Chapter 1: The Prologue

How to Play Mafia:

There are four groups: The Mafia, The Detectives, The Doctor, and the Towns people.

All persons playing the game is handed a card from a card deck.

Ace represent people in the Mafia,

Kings represent the Detectives,

The Queen represents the Doctor, (There is only one Doctor all other Queen Cards should be discarded)

and anyone with a card between Jack-Two is a Towns Person.

The Game starts with everyone getting a card. You may only look at your card. Once everyone has looked at their card, everyone closes their eyes and bows their head.

When everyone bows their heads and closes their eyes this is referred to as 'Night'.

The Narrator then tells the Mafia to 'Wake up', the people who have received the Mafia card (The Ace or in some versions it is a suit rather than a card) 'Wake Up' and choose one person who they want to kill, then the Mafia goes back to 'Sleep'.

Then the Narrator tells the Detectives (the people who have the King Card) to 'Wake Up'. The Detectives then choose who they think is in the Mafia and then go back to 'Sleep'.

Then the Narrator tells the Doctor (The person who holds the Queen Card) to 'Wake Up'. The Doctor them picks one person who they want to save (This person can also be him/herself), then goes back to 'Sleep'.

The Narrator then tells everyone to 'Wake Up', when everyone is awake this is called 'Day'.

The Narrator the tells everyone a story, the story is about the person who the Mafia wants to kill. Either two things can happen during the story. Either A: The person will die (The Narrator gets to choose how, when, where, ect) or B: If the Doctor choose to save that person, then the person will cheat death and only have a close encounter.

Example for A:

Narrator: Billy was walking down a street last Night and was a shoot by the Mafia.

Example for B:

Narrator: Billy was walking down the street when a men tried to shoot him, but the Doctor saw the men and pushed Billy out of the way.

After the story the all member (Including the Mafia, Detective, Doctor and Twos people) Choose who to 'execute'. It is the Detective's job to try and convince the people to choose who they believe is one of the people in the Mafia.

Once a person is accused, the Narrator then asks the person why they killed, or attempted to kill the person the Mafia choose to kill.

The person accused then has a chance to defend themself. At this point they are allowed to show their card if they are a Doctor or Detective to try and convince the people to not execute them (Towns people are allowed to as well but it is advised against it), but if they do show their card they risk the Mafia 'targeting' them in the next round.

After the Accused gives a reason on why he/she didn't kill to attempt to kill the person chosen by the Mafia, the Narrator then asks the people if they still want to execute the accused

If everyone is not convinced by the accused 'testimony' the accused is 'executed' and are out of the game and must show everyone their card.

If everyone is convinced that the accused did not kill or attempt to kill the person the round is over and it is 'Night' again.

This continues till either two things happen:

A: All the Mafia is killed and everyone else has won, the game is over.

B: All the Towns People are killed and the Detective have failed, the Mafia has won and the game is over.

If at any point there is a disagreement among the groups

*When the Mafia is picking someone to kill.

*When The Detectives are picking who they think is in the Mafia.

*Picking on who to 'Accuse'.

*Deciding on whether or not 'Execute' someone.

All groups, or members in the group, are required (excluding the Narrator) to 'Vote' (By raise of hand).

Have Fun!