I'm at again! Except this time I've collaborated with MackSEpique! Just a little heads up, her A/N will be in italics.

Hallo, I'm the fellow collaborator of Nerd Girl 1's on this story. You may fancy calling me MackS (DA & account: MackSEpique). Hope you enjoy this collaborated story and our own other stories as well~

Hope you guys like this chapter!

Ch.1 - Piecing Together What's Already A Whole
GoRiLLaz is four people who produce music that feels like sex to the ears. They're an epic band who not only makes awesome music, but also has an interesting relationship with one another. They sometimes kick each other's asses and call each other some pretty vulgar things. But even with all that, they still love each other as family.
But a certain band member thinks two of her bandmates love each other in a different way.

Noodle is an intelligent and curious girl. She'd know when something's up within her boundary of awareness. And she noticed some promising things between 2D and Murdoc. They hide their smiles, contain their blushes, and stare at each other whilst trying not to let the other notice. A crush on each other maybe? She observes her bandmates in such a manner that's not just for knowing.
She ships them. She likes the idea of them together, despite their violent actions in the past. She doesn't know why herself, they just seem to fit each other. She's planning on talking to Russel about it, expecting him to call her crazy.
She goes to the living room, where she expects to find him.

"Hallo Russel, who's this?" Noodle asked, walking in on Russel talking to a woman with interesting make-up.
"Noods, this is Cherry, we're uh dating" He made a gesture to her.
"Hello there" Cherry extends her hand.
"Hallo, nice to meet you" She shakes her hand.
"Same here. Russel darling, she's adorable"
"Yeah" Russel smiled.
"Russel-san, you didn't say you had a girlfriend?"
"Oh, I was going to tell you guys later, but you came in suddenly"
"Its alright Noods. Actually, could you do me a favor and get D and Muds here?"
"Hai, wait for me"

She leaves the couple to look for her two other bandmates. After she searched ten rooms, she found them in the studio, looking through the glass window in the door. Trying not to get their attention, she peeps through the window, on tiptoes, and sees them talking. Suddenly, they both laughed and smiled at each other.
Noodle, enjoying the scene, was suddenly surprised to see Murdoc smiling, not maliciously but genuinely. She gasped and accidentally pushed the door open, catching their attention. She then enters slowly.

"Uh, hey luv" 2D greeted.
"Allo 2D-kun, Murdoc-san" Noodle said nervously.
"And wot were yew doin' ?" Murdoc raised his eyebrow under his bangs.
"Nothing, ah, Russel needs you" She abruptly said, hoping it'd go off topic.
"Wot does Russ wont?"
"He wants to show you something"
"Fine then, where's the tub of lard?"
"He's in the living room"

She followed them to the living room where the couple was sitting on the couch.

"Guys" Russel stood up.
"Hey Russ wo-Cherry?" 2D perked up.
"2D?" Cherry stood up as well.
"You know each other?" Russel asked, amused.
"Yeah, we met at a cafe where he came up to my table and complemented my fashion"
"Long time, no see Cher, wot're yew doin' here?"
"Hold the fuck up" Murdoc piped in.
"Who in Satan's name are yew?"
"I'm Cherry bud, I'm his girlfriend" Cherry pointed at Russel.
"Wot" Murdoc and 2D said in unison.
"Das awesome" 2D came to the two and hugged them.
"Heh, D, we're just dating, not having a baby or some shit" Russel and Cherry chuckled.
"Yew two just so fit each ova" 2D said, letting go. Noodle was thinking the same thing, but not just to Russel and Cherry.
"Oh ho ho ho ho, Russel caught himself a pretty, chubby bird" Murdoc smirked.
"Excuse me?" Cherry crossed her arms.
"Heh, nothin'" He grinned.

Noodle wasn't speaking, she just watched as the four talked. She thought of how cute the way Russel's arm is around Cherry. She wonders if the two Brits are like that if ever they get together, which she firmly believes will happen. Oh yeah, she forgot to tell Russel about that. She's gonna have to when Cherry is not with him.
After some time, they went their separate ways. Cherry and Russel went out, Noodle went to her room and 2D and Murdoc went elsewhere.

"Well, dat wos interestin'" 2D started as they walk down the halls of Kong.
"In-fucking-deed. Surprise to see lard-ass in a relationship already"
"Wot, first time ta see a sudden relationship, Muds?" 2D hinted.
"Haw, fuck no" Murdoc smirked as puts his arm around 2D
"Hmmm, wonder when it'll be our turn to tell 'em?"
"Patience, luv. We'll tell 'em and they'll lose their shit in due time or woteva"
"Okay, but I fink Noods is up ta us"
"Really now? Well, she's a smart lass"
"Dat she is" He leaned on his shoulder.
"She's da only single person here now" 2D stated.
"Yeah, but I won't let her date anyone"
"Whys dat? Isn't she in her teen years already?"
"I have not seen a bloke worthy of our Noodle" Murdoc proudly said.
"Neither 'ave I" 2D sighed.
"So luv, yew wanna burn some shitty child support letters whores gave me?"
2D perked up. "Fuck yeah"

As the secretive couple and the hetero couple did what they consider "dating", Noodle was thinking of how she'll get the two to come out of the closet and admit their supposed love for each other. She's devising some plan to make them spend time with each other with her being able to watch. She feels like a stalker doing this. Her plan begins tomorrow and she's squealing from the thought of all of it working out.

If only she knew.