And here's the next chapter, much quicker than the last one too! Next one might take longer but not 3 months (I hope)

Once again, lots of stuff going on this chapter. Hope you enjoy it! Question at the end of the chapter for anyone that wants to answer it!

Dawn's point of view

"I want to leave."

"You can't Dawn. Don't know if you've been paying attention, but there's an assault happening right now." Replied Sapphire with a bit of anger, "I can't just let you out."

I frowned as I looked at the people who had been my captors for the past day or two of my life. Mars seemed calm, her Chatot sitting on her shoulder and her Delcatty beside her. Didn't seem to have a care in the world as long as she was locked away from the danger outside. Sapphire on the other hand looked nervous, afraid even. A sharp change from the confidence she had been displaying since I first met her. Was she scared of the attack? No, she was very capable… she was afraid of me.

"What if I just force my way out?" I asked as I folded my arms "I mean, could you really stop me?"

The Chatot on Mar's shoulder looked visibly worried as I uttered those words.

"Don't translate that Rhyme, Mars doesn't need to hear this conversation." Spoke Sapphire as she started to walk to my position. "I don't know the road you're going with this talk, but let me tell you something. Let's say you're strong enough to beat me, you aren't, but let's imagine a world where you are. Fine, you knock me out or kill me and the others aren't even enough to bother you." She shrugged "Now what? You're stuck in this room with us, only Mars or one of the higher ups in here can open this door. When Steel or Selena open this puppy up and find out that you've been violent they won't be happy."

"You…" I sighed and pressed my back against the wall "You're right." I closed my eyes tight "Sorry, I haven't been thinking straight." Cresselia was right, something was changing with me. Anger was slowly becoming my default emotion and the smallest thing would aggravate me. Even just looking at Sapphire brought out a surge of fury within me.

"You might want to work on that anger."

I sighed before thinking 'Really? Thanks I never thought about that.'

"Just trying to help." Replied the voice.

'Are you really? We've talked several times but you haven't told me much.'

"You never asked me. What do you want to know?"

'This would be an easier thing to do face to face, I hate these mind talks.' Folding my arms I looked around to make sure I wasn't acting bizarre. It's difficult to have a conversation in your head while not looking like a freak.

"Then I'll have to put you to sleep."

Before I could even think about it I blinked and I was somewhere else. The dark landscape of my subconscious welcomed me. The more times I visited the more I felt at home, at peace in the bizarre place.

"Here we are then Dawn, just like you wanted."

The being before me was something I did not expect, and it scared me for a moment. A dark Vulpix with only one tail. It wasn't that she had black fur, she was darkness in the shape of a fox with large red eyes.

She raised a brow "Did I scare you?"

"No it's… you just remind me of someone." I said before taking a step forward "So this is what you look like huh?"

"Not impressed?"

"I just expected something else." I replied "I'm glad to put a face to your voice though, pleasure to meet you."

The creature smiled "Likewise Dawn, I've been waiting for this for years" She flicked her ears "So, what do you want to know about me?"

"Do you have a name?" I asked "You know mine, it's only fair that I know yours."

"Void." Replied the fox.

"So Void, why do you keep saying I'm your sister? I'm an only child, you can't be my sister." I said.

Void laughed "We're sisters because we have the same father… in a way." She placed a paw on her chest "Your father sort of… adopted me."

"My dad… first Darkrai mentions him and now you? What has he been up to?" My father was always a mysterious figure to me, but that didn't mean that I loved him any less.

"I said you can ask questions about me, I can't speak for your father. He'll talk to you soon though." Void sighed "Look I get you want to know stuff, you've been going blind for too long but I'm not the one in charge of giving you info."

I crossed my arms "Let me guess, the big man that chooses what I can know is Darkrai?"

"I think you've just answered your own question." Responded Void with a smile "How about this, let's keep talking but start walking around."

"Walk around? Why?" I questioned before glancing at the landscape "What's the point of that?"

"Could help you with some problems" said Void "I'll be sure to wake you up the moment things get dangerous in the real world."

Something was slightly suspicious about Void, previously she was very reserved but all of a sudden she seemed so open.

Void had started to walk ahead, but turned around when she noticed I wasn't following. "Is something wrong?"

