AN: This is my first fan fiction so please don't be too cruel. I'm not really sure where this story will go so if anyone has any bright ideas, please tell me. I apologise in adavnce for any typos and spelling errors I may make. Also grammatical errors.

If you hadn't already guessed, this is a crossover between Bleach and Fairy Tail that has been bugging me for quite a while. It takes place...

Bleach: Sometime after Ichigo defeated Aizen and lost his shinigami powers.

Fairy Tail: Just after Wendy joined the guild.

Hmmmm. What else. Oh yeah! The disclaimer!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Bleach or Fairy Tail.

Last thing, for the purpose of this story Ichigos inner hollow will be called Shiro. Shiros speech will be easy to tell apart. Just look for the speech that has these ~. eg. ~King, do you have any cake?~ There. I would do bold or italics but I don't have those amazing things on my phone. If Zangetsu/Tensa Zangetsu speaks it will have -. Don't think I need to give another example.

Okay, I've blathered on enough now. Time to start the story.


Ichigo ran through the crowd, dodging and ducking to avoid contact with anyone. He didn't have to look behind him to know his purser was still there.

Suddenly all the people disappeared and - wall! Ichigo nearly ran head first into the wall but at the last minute he was able to skid to a halt and somehow turn around.

Ichigo looked down and discovered that he was on ice skates. What?

He looked up and saw his purser stalking towards him with an evil smile on his face. His purser had no ice skates. Completely albino with golden iris surrounded by black.

~Things are just about to get interesting king.~ Shiro said, his grin growing wider.

"Shiro? What the hell? Why are you here?" Ichigo looked around confusedly. "I thought I lost my shinigami powers. How are you still around? I don't have any spiritual pressure."

Shiro smiled yet again.

~I told you, didn't I? Things are just about to get interesting...~

"Ichigo! Time for school!" Ichigo sat up in his bed suddenly.

Isshin Kurosaki flew (not actually, of course) through the open window and recived an elbow to the face for his trouble. Isshin fell, groaning on the floor.

Ichigo muttered to himself about the weird dream he had just had as he pulled a shirt on. School today, just like any other Wednesday.

"Ah, my dear son. You still have some of your skills." Said Isshin as he scrambled up off the floor.

"And what the hell is that meant to mean?" Ichigo asked while kicking his father out the window. Isshin managed to grab the edge of the window sill with one hand. He hung on like his life depended on it. Which it could, depending how he landed when he fell from two stories.

Ichigo growled and pushed Isshin off the window sill. Isshin landed on the ground, slighlty crumpled but otherwise he seemed to be okay.

Yuzu ran outside and looked up at Ichigos window. Karin followed.

"Every single day." Karin shook her head. "Will he ever learn?" She brushed off an annoying ghost clinging to her shoulder and marched back inside.

Ichigo entered school with a slight headache, bothered by his dream.

"Ichigo!" Keigo yelled, leaping at him. Automatic headlock.

Orihime walked up to Ichigo with Tatsuki following close behind.

"Hi Ichigo," said Orihime "How are you?"

"Okay." Ichigo said, releasing Keigo from his headlock.

"What the hell was that for Ichigo?" He complained.

"Where's Chad and Uryu?" Ichigo asked curiously. Orihime didn't reply and looked off to the left, whistling.

Hollow, Ichigo thought, definitly a hollow. Orihime always does this when there's a hollow nowdays. She must not want to hurt my feelings or something.

He suddenly felt light headed and staggered. He placed a hand on the wall to stop himself from falling.

"Ichigo? Are you okay?" Tatsuki asked, frowning.

"I'm fine." Ichigo said, brushing off Orihimes attempt to help him stand back up. "Don't worry about me."

A sudden white light envolped Ichigo and he disappeared with a puff of smoke.

"Nice magic trick!" Someone yelled out.

"Ichigo?" Said Keigo worriedly. "Where did you go? You know I don't like magic tricks. This isn't funny. No, not funny at all. Infact, you should stop this right now and appear before me and tell me that you have finally decided to hang out with me, your loving best friend."

Tatsuki punched him. "Shut up." She growled.

Orihime looked around worriedly. She had no idea where in the world Ichigo had disappeared off to.

"What the?" A crowd of students gathered around, murmuring amoung themselves about who knows what (probably the light and disappearance of a fellow student). No one noticed the white butterfly flying out the open window.

Gotta tell Urahara, thought Orihime, maybe it's another side effect of the final Getsuga Tenshou that we hadn't been prepared for. Wonder what lie we will have to feed his family if he doesn't show up again. Who knows how long he could be gone for.

AN: Okay, and that's the end of chapter one. Hope it's okay and a nice length. Sorry if it was a little slow. The next chapter gets right into the crossover. Yes, I've already started the second chapter. It's fun to write because this story has been bugging me for a while now. As I mentioned before, I'm on my phone and length may seem a little different to me than to someone on a computer.(just put it on computer. Yes, it's a lot smaller than I thought. Phones are so misleading.) I enjoyed writing it, so I hope you enjoy reading it. R&R My sister wanted me to put her in singing os. Maybe not. Oh, now I'm a sad o. Sado. Lucky me.

Until next time.


EDIT: Bolded the AN and deleted the AN's in the middle of the story. Apart from that, this chapter was pretty good by itself, don't ya think?