School was lonely the next day for the youngest Minamino. Not to mention a bit annoying as her Shuichi's rival in the school, Yu Kaito, decided to question her about her brother's absence. She missed having her older brother at school. They didn't have classes together, but she at least had someone to talk to when he was there.

The day thankfully went by quickly, though she wasn't out as soon as she would have liked. Thanks to Shuichi missing the day, she went to his teachers and asked for any work saying that he was under the weather and couldn't make it today. The thing she hated most was that she'd be late to training with Hiei. The demon seemed to be extra short tempered the past few times she saw him, especially last night. She wondered why, but knew asking him would be useless for he wouldn't tell her anything but to mind her own business.

She ran quickly to the spot that she was supposed to meet Hiei at after she was done getting all of Shuichi's assignments. "I'm late! I know! Don't hate me for it!" She called as she entered the clearing only to see the area empty. "Hiei?" She called, looking around. She closed her eyes and focused her energy to find him, but couldn't locate him at all. "Where is he?" She wondered aloud as she went and sat by a tree to wait for him.

After some time, she got up from her spot. 'He's not coming.' She thought. She decided to leave the area and head home. Shiori smiled when she saw her daughter walk into the kitchen. "Sayuri, did you have a good day at school?"

"It was all right. Boring. Is Shuichi home yet?" She asked and Shiori shook her head.

"No, he may not be home till late. He called and said he was with a friend."

"Alright then. I'm going to put my bag away and go for a walk. I'm not sure where I'll walk to so don't wait up for me if I'm late. Love you, mother." She said and placed her bag on her bed then hurried out of the house, hearing her mother call for her to 'be careful on her walk.'

She ran to the woods where she remembered that her and Botan entered the portal to Spirit World. She searched for some time, but just as she was losing hope, she found the portal and went through it. She was a little disoriented at first when she entered Spirit World. The first time she had Botan with her to guide her through the building. Once she got her bearings she headed the way she believed was Koenma's office. Passing through a familiar room of hard working ogres she knew she was almost there and soon entered Koenma's office to see him sitting at his desk and Kurama standing beside it, speaking to him. The two looked up as she entered.

"Sayuri, you should be training or at home." Kurama said as his sister walked to him.

"Hiei was a no show. He seemed off last night, like he was upset about something, but was stern about training today. Did you send him on a mission today?" She looked to Koenma as she asked her question.

"Oh no... If Hiei is missing then this is very bad." Koenma whined and held his head.

"What's going on?" Sayuri turned to her brother in hopes that he'd explain since Koenma seemed to upset to really explain.

"I guess you do deserve to know." He said. "Hiei delivered a tape to Yusuke this morning that held the information of his next mission. He is to save an ice demon named Yukina who is being held captive because when she cries her tears form a rare stone. We hoped Hiei would not find out about this mission because Yukina is his sister."

"Why isn't he allowed to know? If she's his sister he has every right to know if she's in danger. I'd want to know if you were in danger." Sayuri argued, not liking that they were keeping that information from Hiei.

"Yes, but you wouldn't go on a killing spree to save your brother. Hiei will take out anyone in his way." Koenma said, worry still obvious in his voice.

"He knows that would get him in trouble with spirit world, he won't kill any humans." Sayuri argued.

"If he's heading that way, he will most likely work with Yusuke." Kurama agreed.

"I hope so, because if he does slip up you'll be in trouble too, Kurama." Koenma said.

"Hey! My brother can't be held responsible for Hiei's actions! Especially when he's been here all day!" Sayuri yelled at the small prince. She calmed down when Kurama placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, though it didn't get rid of the glare she had that made Koenma cower a little.

"That's just the way it goes. I don't have to explain everything that has been decided. Besides your brother's record hasn't been completely cleared yet." Koenma said.

"I'm starting to think you'll never clear his record." Sayuri grumbled.

"Please try to be respectful." Kurama scolded lightly.

"It's getting late, sir." Jorge, Koenma's right hand ogre, informed.

"Right, we'll record the rest. I want to see you two in the morning." Koenma said to the two red heads at his desk. "And if you see Hiei, let me know!"

Sayuri sighed as Koenma left the room ordering the ogre to 'tuck him in.' "Do you really think Hiei will just let the people holding his sister captive live?" She asked, looking up at her brother.

He began to guide her out of the office as he thought over her question. "I really don't know, but I hope he does."

"It doesn't make any sense that you would be punished too."

"I agree, but I did suggest for Koenma to send Hiei to give Yusuke the tape that had the mission details on it."

"Like that matters. I may be selfish saying this, but I don't want to lose my brother because of Hiei's mess up. I'll never forgive him if he does."

