The Move

Chakotay and Kathryn are sitting in her quarters, on her couch sipping wine and discussing their engagement.

Kathryn- So when should we have the wedding?

Chakotay- Before the crew has time to start a betting pool on that too!

Kathryn- How about three months from now or so?

Chakotay- Whatever you want, my love. (He kisses her and walks over to the wall that divides their quarters) I think we should knock this wall down.

Kathryn- No, where would the children sleep?

Chakotay- (Turning) Children, Oh really? (He approaches her, sits next to her, takes her glass and sets down on the table along with his) How many?

Kathryn- (Leaning on his shoulder as he puts his arm around her) Oh, one or two.

Chakotay- Have you picked their names already?

Kathryn- (laughing) No, I have a few in mind though.

The two share a laugh and fall asleep there very much in love. The next morning they took the day off because they were going to move some off Chakotay's things into her room and some of hers into his. They started in his quarters.

Kathryn- Chakotay what's this?

Chakotay- What?

Kathryn- This! (She holds up a painting)

Chakotay- Ahh. That has to hang in our bedroom.

Kathryn- Okay, but what is it?

Chakotay- It's my serenity painting, you sit and paint whatever enters your mind. It's very relaxing, you should paint one sometime.

Kathryn- All right, I'll take it last (She hangs the painting back up and walks over to him and kisses him, he wraps his arms around her, holding her tightly) Chakotay, just think, if I had remembered what night we were supposed to have dinner none of this would have happened.

Chakotay- And I wouldn't be holding the most wonderful women in the galaxy!

More To Come. Up Next! The Wedding!!