I blinked "N-no. Just thinking."

"Well think out loud, we've got a lot of things to talk about Dawn."

White's point of view

I didn't have much time, the Asylum was going to fall and I needed to get him out. Marching down the hall I kept a hand on my sword and another on a second one.

The iron walls surrounding me banged as the water ran throughout them. We had been sabotaged, that was a fact. Others were still wondering who the culprit was when it was clear only Team Rocket could be doing this. The only group that knew the failings of the asylum more than Galactic was them.

Finally I reached the door. Placing my foot on it I cracked the lock with a quick burst of energy. In a hurry I opened the door and stood up straight.

"Get up."

A moan emitted from the darkness.

"Right now Glacier."

The sounds of walking hit my ears and moments later the Dewott appeared "Finally time to move then master?"

After months knowing him Glacier had changed. He had such ambition, so much I needed to act on it. Ever since Cyrus knew of my abilities and how rare they were he insisted I get an apprentice and it was something I thought to be very important. I didn't want some punk learning under me, but I needed someone with the will and intelligence to learn. I found someone, but it turns out he was a prisoner in the asylum.

"Not exactly, but with the asylum under attack it's time we move." I tossed him the extra sword and he caught it with ease "Consider this your graduation test."

Glacier walked along side me as I explained the situation, keeping him in the dark would be foolish and dangerous.

"Also, good job with the escape. I never got the chance to thank you for telling us about it." I said with a smile.

"I was doing my job." He replied calmly.

"Part of your job was betraying your friends and your sister." I replied "Don't act like that wasn't hard to do."

The Dewott's eyes went wide "My sister… do you know where she is? If the asylum is under attack I need to get her out."

I knew how much Glacier's sister meant to him, she was part of the reason he even agreed to learn under me. There was no way I was going to convince him not to help her.

"I have a duty to protect Mars, I can't help you find her Glacier." I sighed "But she should be in the sector you were previously being held."

"I'm going."

"It's dangerous." I said as I put a hand on his shoulder "And I won't be there to help you."

"Have you told anyone in Galactic about our arrangement?" he asked.

"Everyone in the base who's a part of Team Galactic knows who you are, but none of the prisoners do." I replied "I'm not going to tell you what to do Glacier, if you feel like you need to save her then do it."

"She's my sis White, I'm not leaving her in here." He said with confidence.

"Then go get her." I said with a smile before tossing him a small radio "We'll keep in touch with this."

He caught it and looked at me "Do you think I'm ready for this? What if they get aggressive?"

"If I didn't think you could do it I wouldn't let you try." I said with my smile wide "Take care of what you need to and report back to me."

Glacier smiled and put the device near his ear "I won't disappoint."

Glacier's point of view

"Where are you Lily…?" I mumbled as I rushed through the asylum's corridors. Finding my sister took priority over anything else, even helping White. Everything I had done, working for Galactic, secretly training under that Mawhile… it had all been so that I could have a better life with my sister. I wasn't about to be some wild Pokémon wondering around, I wanted to make it big.

"Maybe they put her in the old general room?" I asked out loud. She wasn't a huge target, so putting her in a cell wouldn't make sense.

It was an odd feeling being a part of Team Galactic. They had captured me and my sister and less than a year down the line I was working for them. They were far from perfect and I had many reservations, but they were strong and that was what mattered. Life had taught me that it didn't matter what your ethics were or what good deeds you had done, what mattered was how strong you were to protect yourself and the ones you care about. Ethics doesn't save you from dying. Power does and power was something Galactic could offer.

"Glacier?" sounded my sister's voice.

I smiled as I heard her voice "Lily!" I sprinted down the hall to meet her and happened upon a fight.

"You?" spoke the Blazikin from our failed breakout. He was facing down my sister and Anvil and he looked like he was losing.

"Glacier!" yelled my sister with happiness.

"Good, you're here." Spoke Anvil, the Bisharp looking ready for a battle "We need your help with this one."

"No… this won't be a problem." I said as I raised a hand to halt them.

"You White's apprentice?" asked the Blazikin.

I smirked and nodded "Yep, they're with me Fission."

The Blazakin smiled, I had remembered his name from the attempted breakout.

