Here it is! The sequel to Bizarre Saga: Ocarina of Time. If you haven't read that one for some reason, it isn't that big of a deal, but it wouldn't hurt to go back and read it to understand this one a little better, since it's a sequel and all.

Things to recognize about this story:

-This was also written by the twelve year-old version of me who got a little better at writing
-The style is exactly the same as Ocarina of Time in the sense that it heavily focuses on dialogue and interaction and has pretty much no description of environment
-But it has more conversation than the previous story rather than everyone yelling random things
-Has anyone fixed that fourth wall yet? No? Okay then
-It's still rather cracky

And with that, we begin.

The Bizarre Saga: Majora's Mask
Chapter 1: The Story Continues

In the land of Hyrule, there echoes a legend. A legend held dearly by the Royal Family that tells of a boy, a girl and a fairy…

This team, after battling evil and saving Hyrule, crept away from the land that had made them a legend…

Done with the battles they once waged across time, they embarked on a journey. A secret and personal journey…

A journey in search of another place to explore, because they'd been pretty much everywhere in Hyrule.

Now for the sequel to Ocarina of Time, The Bizarre Saga: Majora's Mask!

"Hmm… I've never seen this part of the Lost Woods before," Saria spoke as her horse trotted along.

"I thought the Lost Woods were all tunnels, basically," Link stated, on top of his horse as well.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Navi said. "Finding a place in the Lost Woods that we've never even heard of before…"

While Link, Saria and Navi had their backs turned, looking behind them into the foggy forest, two fairies, one pale yellow and one purple, scared their horses, knocking both Saria and Link off of them, unconscious.

"Oh come on! You guys have suffered more than that!" Navi yelled. She turned to the two fairies that sabotaged them. "What's your problem?!"

A mask suddenly appeared. It seemed to be floating in mid air until the one wearing it came into sight.

"What's going on here! I demand answers!"

The Skull Kid wearing the mask grabbed Navi and tossed her to the ground, pretty much knocking her out too.

He started to check Link's pockets. He pulled out the Ocarina of Time.

"Hmm, what's this?" the Skull Kid wondered. He tried to play it. The noise it made sounded awful. "Muahahaha! I am a musical genius!"

"Ooh, what a pretty ocarina!" the purple fairy exclaimed. "Lemme touch it!"

"No, you can't, Tael!" the yellow fairy yelled. "What if you broke it?"

"Aww, but Tatl, I wanna try it out too…"

"And it doesn't even make sense that you played it with that mask on anyway!"

"Ugh, my head…" Link muttered. "… Hey! What…? What are you doing with my ocarina?"

Saria slowly got up too, "Hey, what…?"

"Oh crap!" Tatl yelled.

"Huh? What?" Skull Kid asked, turning around. "Ahh!" He hid the ocarina behind his back.

"Ha ha, but you can't fool me just by hiding it behind your back!" Link told Skull Kid. "Give me back the ocarina! You couldn't play it in your dreams!"

"You dare steal from us?" Saria gasped. "You will regret that." She drew her sword.

"You can't catch me!" Skull Kid jumped onto Epona. She started to run away in shock. Because Chase, Saria's horse, had a crush on her, he began to gallop after her.

"Hey! Get back here!" Saria ran after them and grabbed Skull Kid's leg. "You can't just go stealing people's stuff for no reason!"

"Get offa meh!" Saria bit his leg. "AUGH!"

"I know you're only taking Link's stuff but it's not cool to steal from people for no reason!"

Epona suddenly made a sharp turn, flinging Saria off of Skull Kid. He laughed at her failure.

"Gah! I'll kill you! Link, get your butt over here, you're stuff's being stolen!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" Link told Saria.

"Take this more seriously! This is the Ocarina of Time we're talking about! If Princess Zelda figures out that it was stolen by some imp wearing a mask, she'll kill both of us because I'll get blamed too for some reason!"

"Oh craaaaaap!" Link dashed forward. Saria followed him quickly.

They flipped across platforms until they got to a tunnel. They were so determined to catch up with Skull Kid and his fairies that they didn't realize there was a huge hole on the other side of it, which resulted in them falling down.

"AAHHH!" they screamed as they fell.

"… Huh? Guys?" Navi asked, flying through the tunnel. "Oh snap, they must've fallen…" She flew down the hole quickly and caught up with them as they fell down the hole.

