He stared at the angry drunk at the churchyard, the man who blamed the deceased whose funeral he'd gate-crashed for the loss of his career. His looks, his movements, his voice...A boy, and an impossible story that a woman he'd met once during a night he couldn't clearly remember had told him back in the days when he'd worn velvet and ruffles.
It couldn't be however. They were biologically incompatible.
But Leela...A voice in the back of his head said.
No, another voice said more firmly. There's dozens of millennia between then and now, hundreds upon hundreds of generations and the genetic drift that comes with them. That, and there had been rumors that Andred had been seen in a lab prior to the conception of Leela's child.
His hair was dark grey and close cropped and there were other differences, but the face...Gareth Lestrade's face...
"It's impossible." he said as he turned away from the man who threatened the funeral attendees with a fake hand grenade.
As Lestrade focused on Pendry who he saw was getting away with murder, he never saw the man with the messy brown hair and the long brown coat who was striding away towards a police box that was located around the corner. A man who, like him, was willing to do whatever it took to bring justice when it counted. A man who liked to be seen, a man who liked to be noticed. A man who, like him, could go to some very dark places, especially when he was angry.