minna san. gommenne. Sorry guys it took me so long to update. i kinda lost my motivation.. so yah. I try to update. but not so much please understand.

Anyways, here's the long lost update, hope you enjoy it.

Disclaimer: One piece isn't mine and it just for fun :)

"Luffy, Ace, Law... Luffy, Ace, Law,... Law, Ace Luffy, Luffy, Law, Ace, Law, Ace, Luffy, Luffy, Luffy, Ace, Law, Law... LUFFY, ACE, LAW!" Shouted Dadan as she's angry that there's another child in there, who last night was not there.

"ugh. Shut up" said the grumoy Law, annoyed that his sleep have been iinterrupted. Luffy opened her eyes but she closed it again to get more sleep and Ace just shifted in his place. Sabo sat up and looked at her.

"Who the hell are you?"asked Dadan

" Hi,my name is sabo and from now I am going to live here." and he farted.

"Sabo? I've heard you're quite a shitty little pipsquick" Dadan said, annoyed and disgusted that sabo farted.

Sabo farted again "Oh really... well I've heard that you're quite a shitty old bag" and Sabo grinnes

"DON'T BOTHER COLLECTING INFORMATION YOU DON'T NEED, DAMN BRAT" and Sabo just laughed. Law as well as Luffy, sat up quite annoyed at the shouting.

"Well since you're awake... You should all do the chores now. Don't bother running I won't let you go" Luffy just grinned and shook Ace. Dadan thought that they'll do their chores, however she's dead wrong.

"Ace wake up.I'm hungry. We should hunt." Luffy whispered in Ace ears. Ace sat up and saw that Dadan is watching them, He put things together and he grinned. They all stood up and counted to three and dashed through the forest, laughing together as they heard Dadan shouting in the distance.

"YOU DAMN BRATS! GET BACK HERE AND DO YOUR CHORES! " Dadan shouted even though she knew it was futile.

Law, Ace, Sabo and Luffy are always seen together. One can't be without the other. The four of them hunt together, steal together and eat and run. They're called "the four demons of Goa".

One day, while they eat and run at one of the restaurant in Goa, a man spotted them.

"Sabo..? Sabo is it really you? wait... you have to come back. " The man shouted. Sabo just looked at the man.

"You know him Sabo? " Law asked while they are running.

" No. I don't know him"

"You two. Hurry up. They'll catch us. " Ace shouted

After a long running, they stopped at the cliff. They're all silent until Ace broke it.

"Who the hell is that Sabo? "

"Yea, Sabo-nii, who's that? "

"No one. I don't know him."

" Liar. You're hiding something Sabo. " Ace accused

"Of course not. "

"you don't? oh.. " the ever gullible Luffy said

"Don't believe him Luffy. He definitely hiding something" Law stated.

"Let's hear it." Acr said. Sabo just sighed and start his story. That the man they encounter is his father and he is born a noble.

"So...? " Law, Luffy and Ace said together. Picking their nose up. excpet for law

"I thought you wanted to know. " Sabo said. quite annoyed

"Well yea, but it is no big deal. Everyone has it's secret. You just have to trust us in it. " Law said

"Well, I'm quiet shocked. If you're born noble. Why would you want to live in a trash heap?" Asked ace

"They don't care about me. They just want Fame and fortune. They wanted me to marry to some royal family fot their sake. And if I don'd do it then I am worthless. To be honest if I am going to pick a noble family or trash heap. I'll pick the trash heap. What's the point of living if your life have already been set for you. Nobles are worse than trash. They're horrible."

Law looked at Sabo in understanding. " I know they are." he said

"huh?" They all looked at Law. They are all shocked to see the broken smile in Law's face. Luffy immediately hug Law. Murmuring comforting words. Soothing him. She doesn't want to see that broken smile ever again. Ace and Sabo are quite confused on what's happening. Law knows that he can't hold his burden anymore. He need some release. He admitted to himself that he can't do it all alone. He trusted his friends, even though he doesn't want to endanger them. He knows in his self that he needed to tell them, so they'll know who they're facing if they attached themselves in him. He began his story. How miserable his life is. His Family. That day. His savior. His death. His enemy. The one he swore his revenge with. Everything.

Tears keeps pouring in their eyes. They don't know how to comfort Law. They just hug him, silently supporting him.

