Three months had passed since you'd left Storybrooke and still you didn't know why you'd done it.
But you were settled now, here in New York. And oddly, it was nice to be anonymous. This was the fresh start you'd wanted. No-one knew you here and no-one cared.

You had a nice routine going, you'd rise at six thirty, shower, dress, go down to the coffee shop and buy a Caramel Latte and a muffin, ride the bus to your job as a Nursery School Teacher, get covered in paint and other substances, ride the bus home, cook dinner, watch TV and sleep.
You liked the fact that although nothing seemed to change, everything changed.
There were never the same faces on the bus, there was always new things to do with the children, there were different people in the coffee shop, you'd pass different people on the street.
It was heaven.

Until it happened.

You had no idea it was coming, but it was.
You were heading back from work, glitter in your hair and paint on your face. You probably looked more than a little insane, but you didn't really care all that much. You had a cookie in one hand, something one of your kids had baked at home for you, and a smoothie in the other, had to stay healthy.
You noticed her just a second too late, just as she was about to hit you. You just managed to avoid spilling your drink on her or yourself, but still the impact hurt.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry, are you alright?" You asked instantly as she looked up at you. And she froze, her eyes wide, her jaw hitting the floor. You can't help but raise an eyebrow.
"Are you alright?" You repeat, eyeing her suspiciously. When she doesn't answer again and just keeps staring at you, you slowly sidestep your way around her and hurriedly begin walking again.

"Wait!" Her voice calls after you. 'No thanks' you think and speed your steps up slightly, almost hitting a jog. You can hear her following you and your heart begins to thud in panic.
"Regina! Wait!" She calls and then you freeze. How did she know your name?
She nearly slams into you again, but dodges to the side quickly and comes to a halt face to face with you.
"Regina?" She repeats, staring at you in awe once again. You suck your lip into your mouth and worry it between your teeth before answering.

"Do I know you?" Her face furrows into a frown and she tucks a lock of blonde hair behind her ear.

"It's me... Emma?" She says, frowning deeper when you give no response.
"What's wrong with you?" She asks after a moment, her hand twitching before she stills it.

"I'm sorry, I think you've got the wrong person..." You say politely, trying to dodge past her again, but she's quicker than you and she blocks your path.

"No I haven't." She says simply, still examining you before, almost as she wasn't controlling it, the woman's arm rose and plucked a little glitter out of your hair. You flinch back straight away, but she doesn't apologise, seemingly fixated with the glitter now.
"What are you doing here?" She asks quietly, sounding... broken almost. It sets something off in the back of your head. You're not sure what entirely, but you know you can't just let this go. 'Goddamnit!' you curse internally before sighing and speaking up again.

"Listen, would you like to come upstairs for coffee? Get this... whatever it is... straightened out?" Her head snaps up and she meets your eye again before nodding slowly.

"Thanks..." She mumbles, rubbing her fingers together to get rid of the glitter. You nod and once again start walking, but she doesn't block you off this time. Instead she walks about half a step behind you, and you can tell she's staring at you.

This was going to be an interesting chat.