"Did blue moss grow in my bed again or are there really colorful floating icons?" Link questions.

"I'm pretty sure those are real…" Saria answered.

They both fell down on a big pink flower, which had somehow grown down there even there was no sunshine down there at all.

"Well aren't you persistant!" Skull kid said from the other side of the room.

"I hope you know you just stole something that belonged to the princess of Hyrule," Saria hissed. "She'll send guards after you to hunt you down and kill you. She's that violent."

"Hahaha! As long as I have this mask, I am invincible!"

"And what did you do with our horses?"

"Oh, those things? The one I was riding didn't do a thing I said to it, so I did you a favor and got rid of it! And that other one? It was really annoying so I figured I'd get rid of it too."

"You are sick! I swear, I'll make sure you suffer slowly when I kill you!"

"Umm, Skull Kid, I have a bad feeling that you messed with the wrong people," Tael whispered.

"Shaddap, foof!"

Saria raised an eyebrow, "Foof again? What is wrong with people these days?"

"All right, I've had just about enough of you!"

"Your face is ugly! Why do you wear that hideous mask? Seriously, it's the weirdest thing I've ever seen."

Skull Kid started to shake his face. The eyes on the mask got really bright, and suddenly Link and Saria found themselves in a pitch black area with an army of Deku Scrubs marching towards them.

"What the soup is that?" Link asked.

"I don't know, but it doesn't look good," Saria told him. She grabbed him and dragged him away as quickly as possible. The army of little Deku Scrubs turned into a giant Deku Scrub, which zoomed up to them and they were back in the cave.

"I feel shorter…" Link looked at his reflection in the water. "Oh muffin! My hair is messed up!"

"That's all you notice?"

"Oh yeah, I'm a Deku Scrub too… Oh, whatever! Does it matter much?"

"Muahahaha! I have messed up your hair!" Skull Kid laughed.

"You dare mess up my hair! I will destroy you!" Link reached for his sword, but it wasn't there. "What did you do with my stuff!"

"I don't know, they disappeared after the transformation."

"Wait, all you were going for was messing up our hair?" Saria asked.

"Yep! I am evil! MUAHAHAHAHA!" Skull Kid started to fly towards a door as he laughed madly. Tael followed slowly after him.

"Hey! Get back here!" She and Link ran across the water towards the door, but Tatl hit them back.

"Stay away from him, losers!" she said. Saria swatted at her.

"S-sis!" Tael shrieked as soon as he realized Tatl was still in the cave. The door slammed shut behind him.

"Oh crap!" Tatl flew over to the door. "H-hey! You can't leave without me! Get back here! I don't wanna die in here with them! I'm probably going to be killed beforehand anyway!" She beat at the door, but with no success at all. "Hey, you! If I wasn't dealing with you, I wouldn't have gotten separated from my brother!"

"Excuse me? You're the one who decided to get in our way! So it's your fault that you got separated in the first place!" Navi yelled, finally speaking again.

"Ohhhh, Tael… I wonder if that child will be all right on his own?" Tatl sighed. "Well, don't just sit there! Do something!"

Saria and Link looked at each other and then back at Tatl.

"Why are you looking at me like that? What, is there something stuck on my face? Will you stop staring and just open that door for me?! Please! C'mon, a helpless, little girl is asking you… So hurry up!"

A few seconds of silence.

"Why can't you open it?" Navi finally asked.

"I'm a freakin' fairy. Do you really think that I can open it? I'd like to see you try!"

Navi raised an eyebrow. She flew over to the door, tapped it and it opened. "Problem solved."

"Well… how was I supposed to know it did that?!"

"All doors in Hyrule do that except for ones that have knobs."

"Again, how was I supposed to know that! I've never run into one before!"

"All right, all right! Enough with the bickering! Can we just get a move on?!" Saria yelled.

"Whatever," Navi muttered, sitting on Link's head. "I can't stand talking to her anyway."

"We just met and I already hate you!" Tatl shouted.

"Actually," Link started. "It's your fault that you hate her too. Navi is actually really nice, but when you get on her nerves, she gets kind of violent."

"Yeah, like that time when Ganondorf, the King of Evil, called her flutterpants. Worst mistake ever," Saria told her.

"Yes? And what happened then?" Tatl asked.