Kurama couldn't help the small smile that pulled at his lips at her words. It was moments like this that made him glad that he never left to return to demon world. "Don't worry little sister, I'm sure everything will work out for the best. Let's just focus on getting some rest for the night and worry about Hiei's choices when the time comes. After all, he could surprise us in the end."

Sayuri nodded and yawned as they made it home. "Maybe. I hope he does. I will see you in the morning, goodnight big brother." She said and headed to her room.

Kurama went to his room, but instead of going straight to bed he got plans together for training. It was his day to train his sister and being in Reikai wasn't going to change that.

The next morning the siblings went to spirit world like Koenma wanted.

"Any news on Hiei?" The prince asked as soon as they entered his office.

"No word, I'm afraid." Kurama answered.

Koenma whined. "Then he's still missing. At least Yusuke has made it closer to the place Yukina is being held, maybe he can get there before Hiei does."

"Try not to worry too much sir." Jorge said.

"Ogre, don't tell me what to do! If Hiei gets there before Yusuke he won't spare anyone not even the family dog!" Koenma yelled.

"That would be awful." Jorge agreed.

"Not to mention it's against the laws for a demon to kill a human."

"Like I said yesterday, surely Hiei will let Yusuke handle it." Kurama said.

"I hope so." Koenma said. "By the way Kurama, that room you wanted is set up. Neither of you are needed right now so go ahead and go. It's right over there." He said pointing towards a door.

"Thank you, Koenma. Sayuri, come with me." He said and led his sister over there.

"You wanted a room set up?" Sayuri asked.

"For your training. After all it is my day to oversee your training." He said and opened the door. Inside the room were four flower pots full of dirt evenly placed apart. In the middle of the pots was a lone pillow for someone to sit on. "In these pots are four different plant seeds. I want you to grow these flowers and have them bloom at the same time. Your energy has improved significantly since we began your training so I have high hopes that you can do this."

Sayuri nodded and went to sit on the cushion. "Will you be in here the entire time?" She asked her brother.

"I will be going between this room and Koenma's office to see how Yusuke and Kuwabara are faring. Don't let me distract you in any way."

She nodded and closed her eyes. Kurama felt her energy rise easily, he could tell the training he had been putting her through was helping strengthen her spirit energy and he knew that she was practicing in her spare time as well.

To someone not familiar to the training, they simply would have thought she was meditating. In a sense she was, but each time she meditated she focused her energy and kept making it rise and fall in strength at a steady pace.

Once Kurama felt that she had a good grasp on that, he made her start focusing on growing flowers. He started with a simple rose in a small pot for she was used to growing a rose already. He then added more roses for her to split her focus on, similar to what she was doing today. Only today she had plants she was unfamiliar with. He wanted her to be able to adapt to changes and be able to find the proper amount of energy to have any plant bend to her needs. To have any plant become a weapon for when she needed some sort of defense. After all she was an animal spirit, similar to him and he wanted her to be able to take advantage of her gift. Especially since he knew the advantages of being able to control plants.

As time went on Sayuri was doing fairly well with her task. She was struggling, but was quickly trying to work it out. At times she'd make quick progress, but then her concentration would slip and her progress would move slow. It didn't help that whenever her brother left or entered the silent room he would let the door slam shut making the girl jump slightly at the sudden sound. The young prince of Spirit World wasn't too fond of it either, but let it slide when the fox explained to him why the door slammed. Kurama was purposely trying to break his sister's concentration. In battle things would not always be calm and he wanted her to be able to focus no matter what was going on. This was his way of introducing her to unsettling circumstances when she had to concentrate.

Outside of Sayuri's training, Yusuke and Kuwabara had made it in Tarukane's home where Yukina was being held. The two planned to make the man pay for making her cry just to make a quick million. Unfortunately, they had run into trouble. The man had hired several strong demons as protection: an elite group called the Triad who were well known in the Makai.

Yusuke fought against Miyuki the first of the triad, with Kuwabara yelling at him not to fight a girl though at the end of the fight the Spirit Detective put an end to the lecturing.

Next, they had to go against Inmaki, who's speed could possibly rival Hiei's quick movements. If Kuwabara hadn't sensed him coming, his sudden appearance could have easily been their death. To his dismay though, Yusuke and Kuwabara outsmarted him and he was defeated by Yusuke's shotgun attack.

Gokumanki was after him and he was most likely the weakest of the three. Yusuke and Kuwabara defeated him in no time with powerful, spirit energy enhanced kicks. They had a mission and they were tired of all the people who were trying to stop them from saving Yukina.

As they fought Sayuri progressed even further in her training for her dear older brother had stayed mostly in Koenma's office to watch the fights. When he finally returned to check on his sister, he was surprised to see the flowers were bloomed. The youngest Minamino was lying on her back and though she had bloomed the flowers, her face didn't hold joy. She was deep in thought.

