So this is my first Riddick story. It contains some spoilers for the third movie but nothing major. I don't own Riddick because that would be too dangerous but I do, however, own the plot, Layla and her planet.

Also, another thing, about Riddick's sight. Although I believed that he can't see colors (courtesy of the eyeshine) the third movie he could when he had his googles on, so I'll stick to that.

Layla's POV

I woke from cryosleep when we descended. Well, to tell you the truth I basically fell out of cryochamber. Courtesy of, oh so skilled, pilot. I got up from the floor and stretched. One look at the watch on my wrist was enough to figure out that we were not on Quintessa, in fact we were supposed to be halfway there.

I looked at the cryochamber next to me and opened it to wake Virgil, my servant or caretaker if you like. While he was coming to his senses I went to look for the captain. He had some explaining to do. I found the ship's door open and him outside.

It seemed as we have landed on a yet another uninhibited planet. We were in some kind of desert surrounded by the hills not very far away. Nothing like Quintessa.

"What is the meaning of this?" I asked him.

"'scuse me?" the captain asked right back and scanned me. I hate when people do that. I scanned him back. Middle aged, around forty five, little bit on the shorter side, pudgy, black haired with mustaches. There was more oil in his hair than junk food fryer. He had a flogger around his belt which I would have used on him, given the chance. He definitely looked like a mercenary. Next time I will hire the crew, not Virgil. In fact, next time I shall travel by myself.

"Why did we stop? This is not Quintessa."

"Riddick." The name did not ring a bell. Maybe the last Necromonger imperator but he was dead and therefore it could not be the same person.

"I fail to see how this Riddick is relevant to our journey."

"His bounty is two million credits." That was a lot of money, considering...

"So? You have already been overpaid to get me to Quintessa on time. You have no reason to hunt Riddick now."

"More money is always the good reason. Don' worry little lady, you'll get to Quintessa after we catch Riddick and leave him on Sol Lucia." He dismissed me. To say that I was not used to that would have been an understatement.

"We had a contract, I suggest you to respect it." I had to get there on time.

"And I suggest you to shut the fuck up unless you want us to leave you on this planet."

When he finished I turned around and left. There will be consequences. Maybe not a death penalty but public flogging would do. Then again, I could have predicted his answer. In fact I knew what was going to say before he even said it. In a way, he was right. At this moment there was no fucking chance to get of this planet unless I made it myself. I was beyond angry, I usually do not swear.

Five other mercenaries and Virgil left the ship. I had to get to him before he said something stupid like your highness or princess. I did not want them to know who I am.

Riddick's POV

I knew that it had to be a catch when Big Daddy Johns let me have Santana's ship. The ship was piece of trash and on top of it, a stolen piece of trash. Oh yes, son of a bitch stole it and pissed of serious people while he was at it. And some of them knew that I had the Boxboy's ship.

That's how I found myself here, on a deserted planet. They damaged the left wing of my ship and I was forced to crash land somewhere in the hills. So this, this ain't nothin' new. I'll kill the bastards and be on my way.

I locked the ship, took out some stuff I was going to need and ran towards the ship. Time to meet the crew.

The first thing I've noticed was a little girl. No, a woman it fact. Female was very young, little over twenty, tiny but with great assets. She had curly dark brown hair that went little past elbows, tanned skin but I thought that she was normally pale. She wore peculiar clothing. Wide pants which ended little bellow he knees and yellow top which ended above her belly button. She also had some kind of tattoos on her hands and gold nose to ear piercing and one shining of jewel in her bellybutton. But what got my attention the most was the fact that she argued with the merc and then stormed off towards the ship. Interesting, very interesting.

Halfway there she met an older man. He didn't look like a merc. She started yelling. I didn't even have to come close to listen in. She was loud enough.

"You had one job. To find me a ship to Quintessa. And what kind of ship have you found? A mercenary ship!" I could almost taste her anger.

"I..." he started quietly.

"You will keep quiet until I find a way to get us out of this mess. Tell them nothing. Understood?" So she was the boss? I would never let a piece of ass boss me around like that, no matter how pretty. In fact I would have spanked her.

"Yes, your..." he stopped when she put a finger over her mouth.

"Better." And then she entered the ship.

I smirked. This could prove to be very interesting indeed.