Chapter 2

A few weeks later, after the scare with Loke and Natsu and the others left on their vacation, the new guild was finally completed. There was also a ton of new things: a pool behind the bar, a game room downstairs, a gift shop, and a café. Also, everyone was allowed to go up to the second floor and even go on S-class quests; as long as an S-class wizard goes with them.

On this particular day, Garnet and Blair were walking to the guild, when they noticed a woman with short blue hair hiding behind a building. She was looking nervously at the guild, and then went back to hiding again.

"Do you need something?" Blair asked, making the woman jump.

The woman turned around nervously. She noticed Garnet's Fairy Tail mark, and her eyes widened. "Are you a member of Fairy Tail?" she asked, unsure.

Garnet tilted her head to the side and nodded. "My name's Garnet Darkwing and this is my partner, Blair," she introduced, holding her hand out.

The blue haired woman looked at it for a moment, and then took it tenderly. "Juvia," she muttered softly.

"You're one of Phantom Lord's Element Four," Garnet stated, surprised. "So, what are you doing here?"

Juvia looked at Garnet, before looking down at her feet. "I wanted to join Fairy Tail," she said shyly.

Garnet smiled and looked at Blair, who was also smiling. "Well, why don't we go talk to Master Makarov?" Juvia looked up at her in surprise. "I heard about what happened with your guild," Garnet explained. "But that doesn't mean that you can't join your guild."

Juvia gave a shy smile and nodded. She followed Garnet and Blair into the guild hall. The rain woman struggled to ignore the looks the other members gave her, along with the whispers that were going around. Garnet slowed so she fell into step with Juvia, and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. Juvia jumped slightly, but relaxed when she saw it was Garnet. The black haired woman gave her a comforting smile, and then proceeded to lead her into the main guild hall, towards the bar.

Master Makarov sat on the bar, drinking a mug of ale, placed the mug to the side when he saw Garnet, Blair and Juvia. Blair hopped off Garnet's shoulder and onto the counter top as they got closer, and sat down in front of Mira to watch the interaction.

"Hey Master," Garnet greeted with a two finger salute. "This woman here wants to join Fairy Tail."

"Hm," the small master replied. He studied her, trying to place where he knew her from.

"Her name is Juvia," Garnet clarified.

Makarov's eyes widened as he realized who she was. "So, you want to join our guild, huh? Why would you want to do that?"

Juvia began to get nervous again, and looked at Garnet. Garnet gave a soft smile and a small nod. Juvia swallowed and looked back at the older wizard. "I want to join because I like what it stands for. I realize that Phantom Lord was your enemy, but I want to make a change and I believe that Fairy Tail can give me that chance," she declared.

Makarov stared at her for a moment, before smiling at her. "That was a good answer. Mira, give our new member her mark."

"Yes Master." After giving Juvia her mark, she smiled at her. "Welcome to Fairy Tail Juvia."

Juvia smiled and started to tear up, but held it back. She looked at Garnet, then to Mira. "Thank you."


A few days have passed, and Juvia has been getting along with all of the members of Fairy Tail. Currently, she was talking with Makarov in his new office. Garnet was sitting at the bar talking with Mira, and Blair was listening, with the occasional comment. Suddenly, Makarov came out of his office with Juvia following. Juvia made her way over to where Garnet and Mira were, who were both staring at them; mainly because Makarov was wearing his Wizard Saint coat.

"Garnet, come with me," he commanded as he walked straight passed them.

Garnet was thoroughly confused, but did as she was told. "Stay here Blair," she told her cat. Blair only nodded, understanding what they were doing.

Makarov lead Garnet to the train station, where they bought tickets, and boarded their train. When the train finally got moving, Garnet looked at Makarov. "So, where are we going?" she asked.

Makarov, who was sitting across from her, opened his eyes. "We are going to go see a wizard," he replied. "Gajeel Redfox, the Iron Dragon Slayer."

Garnet looked at him surprised and confused. "Wasn't he the one that destroyed our guild hall, and hurt Levy and her team? Why would you want to see him?"

The small guild master gave her a pointed look. "I can forgive him for the guild hall. I will never forgive him for hurting my children. But, he is throwing himself into darkness, and as a guild master, I cannot sit back and let him do so, without trying to help him."

The black haired woman looked away and out the window of the train. She had a flashback to the person who brought her to Fairy Tail. 'Mavis.' The woman looked back at Makarov, and nodded.


They reached their destination, and walked through the town to an abandoned part outside of the town. Suddenly, Makarov stopped. "Garnet, I want you to stick to the shadows," he ordered. "I would like to handle this myself. I will call for you when I need you."

Garnet nodded, and did what she did best; fade into the shadows.

The small wizard kept walking, with Garnet following quietly, and eventually found the man they were looking for. Gajeel was sitting down on a large pile of metal and iron. Garnet moved in the shadows to get a better look at him; she was careful to hide her sent, since he was a Dragon Slayer, he had a good nose. She was only slightly surprised by what she saw.

The man had long, spiky black hair, with slightly tan skin. He had large muscles, and had piercings on his forearms. He also had piercings along on both sides of his nose, both eyebrows, and both ears. There were faint scars on his left arm that were only visible if you really looked. He wore tattered clothes that showed off his toned abs and chest. The only real thing that surprised Garnet was his eyes; they were red, like hers.

Garnet had never met, let alone seen, anyone with the same color eyes as her. She had always thought that she was along in that aspect of appearance. The black haired woman had been so distracted by the man's eyes that she had missed the conversation that he was having with her guild master.

"Shut up already," Gajeel said in an attempt to get Makarov to leave. "Leave me alone."

"There's no need to throw yourself into the darkness," the elder wizard countered. "How about it? Wanna join my guild?"

"You must be joking! Are you serious?!"

"There are people in this world who prefer solitude. But there is no one who can withstand it." Garnet had another flashback to when Mavis had asked her to join; picturing Mavis in Makarov's place.

"I'm the one who destroyed your guild!" he objected.

"Let's put all that aside."

"And… I hurt your friends…" he trailed off.

"That…" Makarov started. "I will never forgive, no matter what. But if I ignored a young man trying to throw himself into the darkness, it'd be myself I could never forgive." Makarov held his hand out to Gajeel. "This isn't me saving you. I'm simply showing you the path to tomorrow. Will you go forward, or will you stop? It's up to you to decide."

Gajeel seemed to hesitate at first, but took Makarov's hand. They shook hands, and Makarov smiled. "You can come out now Garnet," Makarov called out.

Gajeel looked confused, but turned around when he saw that Makarov was looking past him. Garnet stepped forward, the shadows lifting and fading from her body. She gave him a warm smile, and then jumped onto the large pile of metal they were on. Garnet then held her hand out to him. "Garnet Darkwing," she said. "It's good to meet you Gajeel."

He shook her hand uncertainly, and then looked at her stomach where her two guild marks were. Gajeel's eyes widened. "You're one of the Five Wizard Warriors!"

Garnet only smiled at him. "So, you've heard of them, not many people have. Don't worry; I'm not judgmental of people based on what they've done before I meet them."

"So, where do you want it?" she asked.

"Huh?" Gajeel asked, confused.

Garnet smirked, and held up the stamp for creating a guild mark. "For your guild mark, where do you want it and what color?"

"Um, black and right here," he replied, pointing at his right upper arm.

After giving him his mark, Garnet smiled warmly. "Welcome to Fairy Tail."