroy?!) my han.d (I just KNOW we'll have fun reading this! *Sarcasm sarcasm sarcasm*)
"yes Sara" he said. (Is this a new guy talking or what?)
"if humin came from monkees why r their still monks" (Because there are people out there who become Buddhists! WHY IS THIS SO HARD TO COMPREHEND?!)
my teacher had no anser for that so he give me a ditention and an f on my test. (OH MY NOVA! THE NON-EXISTANT HORROR!)
"hahaha!" he sad "you Christens wil be defeet on day! athests alreedy rule dis cuntry becuz of obama car and son all Christens will goto deaf panel (…I didn't understand a WORD of that.)
just then the door toteh science room opened and God walked in. he was waring a rob and had a bread like he allways does. (YES BECAUSE THIS MAKES TOTAL SENSE. AND GOD APPARENTLY ALWAYS WEARS BREAD. OKAY.)
"mr jonson ur gong too HELL!" (Good, maybe he can escape this monstrosity of story before it achieves maximum stupidness.)
"no cuz u arnt reel" mr jonson said. (Um, he's standing right in front of you. I REALLY think he's real, buddy.)
"lol ur a moran" God said and he stroked mr jonson with lighting and mr jonson ded. (…God just called somebody a moron. THIS JUST HAPPENED.)
"yay!" said all the Christens in the class. (Well, good for them.)
"boo!" said the Heatrans (Oh my Nova OH my Nova OH MY NOVA there are pokémon in the class.) so God stroked all them to. (I'm just going to assume that my Shiny Female Heatran from Black 2 that took me FOREVER to catch since I only had Heal Balls was among them and go murder the author.)
"ok now I nead too talk too Sara God said. "so everbuddy else leave." (Everybody I know is a buddy!)
"ok" my classmates left the room. (Wasn't God standing in the way? PROOF ERROR, THIS FIC IS NO LONGER LOGICAL. Wait, it already wasn't when they mentioned the Heatrans. Or was it when they said the title? Either could work.)
"Sara Osborne ive bean watching u for sum time," (So now God's a stalker…Yep, perfect sense.) he sad, "this world isnt the only on I mad." (So, you were mad when you made our world? Well, I would be too, if I saw what we were doing.)
"for real" I ask. (Yes, for real. Haven't you heard of the Solar System, Sara?!)
"yea do u no about video games." (Please have made a Hyrule, please have made a Hyrule.)
"yea I play them with my bro and Lauren" (That's nice.) (my bro is my brother and Lauren is my BFF forever and shes a PCC (Pretty Consertative Christen) like me to) (Who cares! We don't!)
"well they are real (So wait, he made a Hyrule, Mushroom Kingdom, Mobius, Pokémon World ((Well, that explains the Heatrans.)), Dreamland AND Skyworld? EVEN BETTER!) because when u play the nother unevirse I made" (So whenever we die in a video game, we become murderers? Thanks for that mental image, God.)
"cool God" I hi fived God. (How could she reach his hand?)
"ok but theres treble. (Treble from the Mega Man series is there?! Oh my Nova, I want in!) Satan found out about this and now hes in Nentendo (WHO WOULD HAVE GUESSED?!) World. Only u (Ahem, MARY SUE ALERT MARY SUE ALERT MARY SUE ALERT) can stop him b4 he dose evil stuff their." (Their what? THEIR WHAT?!)
"right this is the hardest thing u ever done even harder than ur math test last month. God thing i'm God and I can give u cool powers and stuff."(Yeah, I'd be mad if it WASN'T harder than a math test. Also, MARY SUE ALERT MARY SUE ALERT MARY SUE ALERT.)
So God gave me some power and I fell to sleep. When I woke up I was outside of the Smosh Manshon! (SMOSH MANSION?! OH MY NOVA SHE GETS TO MEET IAN AND ANTHONY?! BOO! FOR SHAME! SHE GETS TO WHILE SHE ISN'T EVEN A FAN OF SMOSH!)
…And that's the end of Chapter One. Just for the record, I had to listen to 'Reach for the Stars' and repeat just to get through this horror. Nova…This is only the beginning. It only gets worse. You know, I don't even care if anyone reads this. I'm just posting it with my commentary. BECAUSE I WANT YOU TO SUFFER AS I HAVE SUFFERED. -Light