"What?" asked Lily with worry "Glacier what are you talking about?"

"Do you need help with them?" asked Fission as he pointed to my friends.

"No." I replied "Just get yourself out of here safe."

"Glacier what's going on, what did that Blazikin mean by apprentice?" questioned my sister with worry.

"I…" I sighed deeply "…Made a deal with Galactic. I work with them now and I'm using my new position to get you two out of here safely."

"You… work for Galactic?" said Anvil with a bit of anger.

"And I'm getting you two out." I replied.

"Did you tell them about the escape attempt?" asked my sister with sadness.

I clenched my teeth.

"Glacier…" she said as she took a step back.

"I had to… I-"

"You bastard! Traitor!" yelled Anvil as he raised his blades "You turned on us!"

I stood up straight and put a hand on the rapier White had given me "Anvil you don't want to fight me, I'm trying to help you."

"Shut up, I trusted you… we all trusted you." With fury in his voice the Bisharp lunged at me.

I weaved out of the way with ease and drew my sword "Tell him to stand down Lily." Silence followed my request and I looked over to my sister to see her glaring at me "Lily!"

"You betrayed us for Galactic?" she asked "How… why Glacier?"

My sword clashed with Anvil's blade as I parried his attack away "To protect us, to protect you."

"Your sister can take care of herself!" yelled Anvil as he slashed at me again. I sidestepped it and jabbed him in the side

"Anvil I really don't want to hurt you. This isn't the time to fight." I pleaded "Rocket is attacking the base and I don't want to get in their way."

The Bisharp stayed silent as he continued to attack me. To most Pokémon being targeted by a steel type with sharp appendages would be terrifying, but to me it was just another blade to avoid. His attacks were sloppy and wasteful, two things White had taught me not to be. If I wanted I could fell the Bisharp in a heartbeat, but I didn't want to hurt a friend.

"Anvil we can talk about this later. Don't make me hurt you. Last chance." I said with warning.

"Shut up!" he yelled back as I dodged another sloppy attack.

"So be it." I said calmly as I jabbed my sword into his elbow, stopping him cold. He screamed in agony as he tried to skewer me with the blades sticking out of his abdomen, but I raised a foot and pushed him onto the ground. He fell and my sword withdrew from his arm.

"You bastard!" he screamed in fury, blood from his wound staining the floor. "Traitor!"

"Glacier, what did you do?!" yelled Lily as she went to Anvil's aid "What… why would you do this."

I sighed "I warned him and he-"

"Get away from me." She spoke with an angry tone.

"Lily I need to get you two out and-"

"Get away from me!" she yelled as she stood up "All this time and you join the enemy? I'd rather die in here than get saved by some Galactic goon. All the things they did to us Glacier…" she looked down at the ground "Just leave. Leave before Athena finds out, I know she'll kill you."

Sadness started to creep into my heart "Lily…"

"Now Glacier. Go on, be with your group." She knelt down to tend to Anvil's wound "I want nothing to do with you."

I couldn't believe it. They were in danger and I was willing to help but they shunned me because I did what I needed to survive. They were being short sighted and idealistic, things I had no time for. Things were dangerous for me too and White was waiting for me. I had to live life for me and no one else.

"Glacier, have you handled your sister?" spoke White's voice in the comms device.

I sighed and put a hand to my head "Yeah… yeah I'm done."

"Good, meet me in sector B. We need to make sure Mars gets out of here."

I got one last look at my sister and Anvil, wished that they could've seen reason, and then rushed off in the other direction. If White needed me I'd be there. He saved me from a life of mediocrity and I was going to return the favor.

But I won't say it wasn't hard turning my back on my sister.

Dawn's point of view

"You've lived a tough life Dawn." Spoke Void "But you're stronger for it."

"The life I live isn't that great though." I said with a sigh "I'd gladly go back to live in Pallet Town if I could."

"Understandable. But do you regret what happened?" asked Void.

I looked down at the darkness below me, the endless blackness becoming more and more comforting. "My mom's alive because of what I did. That's what matters to me."

"You care about her that much? I respect that Dawn."

"Is there anyone you care about Void?" I asked "I mean-"

"Your father…our father. I'd do anything for that Umbreon." She smiled "He's truly a saint."

