
Disclaimer: B5 belongs to JMS and SciFi; Andromeda belong to Tribune Entertainment. I am only borrowing them and I promise to return them in more or less the same condition as I found them. I will make no money off this.

Author's note: This is the last chapter of this book, it will be done in a different fashion than the other chapters, it will have sections devoted to one or more of the main characters. Such as the first section, which is John and Dylan talking in his office, while another section will deal with Kosh, and so and so on. Well, I've said my peice, now on to the story.

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"Nothing's the same anymore." Commander Jeffery Sinclair, E.Y. 2258

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*John Sheridan and Dylan Hunt*

John and Dylan were talking in his office about Z'ha'dum, the Shadows, Earth, and everything else that was going on in the known space, known space to Babylon 5 to be more specific. Dylan was some what shocked about the Vorlons and the Shadows and how they use organic technology. Where he came from they had only begun experimenting with organic technology, before the fall of the Commonwealth anyway, and that two known races used organic technology in such a way as the Vorlons and the Shadows made Dylan very curious. What made him even more curious was John Sheridan's White Star and its organic armor. John was extremely interested in the Andromeda's slipstream engines, he was shocked to say the least when he learned that the Commonwealth spanned nearly six galaxies, and that they were appearently from 3,000 years in the future.

"Tell me John, what does the organic armor on the white star do any way, what makes it supperior to standard armor?" Dylan asked.

"Well, I will if you explain slipstream to me." John said.

"Deal." Dylan said.

"Oh, by the way, did you see the Vorlon attack on the Shadows? I never thought they the Vorlons would actually do any thing. They can be so damn criptic at times, I wish they would just come out and say what the mean." John said.

"Yeah, I saw it," Dylan said, "Ok, so slipstream works like this.......

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"Ok people, this is a slipstream drive, it allows faster than light travel that makes your hyperspace look like nothing. If you know how to navigate it, you can go in a matter of seconds what would take years to do in hyperspace. However, if you don't know how to navigate it, you could get lost and said journey would take years, and people thats not good." Harper told the seven senior engineers that had come over from the old Churchill crew, in fact they were the only senior engineers that had survived.

"What?" asked Lt. Com. Thomson, the former Cheif Engineer on the EAS Churchill.

"Time and space are not connected in Slipstream, your travel time is not connected the distance traveled. That is the main reason that the System's Commonwealth was able to span almost six galaxies. Your job will be to aid me in keeping Rommie's primary and vital systems online, to be specific, the fusion reactors, slipstream core, and the central AI core, these are prority 1 system and require high level security clearence, which you now have." Harper said with authority.

After Harper had finished explaining the new engineers duties, they were standing there in shock. Some of them managed to say things like, "six galaxies," "an AI, as in artifical intellegence," and other things.

"Hey guys, you still with me?" Harper asked.

Shaking himself out of his disbelief Lt. Com. Thomsan managed to say "Um, yeah."

"Well, the glorious Captain Hunt has given me the responciblity of giving you your assinments. So, ok, Lt. Venka and Childsen you're responible for the primary fusion reactor, take your teams there and Rommie will instruct you; Lt. Cecius and Hobson you go and get your teams and then report to the observation hall, your going to learn everything there is to know about slipstream; Cheif Bewil, Major Mianda, you get your teams and go to the central AI core; and for you Lt. Com. Thomson, your job will be to do excately what you did on the Churchill, command and control, and of course report to me, so you need to get trained in all three." Harper said.

"Oh, and one more thing, machine shop 2 is off limits to everyone. Period, end of discussion, don't ask, its classified, need to know, Now go and get trained." Harper added as they were leaving.

After they all left, Harper said to himself, "Hehe, I like having authority."

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*Beka and Londo Mollari*

Beka and Londo had been talking for hours and drinking heavily for close to the same amount of time. For close to an hour they had been matching shots of earth whiskey with any one that would take them up on the challange. By now they are both heavilly inbreated and nearly passing out where they sat. Where in the beginning they had been talking of some what serious subjects, such as the current state of the Empire, Earth, and the future of the Centauri Empire, now they had degenerated to the point of telling dirty limerics and stories.

"......suddenly, I looked up and this beautiful dancer is leaning down over the stage, and looking right into my eyes. And she said: 'Whatever it is, it can't be that bad.' And then she kissed me, right here." Londo said laughing.

"Londo," Beka said nearly falling over and laughing, "if you kiss me I will break your arm."

"Miss Valentine, I would never dream of it," Londo said laughing, "my look at the time, I am sorry but I must take my leave."