"You did very well, Sayuri." Kurama complimented as he walked closer to her.

"I didn't do as you asked." She muttered and closed her eyes. She was disappointed in herself.

"Would you mind explaining?" She sighed at his request.

"You said to have them bloom at the same time. I couldn't do it. I got them all to bloom, yes, but they didn't bloom together. Each one bloomed separately. I let you down." He smiled a little and sat beside his sister.

"You've done no such thing." She looked over at him. "Your energy has increased, but I didn't expect you to get it perfectly on your first try. Going from one or two plants to four is a big leap. You managed to make them all grow and bloom and I can sense that you still have energy left. You did very well with your training. I couldn't be prouder of you, little sister."

"Thank you, big brother. That means a lot to me." She smiled. "Are you sure I still have energy left though? I'm so tired." She whined softly and he chuckled.

"I'm certain." He stood up and held his hands out to her. With a groan, she took them and allowed him to pull her to her feet. "Let's go see how the others are doing."

They walked back to Koenma's office to see Yusuke and Kuwabara standing across from two demons who could easily be mistook for humans. "The Toguro brothers?" Kurama said, shocked.

"I'm guessing they're bad news." Koenma nodded at the girl's response.
"They're an elite pair of demons. I don't know if Yusuke and Kuwabara can handle them."

"We will just have to wait and see." Kurama said, as calm as ever.

Yusuke and Kuwabara fought the Toguro brothers for some time, but it wasn't looking good. The two were running out of options.

"Look in the window where Tarukane is." Kurama said suddenly and Koenma did as said.

"There's Hiei! Oh dear. Kurama, Sayuri, you have to get there and make sure that he doesn't kill the man!" Koenma said as he opened a portal to get them there quickly.

The siblings nodded and entered the portal together. Sayuri wanted to rush in the room to stop Hiei, but her brother had other plans. He wanted to give Hiei a chance. He didn't think Hiei would follow through with the kill with Yukina in the room. So, they hid their power and stood in the corner.

Hiei was beginning to prove Kurama wrong. He knocked out Tarukane's men, but was mercilessly punching Tarukane. A few more hits and the man most likely wouldn't live. Sayuri and Kurama were about to step in, but the young ice apparition beat them to it by grabbing his arm. "Please don't! No more..."

"Is this not the man who hurt and tortured you?" Hiei asked, looking down at his twin.

"He is, but killing him won't take away what he did to me. That's my burden to bare so please, no more. I can't take anymore." She said, crying a little.

Hiei's face softened as he looked at his sister and he let go of Tarukane. "I won't make you cry anymore. He's not worth it."

Yukina smiled a little and let go of Hiei's arm. "You seem... familiar. But I don't know why. Who are you?"

"No one... I'm just part of the team." He replied softly and looked down at Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Botan. Yukina did the same and gasped.

"Oh no, they're hurt!" She turned quickly and hurried down to them.

"It seems there was no need for us to come." Kurama said

"How long have you been there? Long enough, right?" Hiei said and looked over as Sayuri came to stand beside him and watch as Yukina ran to the group.

"Why don't you tell the girl. She deserves to know she has a brother." Kurama said as he watched his sister and friend.

"She deserves to be happy."

Kurama smirked. "I thought the two were one in the same."

Hiei shook his head, a small smile pulling at his lips. "No, this is how I want it."

"That's pretty stupid." Sayuri said bluntly, wiping the smile off Hiei's face as he glared at the girl. "You obviously care about your sister and she's bound to find out someday that she has a brother. You'd both be happier if you'd just tell her."

"What do you know about it?" The demon snapped. "Besides she wouldn't want to know her long lost brother is a felon."

"I'm a sister to a felon." Sayuri said making her brother sigh softly. "But I don't care. Despite what my brother has done I care about him and he cares about me like siblings are supposed to. You look past their faults."

Hiei brushed off what she said, though he did seem to think on them. "You're clearly exhausted and not thinking clearly. Kurama shouldn't have brought you along." He said

"You can deny it all you want, but deep down you know I'm right." She smirked and walked back over to her brother as Yusuke walked in. Hiei said nothing as he left.

"What's up with him?" The detective questioned.

"Nothing you should really worry about." Sayuri said with a yawn. Hiei was right, she was exhausted and ready to go home. Yukina was safe and the Toguro brothers defeated. They had nothing to worry about right now it seemed.

But that was certainly not the case.

I'm pretty sure this is by far my longest chapter, but I didn't want to split up the Yukina story too much. I hope you all enjoyed it. I know I'm just happy to finally have gotten to post another chapter. :) Let me know what y'all think and thanks again for reading!