Chapter 3.
LolaTheSa does not Own Naruto.
Let's get to it.
Both Hinata and Sakura froze.
Naruto couldn't believe what he was seeing, on one hand, he was aroused, his cock is painfully hard, but on the other, he just caught his wife in the act of cheating.
Sakura looked back to see Naruto, she was blocking Hinata's view, but she was sure Hinata knew who it was. Sakura knew he could see her wet lips, and she could see his massive hard on. She looked back at Hinata. "Trust me" She said looking Hinata in the eyes.
"What are you going to do" Hinata asked, she was shaking, Sakura slowly started pumping Hinata again with her fingers.
"I am going to save your marriage and my ass so shut up" Sakura growled as she stuck out her ass. "Naruto we have been waiting on you" Sakura said seductively.
"What" Naruto asked confused, his eyes on Sakura's slit.
"We wanted to surprise you Naruto but you never came home, we were planning this for so long but we finally decided we couldn't wait anymore" Sakura lied.
"Really" He asked as he took a step forward.
"Yes really Naru kun,i realized how stupid i was to deny you all those years ago and Hinata here decided she could share that big fat and long hard heart of yours, isn't that right Hinata" She said kissing Hinata's clit. What she just said wasn't a lie, she did realize she passed on something good, seeing how happy Hinata was. She nevr said anything, they both deserved their happiness. She wasn't ruining it for her selfishness.
"YES" Hinata screamed as Sakura pumped her harder.
Sakura felt hands on her hips and an huge mass press against her pussy, she bit her lip. "Well this is all a man can ask for, thank you Hinata, sakura. Sorry to keep you waiting on little ole me" Naruto said, his voice laced with sarcasm, Hinata didn't notice, Sakura did. Naruto smirked. And without any indication, he thrusted deep into Sakura.
"Fuck" She hissed as she was filled by a man for the first time.
"Time for punishment"
Until Next Time