The Winchesters popped the Casa Erotica DVD into Sam's computer with an air of trepidation. God only knew what the archangel had put onto the inconspicuous, little disk. The movie started out as most porn does, crappy music, scantily clad blonde, terrible dialogue.

The only thing off was the sudden appearance of their favorite archangel, complete with terrible accent and ridiculous fake moustache. The brothers watched him cross the room with an air of horrified fascination.

"What. The. Hell?!" Sam was pretty sure he had never heard Dean sound so horrified over porn before. That fact alone almost made seeing Gabriel, archangel of judgment, messenger of God worth seeing in a cheap porn. Almost.

As if he could feel their stares porn Gabriel suddenly turned and faced the screen, "If you're watching this," he dropped the accent, and pulled off the ridiculously, fake moustache with a suggestive waggle of his brows, "that means I'm dead."

"Well crap…." Dean shot Sam a worried glance. They may not have liked the guy, ok; they really didn't like the guy. When push came to shove though, the ass had pulled through for them and fought his own brother for their sake. He'd also been the most powerful sort of-ally they had, and face it; everyone was going to take you pretty damn seriously with an archangel at your side. The Winchesters hadn't wanted Gabriel dead, just in a lot of pain, and now he was gone, leaving them nearly ally-less in this never ending fight against the apocalypse.

"Stop crying," their eyes shot back to the screen, "you're embarrassing all of us." Porn Gabriel smirked at them through the computer screen, "We have a few matters to discuss boys, so buckle down and listen well." He proceeded to tell them, in detail, about the horsemen's' rings, and their ability to trap Lucifer back in his cage.

Porn Gabriel held up a finger mockingly, "There's onnnne little catch though. You need a woman."

Dean snorted, "Don't we all?"

Gabriel's amber eyes softened, his normally sarcastic voice took on a tender tone, "She's a special woman boys. I know we've had our…differences," Dean laughed mirthlessly cutting out part of the audio, "need to watch her. She's," amber eyes took on a faraway look, like Gabriel saw something that they couldn't, "incredibly important to me. Me dying," he let out a weary sigh that seemed to come from his very soul…or whatever it was that angels had in place of souls, "it's going to put her in a bad place."

Sam nodded pensively, sympathy shooting through him against his will. Gabriel had obviously known he was going to die if he stood up to Lucifer, he knew he'd have to leave this mystery woman behind to fend for herself if he did, and he'd done it anyway. He'd gone up against his brother and paid the price. Sam couldn't help but wonder if it was really worth it, couldn't help but wonder what is must have felt like for Gabriel to walk to his death, knowing in the back of his mind that he'd be bringing pain to this woman he seemed to love.

"Besides," Gabriel's tone lost its tender edge, "if you want Luci back in his cage, you're going to need her. She is the only one who can put him back. Why you may ask. Well the answer is simple. The correct," he smirked smugly, "version of revelation foretells that the witness will be privy to the final battle between Michael and Lucifer. She, my mutton headed friends, is the witness. As she witnesses this little 'Sunday dinner' of ours she can push Lucifer back into the pit and lock him there."

"Well that's handy," Dean looked over at Sam who was listening thoughtfully, no doubt the Boy Scout was thinking of all the nice ways they could convince this woman to join their heroic little cause.

"She can only open the cage, at the right moment. No sooner, no later. She is paramount to your success, if she gets hurt and can't open the cage you idiots have 0% chance of locking Lucifer back up. You mutton heads better take damn good care of her," Amber eyes took on a wrathful glow, and the brothers were instantly reminded of the fact that Gabriel was the archangel of judgment, and even though they knew he was dead, they'd better not fuck this up because some way, some how he'd come back and rip them a new one.

Amber eyes dimmed with sadness just as suddenly as they had illuminated with wrath, "Because I can't do it anymore."

A picture popped up on the screen, and the Winchesters were surprised at the appearance of the woman in the photo. She was short, with a full bust and tapered waist that led to ample hips and athletic legs. She obviously carried a few extra pounds on her frame, but instead of giving her an unhealthy overweight look, it gave her an air of comfort; like you could hold her for hours without wanting to let go. Pale hands pushed shoulder length auburn curls out of laughing brown eyes.

Her picture disappeared, and porn Gabriel gave them a knowing and possessive look, "Her name is Marguerite Von Heßton. She lives in Indianapolis, and I'm sure even a couple of idiots like you know where that is. 4689 Cardinal Avenue. She's a Chinese and English teacher at Pike high school."

"A teacher," Dean gave the screen an incredulous look, "this guy hooked up with a friggin teacher?"

"Oh please," Sam shot Dean a knowing look, "you'd get with her too. In fact you'd get with anything that has two legs and boobs Dean."

"She gets home around five at night," Gabriel gave them a look like he was giving an order not a suggestion, "so there's time to patrol the neighborhood and make sure everything is safe."

They watched silently, almost respectfully, as Gabriel took a moment to compose himself, face turned away from the screen momentarily.

"I need you to go back to the hotel, and find my blade. And for the love of Dad do not touch it with your bare hands. Take my jacket and wrap it around the damn thing first. Give it to Rita. She'll know what to do with it.

The pervy smirk resurfaced, but it seemed hollow and forced, "So boys, this is me standing up," He pointed to the blonde lying on the bed, "and this is me lying down." The archangel fell to the bed and proceeded to do various dirty things to the overtly theatrical blond beneath him.

Sam shut the laptop with a dull click, "Ok no."

"Couldn't agree more Sammy," Dean let loose a devious smirk, "though I will admit the guy obviously has finesse."

"Dean just," Sam got into the car with a disgusted look, "don't even go there."

He climbed in right after grinning like an idiot, "Couldn't help myself Sammy, look on your face totally worth the soap I'm gonna have to drink for saying that." Dean turned on the car and glanced at the address, "Least we're in the right state."

"Dean, what if she doesn't know about any of this?" Sam held up his hands at Deans exasperated look, but trudged on anyway, "Hear me out before you bite my head off. What if Gabriel never told her about…any of this? We can't just show up to her house and drag her with us kicking and screaming. I'm pretty sure that's not what Gabriel had in mind when he told us to take care of her."

"We might have zero choice here Sammy. This Marguerite is apparently pretty damn important and full of angel mojo," Dean drove down the highway and sighed, "I don't like the idea anymore than you do Sam. Look if it comes down to it we can show her the DVD and hope like hell hearing it from Gabriel himself will sway her."

"It's worth a shot. I hope it works."

"Me too Sammy, me too."