I nodded "You said no questions about him… but is there anything about you that's off limits?"

Void laughed "You won't hurt my feelings if that's what you're wondering."

"What… are you? I mean I've never seen a Pokémon like you." I said.

Void sighed "I thought you'd ask that eventually."

I reached out and touched her on the shoulder "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"You can't hurt my feelings Dawn." She smiled "I'm… hmmm. I'm… sort of and essence. I'm alive I suppose but I'm not living."

"Are you a ghost Pokémon?" My interest peaked.

"I'm not dead and I age, or at least I learn." She paused "I'm the result of a legendary Pokémon meddling in things he never should have. When you or another regular Pokémon looks into the eye of a star they hurt themselves. When a legendary Pokémon looks into a star they cause hurt. They cause misery and pain. They cause things we've never seen before, things like me."

I crossed my arms "You're being very vague."

"Because Darkrai was vague to me when he gave me the same speech. I honestly don't know what I am. All I know is that I am… I exist and what I have to do is find the reason for this existence."

"That sounds rough." I said sympathetically.

"True, but at least I'm not stuck in some cell like you are." She replied with a smile "Things are actually starting to get rough out there, so I'll leave you to your business."

"My business?"

"You know…your dark powers or whatever. You're going to use them again right?"

I sighed "I don't know."

"Dawn let me give you some quick advice. Just two things to get you going on your path out of that crappy hellhole." Said Void as her smile grew wide.

"Wake up. Then kick some ass."

My eyes shot open and I found myself glaring into Sapphire's eyes.

"Dawn we need to get you to a more secure room."

I smirked, Void's words giving me some comfort "Why don't you just let me go?"

The Delcatty sighed "Not this again… just do what we tell you and everything-"

"No… I'm doing what I want. And right now what I want is out."

"Stop bluffing."

My frown got deeper and I let some dark matter from my body bleed into the wall behind me "I'm not."

Sapphire's eyes went wide. Fear gripped her. "Rhyme tell Mars to leave right now."

The Chatot spoke up "What?"

"Tell Mars to leave and lock the door." Said Sapphire as she took a step back from me.

Rhyme translated and Mars looked at Sapphire with confusion "What's going on Sapphire?"

"Tell her right now Rhyme!" yelled Sapphire "Dawn's going to do something and I won't let her get hurt."

I smiled as I stood up "You should listen to her Rhyme." My veins started to burn and I could feel my personality getting sharper. My paws became wet with dark matter and I could feel my fur standing up. It was happening again, whatever Darkrai's gift was. I didn't even notice Mars open the door, I just saw her looking at Sapphire with sadness as she closed it.

"You wanted this Dawn." Said the Delcatty "Now you've got it."

"You're scared." I said bluntly "I… I was hoping you wouldn't be so scared." Part of me felt bad. Terror wasn't something I wanted to instill, I just wanted to get out.

"Oh Dawn…" Sapphire smiled and started to laugh "I'm not afraid. I'm ecstatic." The Delcatty lowered her pose and opened her mouth in a wide smile "I finally get to go all out on someone. No restrictions. Full legendary abilities."

"Fine." I said as I opened my palms. I had no practice with my new abilities in a fight, so this would have to be a quick learning experience "Come on."

'Darkrai better have my back…' I thought as I struggled to release as much energy as possible. With Sapphire as my enemy there was a big chance that I'd need it.

Steel's point of view

"Keep up the pace." I said sternly "I won't have us fall behind schedule."

"Yeah, okay. We're doing our best spiky chest." Mumbled Night.

Suddenly a familiar scent hit my nose and in an instant I knew who it was. Looking to my side I saw an old cell, one with a simple latch lock… it would have to do. With urgency I opened the door wide "Get inside right now." I demanded.

Pyro looked at me blankly "What?"

"Right now before I make you!" I yelled back. With who was coming I wasn't sure if I could handle all three of them.

Luckily Night and Pyro followed my orders and I quickly closed the door and closed the latch before readying myself for battle.

"Steel. I thought that was you." Spoke her voice from down the hall.

"You've escaped your cell Athena?" I said as I readied myself for the fight that was surely coming.