"I would look at the time but the clock won't stand still, it keeps spinning." Beka said with a laugh.

"Well Miss Valentine, its been fun, but I must take my leave, did I already say that?" Londo said with a laugh.

"Yeah, I think you did," Beka said laughing.

At that point Londo stood up and started to walk away, then Londo fell flat on his face, and Beka passed out on the bar.

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*Tyr and G'Kar*

Tyr was in one of Babylon 5's gyms exercing, he was practicing martial arts and beating the stuffing out of one of the punching bags.

"Aaaah, Mr. Anasazi, is it? I've been looking forward to speaking with you." G'Kar said to Tyr.

"Call me Tyr, what can I do for you Citizen G'Kar?" Tyr said in responce.

"Very well, and please call me G'Kar, have you heard what the Centauri did to my homeworld?" G'Kar.

"No, not really, all I know is that the Centauri bombed your homeworld." Tyr said while kicking the punching bag.

At that point G'Kar went into a very described and colorful description of how the Centauri bombed the Narn Homeworld. He included how the Centauri used mass drivers, which are banned by basicly every single sentient, space faring race. He also told Tyr about the first Centauri occupation.

"Well that is very interesting G'Kar, what is the point of this?" Tyr asked.

"My point is simple, can you ask your captain if he can help my people throw off the yoke of Centauri oppression, and bring my people back to the stars where we belong!" G'Kar said passionately.

"Well, G'Kar, I will take up your point with Captain Hunt, but I can't promise anything, now if you'll excuse me, I am going to run from one end of this station to the other." Tyr told G'Kar.

"Don't forget what we discused." G'Kar yelled as Tyr jogged out of the gym.

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*Trance and Kosh*

"Who are you?" Kosh asked Trance.

"I am me," Trance responded, "Who are you?"

Kosh tilted his head slightly after Trance asked her question, "I am Kosh."

"So Kosh, what are you doing here?" Trance asked.

"I am here to guide." Kosh replied.

"Thats not what I meant." Trance said.

"We are here to guide." Kosh said as he tilted his head.

"Ahhhh, I see." Trance asked.

"What are you?" Kosh asked.

Trance started, "Well, since you are not long for this plane of existence, I guess I can tell you.......

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*Mr. Morden*

"They did WHAT!?!?" Morden yelled, "Why would the Vorlons attack? There were rules, they don't attack us, we don't attack them! Why!"

At that point there was a series of clicks and other noises.

"Yes, we must strike back against the Vorlons.

More clicks and other noises.

:"Yes, Kosh, we will strike at Kosh, tonight Kosh will die." Morden raved.

A short time later, Mr. Morden got off the bullet car, not noticing that Trance was getting on as he was getting off. Then he walked to Kosh's quarters, with three shadows flanking him.

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*Sandra Hiroshi and Rommie*

Captain Hiroshi and Rommie were standing on the bridge of the Andromeda and they were discussing various topics from slipstream, to the New Systems Commonwealth and what Dylan was trying to accomplish, they were also talking about the current state of Earth and this new Shadow threat. That was when the Maru left the B5 docking bay and headed toward the Andromeda

"Dylan, what is going on, I thought you were staying on the station over night," Hiroshi asked into the comm.

"I am bringing Beka back to the ship, B5 security found her passed out in the bar, appearently she was drinking with Ambassador Mollari, who passed out as he was walking out of the bar." Dylan said over the comm.

Almost immediately as Dylan finished talking Rommie's head shot up and she said, "Captain Hiroshi, I am picking up an energy spike from one of the lower, unmaned decks, internal sensors have just locked on to it.... ITS A BOMB!!!''

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On the Maru, the the comm suddenly went on the frizt, all he heard "I...S A B...M....."

As that transmittion ended there was a sudden explosion on the Andromeda, knocking off several plates of hull armor, and causing the Andromeda to rotate on its Y axis. Dylan and Beka, who had recently regained awoken, staired at the explosion in shock. In B5 C&C Commander Susan Ivanova stood there stunned, having just witnessed a massive explosion on board the Andromeda.

Meanwhile, In Captain John Sheridan's quarters, Captain Sheridan suddenly awoke yelling one Word, "KOSH" and one parting thought in his mind, "and soon the truth can be revealed."

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The End of Book 1: A new Beginning.

Book 2 will address many of the questions raised in this book, and will it will also include more ship to ship action, and the Shadows will play a bigger part.

Book 2 will be entitled "Truth Book 2: Line against the night"