As soon as they got to the Holiday Hotel, Steven Hyde and a foreign exchange student known as Fez got out of the car and walked over to the front desk where they found out which room a certain Jackie Burkhart was staying in.

And while they were walking towards that room, Fez placed his hand on Hyde's shoulder and said, "I had just thought of something. Maybe it is not really Eric that Jackie is fooling around with. Maybe it is some other guy."

"Thanks for trying to talk me out of it, Fez! But if it is okay with you, I need to see for myself!", said an upset Hyde before he knocked on the door of that one hotel room and heard the voice of a girl say, "Hold on! Be right there!"

But when the door was opened, Jackie stood in front of both Hyde and Fez in only a pink tee and red shoes and asked, "May I ask what are you doing here, Steven?", which made Fez open his big mouth and say, "He came to see you fooling around Eric behind his back."

But just as she was about to react to those charges, the sound of someone saying, "Ouch!", was heard coming from the closet which caused an enraged Hyde to walk over to that closet and yell, "OKAY, FORMAN! COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!"

And when Eric opened the closet door and said, "Hi.", Hyde was about to slam his fist right into the face of the one that he once called his best friend only to be stopped by Jackie who grabbed Hyde by the arm and said, "Please, Steven! Take it out on me! It was not his fault! It was only a moment of weakness! Nothing else!"