"Anything to get one more shot at you old man." Replied the Tyranitar with a wide grin "Team Rocket's finally taking back this hellhole. Galactic's fleeing like the cowards they are and here you are still willing to face me?"

I relaxed myself and let my aura flow through me "I still have a duty to this facility and the Pokémon within it."

"We've won Steel, can't you see that?" asked Athena "Years under your rule and finally I get to take my place back in Team Rocket as a hero… and what will you get? Some mention by Cyrus saying how brave you were?"

"Awards mean nothing to me."

"Good, likewise." She said as she tightened her fists "The only thing that matters to me is this fight."

I smirked "Might be the last chance we get old girl." My heart started racing. Years had gone by since I had first met Athena and we'd been at odds since. If this was to be our final engagement I would need to win… but part of me was having fun. One last bout between two rivals.

Looking into her eyes I could tell she respected me, as I respected her. There would be no dirty shots or attempted killings. Just a clean fight, and one we'd both value.

"It's on Steel!" shouted the dark type as she dashed at me, her sharp claws at the ready. Even with my type advantage I'd have to keep my guard up, she knew how to counter me. She slashed at me with a claw as I back stepped to avoid it. Her onslaught continued and I kept backing up steadily, waiting for a moment to strike.

She took a wide swing and missed, leaving her open for a counter attack. I put all my aura into my shoulder and charged. A Giga impact attack, and one that I knew would be devastating. Athena had just pulled her arm up, letting me bash her with all of my might in her torso. I felt the thick armor that coated her body buckle as she let out a gasping cough.

Just as I started to recoil back I noticed her knee glowing with dark energy. My Giga impact had left me open and I was amazed how little damage I actually had done to her.

"Payback time!" she shouted as the dreaded move started. Her knee raised up and struck me in my shoulder. I was blasted back as I felt my shoulder pop out of its socket. I yelled in fury as I stumbled back and put my other hand on my shoulder.

"That one hurt Steel." Said Athena as she patted the now bruised spot that I had struck her.

I stayed silent as I pushed my shoulder back in, erupting in a bursting pain that traveled all down my back. My body was getting old and these injuries were becoming much more common. Athena was feeling good about herself, which gave me the perfect time to charge a little present for her. As my arm stayed limp I charged up and aura sphere, a move that would devastate a dark-type.

"You think I don't see that Steel." Spoke the Tyranitar as she stomped on the floor, sending a pseudo earthquake at me. I lost my balance and had to stop charging my attack to catch myself.

"You really are getting old huh?" she asked "Your snout's getting greyer by the day."

I smiled "Doesn't mean I still can't bring you down." Quickly I raised a hand and shot a small aura ball at her. She dodged of course, but that movement left her open. Closing the distance I jabbed her arm with my left and chest with my right. She staggered back. I take a step forward and hit her with a solid punch in her side. Before she can recover I turn around and use my momentum to execute a roundhouse kick to her other side. Then I back off.

I knew she was hurt, each one of those attacks had a small amount of energy charged into them. I hit her, then my energy did. She frowned as she fell to a knee and put a hand on the ground to support herself. She was about twice my height so with the new circumstances I was able to stare right into her eyes.

"Not over yet Steel." She said. Suddenly her form dashed forward, a quick attack. For a regular Pokémon this wouldn't be too bad… but for a giant metal beast like her it could end fights. My eyes caught an opening, but I wasn't sure if my body would be able to keep up. She had charged a bit off center and that gave me space to dodge. I raised my left leg and let her outstretched arm pass underneath it. Then I stepped on her shoulder, an act that must've been painful. All in the moment I charged up all my aura into a punch. My kick had stopped her from charging and as she turned around I hit her right in the jaw. As my hand hit her face I felt the bones in my hand give out and crack under the pressure.

Athena went limp and her eyes closed. My right hand was broken and I could feel the muscles in my back aching. I had won though, and that's what mattered.

"Athena…" spoke Night's voice. I turned around and saw the Umbreon and the Charmander standing behind me in shock.

"How did you get out of there?" I asked as I stood up straight, I needed to look strong in front of them.

"The door broke open…"spoke Pyro "And we've decided we aren't leaving here without Dawn."

I clutched my teeth "You aren't taking her with you. That's already been decided."

