Sam yelled, "Dean, are you ok?"
"Great Sammy…better than I've felt in a long time, just give me a little while alone ok?"
Castiel nervously paced, "I shouldn't leave either of you."
Sam stopped him and held the angel still, "Hey relax Dean is fine."
Dean looked at the Bambino's signature and thought he would have approved of the use Dean made of his bat. Dean saw the collection of magic items and started boxing them up figuring Henry wouldn't need them.
He was going to leave but then spotted a case with jewel encrusted, gold head pieces that looked like crowns. Dean read the plaque then took the bat and smashed the case grabbing three; he put the biggest and most ornate on his head.
The door finally opened and Dean stepped out with the bat over his shoulder and a crown on his head, he plunked a jewel encrusted tiara on Sam's head and then the angels. "There's a bunch of magic stuff I boxed up to take with us."
Sam looked at Castiels tiara and frowned, "Hey these are for women!"
Dean cracked his brother on the ass and smirked at him, "Suck it up princess your both my bitches now."
Castiel adjusted his and rolled his blue eyes up to catch a glimpse, "I am perfectly fine with that."
Dean made Sam carry the box, Sam grumbled as he hauled it into the apartment, "Stupid jerk Dean…treat me like bitch…you just wait and…"
"What was that Sam?"
Sam smiled sweetly, "Nothing."
Castiel gathered the ashes and left them to float in the cosmos forever. He found his brother's remains and the angel sat for awhile with Gabriel describing the end of Dick Roman. He thanked Gabriel for his service, told his brother he forgave and loved him still then vanished back to his Sam and Dean Winchester.
Henry laid there staring out the window of the penthouse watching the sunrise, a strong arm draped over his torso and a hand began to lovingly trace the scars on his belly.
Travis didn't know much about his lovers old life but he knew each mark was a battle wound, "Hey you're an early bird…can't sleep?"
Henry rolled into him and sighed, "Sorry I have to go do something today, I'll be back."
"I'll go with you."
"No I have to do this alone."
Henry went back to the mansion and down to the collections room; he walked inside and saw the bullet holes, the stuffing from the chair and scraps of leather. There was residue from a pile of ashes. Henry sat down and pulled out the letter. He decided to read it now that Richard was finally gone.
Darling Henry,
If you're reading this I either found my way back to purgatory or I'm dead.
You were the best that sad lot of humanity had to offer. I feel I made the perfect choice when we married and you will be a fine successor.
I wasn't capable of love but if I had been able, it would have been you Henry…always you.
Henry sat there staring at the short letter, there was a knock and he looked up. Travis was standing there, "I'm sorry…I was so worried I followed you." He pointed to the letter, "Was that from the other guy?"
"Yes, he's dead now, Richard is gone."
Travis scuffed his boot on the floor and leaned on the door frame, "He did all that to you right, the scars, burns and other things."
Travis looked at his broken mate, "Well I glad he's dead."
Henry balled up the letter and tossed it on a pile of broken glass, he got up and brushed himself off, "So am I. Travis now what do I do?"
Travis held out his arm and Henry took it, "Can you run and empire from a log cabin? I got a big fancy one stuck in the middle of a forest, it's peaceful there."
Henry looked around and gave Travis a kiss, "Yes I could. Do you get snow there; do you have a tree at Christmas? I've never had one and I think it would nice with the lights and decorations."
"Anything you want Henry."
The Impala pulled out of the storage unit packed with hunting gear, a scant bit of clothing, an angel, two teenagers, Babe Ruth's bat, a crown, two tiaras and a very big suitcase filled with cash.
Castiel leaned over the seat and asked, "Where are we going?" Dean had the engine running and a map over his lap, he leaned back and kissed his angel full on the mouth and then Sam did the same. Castiel blushed from the kisses and touched his burning cheeks.
Dean stabbed a finger on the map, "There…right there South Dakota!"
Sam looked at the map and frowned, "What's in South Dakota Dean?"
"Singers Salvage Yard, I finally got in contact with one of dads old buddies. Give him a call Sam I got in programmed in the phone, tell Bobby we are just heading out."
Sam dialed and put it on speaker phone, a gruff voice answered, "Talk to me."
The voice put Sam off for a moment, "Um…this is Sam, John's kid, Dean told me to call and let you know we're heading out."
"Fine, you boys can stay in John's old room upstairs but no teenage shenanigans."
Sam laughed, "What the hell is a shenanigan?"
"Are you sassing me boy? You're not even here and I can tell your going to be the troublemaker!"
"No that would Dean."
Dean scowled, "Shut up Sam you bitch, you're the pain in ass."
Sam socked him in the shoulder, "Bobby, Dean is a big jerk!"
Dean socked Sam in the shoulder and got full bitch face for his troubles, "Hey we got an angel in the back seat and he's part of the package…that ok?"
"As long as he ain't a demon he can stay, your all gonna have to bunk together, I'm not running a motel."
Sam smiled at Dean and then Castiel, "That won't be a problem."
"Alright then, you three stooges be careful out there, the world is a damn dangerous place. Bye."
The brothers replied in unison, "Bye Bobby."
They drove for awhile and stopped for gas and a bite to eat, afterward Sam drove and Dean got in the backseat with his naked angel.
His brother's bare leg was flung over the front seat and Sam heard a gasp as Castiel entered Dean and began to slowly fuck him.
Sam couldn't help but glance in the mirror to watch and Dean caught him.
"Hey eyes on the road Sammy, I don't need to get pulled over with a kid driving the car. I promise you'll get a turn with Cas."
Sam looked back to the road and shifted in his seat uncomfortably as the erection strained against the denim, "Fine but hurry up."
Sam pulled over to switch places with his brother. Dean glanced in the mirror and watched his Sammy and his angel kissing, Dean wasn't jealous in the slightest and it made him feel happy knowing Sam would always be safe and loved by them both.
Dean popped in a random tape and it was one of Mary's mixed in with Johns, he heard Ella Fitzgerald's powerful voice sing "Blue Skies" and Dean thought even though it wasn't his dads beloved classic rock it fit the new day and the fresh start at life.
Blue skies smilin' at me
Nothin' but blue skies do I see
Bluebirds singin' a song
Nothin' but bluebirds all day long
Never saw the sun shinin' so bright
Never saw things goin' so right
Noticing the days hurrying by
When you're in love, my how they fly
Blue days, all of them gone
Nothin' but blue skies from now on
Blue skies smilin' at me
Nothin' but blue skies do I see…
The End
(Thanks so much for reading "White Room" and wading through the twisted life of Dick Roman with me. RIP Dick, you were a great SPN character!)
I just posted a new story, "Blood Rubies", an all SPN character driven twisted dark fairytale filled with hurt/comfort, kinks, true love, angst, murder and betrayal, princes, wizards, virginity lost, sex, heroes, handsome boys in heat and all the weirdness you can handle.
Coming up this winter,
The second part of "Paint It Black". part one is pure wincest, part 2 will be put up separately with a fresh title and will have a full SPN character roster and its going to be a nice long dark journey. If you didn't read PIB you can catch up by reading it all or just the very last chapter titled, "John, Lucifer & Castiel." That will give you enough info to know what's happening when the new story goes up.
Whatever else is trying to claw its way out of my brain.