"I beat him up painfully!" Navi finished confidently, cracking her knuckles. "And he's bigger than a seventeen year old version of Link, and probably ten times more powerful!"

"Hello!" Link yelled. "I'm right here!"

"You know, I think maybe I should be quiet now," Tatl mumbled.

"Oh, yeah," Navi replied, grinning.

And they finally went through the door.

"Hey, hey! Wait up!" Tatl said, flying up to them.

"We were just walking!" Saria told her.

"So, um… That stuff back there… I… um… apologize, so… So take me with you!"

"Really? You don't seem like the kind of person who apologizes that easily," Navi stated.

"You wanna know about that Skull Kid who just ran off, right? Well, I just so happen to have an idea of where he might be going. Take me with you and I'll help you out. Deal? Please?"

"Okay, fine…"

"Good! So then it's settled! Now then, I'll be your partner… or at least until we catch that Skull Kid…"

"Are you sure you want to go back to him? He's a rotten thief," Saria said. "Why can't you just take your brother and leave?"

"Because I need to find out what's up with Skull Kid. My name's Tatl. So, uh, it's nice to meet you or whatever. Now that we've got all that straightened out, can we stop messing around and get moving?"

"All right, all right," Link muttered. He took a few steps forward and realized that he couldn't go on anymore.

"If I figure something out, I'll make a loud dingy noise and I'll tell it to you. Hopefully, you'll manage to get by without my help until then!"

When Link took a step onto a flower in front of him, Tatl made the loud dingy noise.

"All right, listen up! If you press and hold A as a Deku Scrub while standing on a Deku Flower, you can dive into it. If you wait a bit before releasing A, you'll launch out of the flower. Press A while flying to descend. Did you get that?"

"Umm, not really. What's A?" Link asked.

"You're just like Ingo," Saria stated. "He said stuff about A too while Link was learning how to ride a horse."

"Okay, let me try again. If you're on top of a Deku Flower as a Deku Scrub then you can dive into it at your own free will and shoot out whenever you want. While you're flying you can descend whenever you feel like it."

"Why does everybody always say all these A things?"

"Because it's normally a video game," Navi spoke. "And you would be using buttons to do everything."

"Okay, whatever…"

Link got Deku Nuts!

"DA DA DA DAA!" Link said, holding them above his head.

"If I've known we would be dragged into another adventure, I wouldn't have sold all of our items…" Saria muttered.

"Yeah, but then there wouldn't be any fun in it!"

Saria sighed. "I wish so bad that I still had my bombs with me."

"You had bombs? How old are you, twelve?" Tatl asked.

"Well, actually, we got bombs when I was ten," Link stated.

"Oh my crap. Did you even have a guardian of some sort?"

"Saria was my guardian until Navi showed up."

"Isn't she little young to be a guardian?!"

"There really wasn't anybody else to look after him because we grew up in a place where we didn't have parents and the guardian was a tree…"

"Okay, just stop! You're confusing me!"

Tatl flew over to a weird looking tree, "Hey, you! C'mon! Press Z and talk to me! I mean, come over to this tree and check it out."

"It's not like we need glasses," Saria stated. "We can see it from here."

"Get over here and get a better look already."

"Okay, okay!"

She and Link flew over to the platform with a flower.

"It's strange, but the way that kid looks in that form looks sort of like this tree," Tatl said.

"Is that supposed to be an insult?" Link asked.

"No, it's not. The face of the tree actually looks like you. It looks all dark and gloomy, almost like it could start crying any second now… How sad…"

"Maybe the tree was a Deku Scrub," Navi suggested. "Cursed by Skull Kid just like Link and Saria but turned into a tree."

Tatl suddenly changed the subject. "Hey! I think we made it to the exit!"

"Really? I can't wait to get out of this weird hole!" Link cheered.

They went through the exit as Navi took one last glance at the weird tree as they left.

As they walked forward, it seemed like the tunnel they were going through was spinning around.

"I feel dizzy…" Link mumbled.

When they went through the door, everything stopped spinning and a heavy stone door closed behind them.

"Wait, weren't we just in a hole…? How did we get into…" Navi started.

"Looks like we won't be going back," Saria stated, banging her fist on the stone door.

"C'mon! Follow me!" Tatl said, flying up the path going upstairs. Link, Saria and Navi followed her up the tower and almost went out the door when somebody seemingly appeared behind them.

"… You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"