"See that's the thing Steel." Said Night with a smirk "We aren't cool with abandoning her. She came in here with us and she's leaving with us.

"Pyro, Night… do you understand the magnitude of what that Purrloin is?

"She's a friend and an ally and we aren't letting her rot in here." Said Pyro as he raised his fists "We don't want to fight but we will if we have to.

This was bad. I was hurt and needed rest but letting them past me was unacceptable. Sapphire should've been able to contain Dawn's new abilities by herself, but with Night and Pyro backing Dawn up it would be a fight Sapphire would lose.

I raised a paw to my ear "To anyone on this channel. The Umbreon and the Charmander have rebelled. I'll handle them. If you see them around the base without me, neutralize them. Non-lethal is strongly preferred, but do what you must."

"What the hell was that?" asked Night.

I sighed and raised my hands again for another fight "That was me giving you one last chance to shut up and do what I tell you."

"That ain't happening grandpa." Said Pyro as a puff of smoke escaped his nose.

I smiled, their loyalty was admirable but I needed to stop them. "Then on your guard, now we fight."

Ace's point of view

I sighed as I picked at the chain latched to my leg. The Resistance had enough kindness to replace my very uncomfortable ties that held my wings in place with a heavy chain attached to the floor. It at least gave me more movement options.

My vision glanced down at the Pokémon next to me. The Tranquill seemed to be recovering fairly well from her near death experience. A small part of me regretted giving her my blood, but the feeling I got from saving someone's life overpowered it.

"How many of us does the Resistance have?" I asked myself in the otherwise empty room before looking back down at the injured Rocket.

She had a bizarre appearance. The feathers around her head were fashioned to look almost like fur and her face was stained with the remnants of green makeup and blood. Her foot was also attached to a chain, but she was given a pillow to rest herself against. Her breathing was erratic, stopping and starting again at an alarming rate.

'Wonder if anyone's coming to get me…' I thought as I settled down. Standing up and being alert wasn't going to be a good way to spend my time.

"You will be safe Pidgeotto, Mew watches over his allies."

My head snapped to attention "What the hell?"

A moan from the injured bird stopped my train of thought and made me momentarily forget the bizarre voice that had called out to me.

"What…" started the Tranquill before she coughed. To my shock she tried to stand up.

"Whoa, hey." I warned "Take it easy, you got yourself a serious wound there."

The moment I saw her try to put weight onto one of her legs she grunted and fell, missing the pillow and scrapping herself against the hard ground. She let out a quick cry of pain and tightened her face in agony.

"Shh…shh. You're alright now. Just stay calm." Suddenly I felt myself feeling horrible for the Tranquill. My slight amount of selfish thinking went out the window when I saw how pitiful she looked. "What's your name?"

The Tranquill opened her eyes and looked up at me "Talia…" her breath was halted and forced "Where… where am I?"

I smiled to give her a little bit of comfort "We're in a room being held by the Resistance. Call me Ace and I guess you're a prisoner like me now."

Talia sighed and tried to relax on the ground "I was captured then. That makes sense… I'm amazed the Resistance saved my life though."

"They did their best. Much more than I expected from them." I said honestly.

"Ace… hmm. You must be the Pokémon Claire was trying to free." She said.

"Claire? She's trying to find me?" That came as a bit of a shock. I had assumed that I wasn't important enough to help. Pidgeys are a dime a dozen in Kanto and with menial training or a handful of rare candies someone could get another one of me.

"She was trying to find you. The operation went bad and I got hurt, but I think Claire got away." She said before sighing. "Could you do me a solid Ace?"


"That pillow was pretty garbage, but it was better than laying on the ground. Could you grab it for me?"

I nodded and placed the pillow closer to her. With a bit of effort the bird rolled her body onto it and heaved in relief as she did. "So what now?"

"Now we wait, I've been doing a lot of it." I replied.

"Or we can talk? To be honest I'll talk regardless but I'd welcome you to interrupt my ramblings if you wanna start a conversation." Talia smiled at me "How's about this. We swap stories about our lives. That sounds like a better way to kill some time."

I shrugged "I'm not that interesting."