" Law, Luffy, Ace. We have to make it out in sea someday. We're all going to leave this place and gain our freedom. I want to see the world in it's glory and write a book about all the things I find. If it's navigating I am studying, i don't care if it is hard. I am going to do it. We're going to get stronger and become a real pirates. " Sabo declared

Ace, Luffy and Law smiled. Wiping the remaining their remaining tears. Well aside from Ace. He did it discretely. He doesn't want them to know he did cry. Though a little to late for that. Ace move from his spot and face the sea.

" Hehe, I dont need you to tell me that. I am going to be a pirate and beat every person who stands in my way and earn my self a king of glory that every dreams are made of! Only then my life have been worth living. I don't care if the world refuse to accept me. They can hate me all they want but I'll become a pirate and prove them that I am better than them all. I won't run from anybody! I won't lose to them! I don't care if they end up terrified of me! " Ace confidently stated. Luffy grinned and faced the sea.

"Shishishi.. I'm gonna...!" and she continued to grinned and they all laughed.

"Huh...?" Law, Ace and Sabo looked at Luffy like he had grown another head.

"Of all the things you could say with. "Ace said with a fond smile.

"Hahaha. You're one crazy girl Luffy." Sabo said with laughter however in his eyes there's no doubt he trust her that she could do it.

"You're one to keep an eye on, That's for sure. " Law said, smiling at his friends antics.

"How about you Law-nii. What's your dream. " asked Luufy and they all looked at him. Law smiled and faced the sea.

" I want to become a doctor, a surgeon. So that if there's a problem with all of you in your health. I could help you. I don't want to feel the same uselessness and helplessness before. I don't think I could take it if I were to lose all of you in an illness. Someday, In the future. I am going to be known around the world as the best surgeon. One would fear and be awed at. And someday for sure, I'll get my revenge on what they have done to my family. I will never let him live and do it all over again. " Law stated in resolution. Luffy, Ace and Sabo smiled at him and hug him to show him that no matter what happen, they're always be together. (Well, ace have been pulled by Luffy so he had no choice but to join the group hug. Ace is to prideful for a group hug.)

Sabo realize something while they're all in a hug. "hey isn't going to be a problem if all of us become a captain?"

"All of us can sail together,I'll be the captain, Sabo will be my navigator, Law-nii will be my doctor and Ace is the first mate" Luffy said

"No way we're going to sail under you." Ace said and Luffy pouted.

"We're going to decide that later, who knows maybe we're all end up forming separate crew. " Sabo stated.

"Hmm.. True. " Law agreed

Later that day, they're all relaxing at the cliff, watching the horizon. Ace came back with a bottle of sake in his hands and cups. Law raised his eyebrow in question while Luffy and Sabo just grinned. They know what will happen next, they have done it before.

"We're still too young to be drinking, you know?" Law said

"You've stole one of Dadan's sake again,Ace. " Luffy said

"Did you know, if you exchange drinks, you'll become brothers." Ace said with a smile. remembering the vow they had before. "I know we have done this before. But I want to do it again." He looked at Law "Because we have gained another brother, so it is only proper to welcome him." Luffy and Sabo smiled at Law. And Law was touched. Even though there's a lingering fear that it may happened again what had happened before. But deep inside he trusted them, that what ever happens they could make it through together.

"When we become pirates, we may not end up on the same crew... but the bond of our brotherhood will never die. No matter where we are, or what we will do... This is one bond that we can never break! "continued Ace "Starting today... WE ARE BROTHERS"

"KAMPAI! " they all cheered.

Ever since the vow, their bond have been stronger than ever. They've done things together. Weeks have passed and they're all happily doing their adventure, however, everthing have it's end. Without noticing, the day of Garp's arrival had came.

When they saw Garp in Dadan's house, they know horrible things will happened to them. They don't want to taste the 'fist of love' thank you very much. And so they decided to leave Dadan's house. They collect woods and other thing on the gray terminal and built a tree house in the biggest tree they had found. And their adventure continous.

I know it's so short. sorry. I'll try to update as soon as I can.

And I also know that I kinda rush things in Law's 's on purpose. Law's past is kinda super long. and i'm pretty sure you all know about it so I didn't right it on detail. I hpoe you understanf that sometimes it is so hard to find motivation on writing things. But I'll try my best. And also I am sorry if you may found some grammar mistake. English is my second language, so yah. don't me. Hahaha

PS: I'm kinda having second thoughts on having a paring. Should I just let it stay family fluff or put some romance..? Marco still on the lead though.

PPS: Some scene is not detailed since I'm sure you know what I mean in that part.

So see ya guys again. soon. I hope.

ciao :)