Disclaimer: I do not own Revenge or anything related to it.

Chapter 1: Explosion

And as the floods move in
And your body starts to sink
I was the last thing on your mind
I know you better than you think
Cause it's simple darling, I gave you a warning
Now everything you own is falling from the sky in pieces
So watch them fall with you, in slow motion
I pray that you will find peace of mind
And I'll find you another time
I'll love you, another time

Explosions...on the day you wake up
Needing somebody and you've learned
It's okay to be afraid
But it will never be the same

Singer- Ellie Goulding, Lyricist - Ellie Goulding and John Fortis

Emily POV

It always was a kind of bittersweet realization walking back towards her cottage home where Daniel Grayson awaited her. Bitter because although, their love seemed real it was built on false pretenses. And sweet because her heart warmed up each time he smiled, or hugged or kissed her passionately. She always had to catch herself to remind herself their love was built on deceit. It killed her every time because she really did love Daniel and especially now that her father had been exonerated she wanted something more than revenge in her life...

As she walked toward her house she could smell a lovely scent drifting from her house. How sweet he cooked for me Emily thought. She opened her door and what she saw next took her breath away. It was not a smiling Daniel Grayson sitting at the table with her favourite dinner in front of him. It was Daniel Grayson scowling, with her Infinity box in front of him at the table. "Daniel'' she said in an almost whisper

"What the hell is this?" he said angrily gesturing to the box.

"I think you know" she said looking straight at him with guilty eyes

"Explain" he said trying to sound angry but his voice cracked and it was if he was pleading her to make it all not true.

She took a seat opposite him at the table, took a deep breath, looked him straight in the eyes and with an even voice spoke "I am Amanda Clarke, daughter of David Clarke who your family incarcerated and a women who set out seeking revenge"

This is my FIRST ever FANFIC, well actually first ever story, since like grade 6 haha. SO PLEASE, COMMENT, REVIEW and CRITIQUE I know this chapter was super short but the next will be much longer. I actually have a lot in plan for what happens next. I was day dreaming about it all in school.

Basically the lyrics I put above kind of explain how the characters feel and their situation. I'm going to put lyrics up for each chapter I write, I find it relates to them, plus their lovely songs :). So if you have time I recommend you listen to them. I always name the chapter after the song I used.
Oh and If you have a song you feel could relate, just comment and I'll listen to it and decide if I should use.

You can listen to the song above by going to youtube and copying and pasting this code (hbX0UAjOS8E) in the search bar.