Talia coughed, "And neither am I. The most interesting thing that's happened to me is getting sniped out of the sky by a knife." She paused, "Seriously, I really should be dead but I'm not. Would you really deny me the pleasure of conversation in my near death state?"

"Are you guilt carding me?" I asked.

"Maybe…" trailed Talia "Why don't I go first. I have an interesting one…"

I sighed and settled down, if she wanted to talk I wasn't entirely against it.

She smiled wide "Good. I'll tell you about the time I got involved with a little upstart group in Hoenn called Team Magma…

Dawn's point of view

The pain was coming back again, except this time I welcomed any amount of power I could muster up. I had nearly killed Sapphire before, beating her in a straight up fight should be child's play.

I blinked and before I could open my eyes Sapphire blasted me with an invisible force. My back hit the wall behind me and the front of my body burned.

"Moonblast… do you like it?" she asked as she lowered her paw "Works pretty well against dark types, even when the moon is nowhere in sight."

I raised a hand to Sapphire and attempted to hit her with something. Before dark matter had lashed out of my body, perhaps I could use that move again as a focused attack. I bundled my energy into my paw and released it. A sharp bursting pain shook my core as concentrated dark matter lashed out from my hand. Sapphire easily dodged it and slashed me in the face with her claws.

Catching myself before I hit the ground I turned to punch the Delcatty. For some reason her arm was still recovering from her strike and that gave me plenty of time to attack. My claws slashed her side and I recoiled before she could counter.

"You… you are quite fast Dawn." Said Sapphire with a bit of shock "I barely saw you hit me."

I stood up and sharpened my claws but stayed silent. I needed to come up with some sort of plan. Whatever that thing that came out of my paws was, it wasn't a good attack.

Suddenly a thought hit me, like it wasn't even my own. 'Use it as a cloud Dawn. Make that dark matter into a haze.'

Going off the idea I set my arms down and opened my paws. Instead of forcing the material out I allowed it to act on its own. A gas-like substance started to leak out, dark purple in color.

"Oh no you don't!" shouted Sapphire as I raised her paw again. She was going to attack with that fairy move again. Forcing myself to move with all of my strength I pushed my legs off the ground. Before I knew what was going on my shoulder bashed into a hard wall… across the whole room… after one jump.

I grunted in shock and pain as I staggered away from the wall. What was that, I moved so fast my eyes could barely register it.

"You… that was very fast Dawn. What does Darkai's influence lend you?" asked Sapphire before charging at me, her paws glowing.

In desperation I raised my paws and tried to speed up the gas still escaping my paws. Like a storm the dark matter air mixture blasted out from my paws and clouded everything in front of me.

'It's like a smokescreen…' I thought as I saw Sapphire's glowing claws through the haze. But something seemed off, she was moving but very slowly. I saw her paws raise to attack me and instead of rushing to get out of the way I simply sidestepped it. She wasn't moving slowly, I was just moving faster. Another idea hit me 'Now, hit her with the concentrated stuff while she's open.'

My paws pulsed with power as I raised both of them to Sapphire's head. She was still in mid attack and I was ready to counter. My body ached, but I forced all the power I could muster into my paws and prepared to lash out again.

'Hopefully this works.' I thought before the gas substance switched back to a solid/liquid entity.

Pain like I had never felt before busted from my arms, it felt like I had shattered every bone in them. I yelled in agony as my legs weakened. My core wavered and a pulsing headache clouded my senses. It took me a moment to register that Sapphire was across the room trying to stand up after getting blasted point blank range.

My arms lowered and they felt like jelly. My fingers twitched with pain and my shoulders felt like they were struggling to keep my arms attached to my body.

Sapphire breathed heavily as she put a paw to her chest. My attack seemed to have missed its mark and hit her lower than anticipated. Her breathing was heavy and most of her torso was stained with innate dark matter.

"That one hurt…" she said "But it looks like it hurt you too."

"I'm fine." I lied as I straightened out my back. My bones felt brittle and I was again reminded that my malnourished form wasn't in the best shape for battle.

"Good, because I'm still warming up." Replied the Delcatty.

And that's the chapter.

Question (for those what want to answer) - Has your impression of Dawn's chatacter changed since you first met her? Do you like her more? Less? The same?