This will be a short few chapters story.

Summary: Grimmjow finds a neko beaten up in an alley on his way home from school. Grimmjow takes him home and only meant to let him stay until he was healed but things changed. Grimmjow hears word of what happened to his parents and after the tragic event that happened to Nel Grimmjow can't think of anything other than it being Ichigo's fault.

Disclaimer: I don't own bleach…sadly

I'm rating it T because there is some fluff between Grimmjow and Ichigo near the end and there is some slight violence as well as mild language.

Chapter one

Grimmjow sighed and shifted his bag over his shoulder. He made an attempt to tame his wild locks with his hand but it made no difference. He couldn't wait to finish his last year of high school so that he could begin his own life. He looked down at his phone when it went off. Smiling he sent a quick reply to his friend and placed it back into his pocket. He was going to continue walking but a small cry stopped him. Grimmjow shifted closer to the small alley that he passed twice a day. He crept closer to a trash can when nothing came into view. The cry came again from right in front of him. He looked at the other side of the trash can and saw an orange hair neko. Neko's had become popular after a large out break and after people found out what they could do with them. Grimmjow grimaced at the sight of the one in front of him. The neko slouched against the wall. His clothing was torn and barely stayed on his thin body. His slim body was littered with cuts and bruises. Blood caused his hair to stick to his head and he had cuts on his cat ears. One ear was missing the tip while the other had a large piece taken out of it. Grimmjow held his breath and tapped the neko with his foot. When the creature responded he sighed. Grunting Grimmjow lifted the neko onto his back and made his way home.

Grimmjow closed the door behind him the best he could without dropping the neko. He removed his shoes with his feet and placed the neko onto the couch.

"Mom, Dad?" Grimmjow called out and walked into the kitchen. He walked over to the table with a small piece of paper on it.

Grimmjow and Nel

We have gone on a trip and will be back soon!

If you need anything Ms. Patterson next door will be there

Have fun and try not to destroy the house while we're gone

Grimmjow place the note back down and grumbled. His parents always went on trips without telling them and only leaving a note.

"Nel!?" Grimmjow returned to the living room to check on the neko quickly.

Grimmjow moved further into the house in search of his sister. He didn't find her in her room and the last place to check was the basement. Grimmjow descended the stairs the stairs. He could hear small noises coming from the spare bedroom. Grimmjow scowled and opened the door.

"The Fuck Nel?!" Grimmjow slammed the door closed and waited for the two teens to get dressed.

"Really Grimm?" Nel walked out fixing her top and hair.

Nel and her boyfriend Renji had been together for almost a few months now. Grimmjow hated the red head something just didn't feel right about him and he knew the guy was no good if he had his little sister performing sexual acts.

"Yes really. I come home and I don't expect you two to be getting it on. Now Renji get the fuck out and please keep your hands off my sister." Nel huffed.

"Come on I'll walk you to the door." Nel wrapped her arms around Renji's.


Grimmjow followed the two up the stairs and tried to ignore the fact that they kissed before she closed the door. Nel glared at him before sighing. They could never stay mad at each other.

"So what is it that you want?"

"I want you to break it off with him." Grimmjow grunted.

"Oh come on you always hate the guys I go out with and I like Renji so do mom and dad. It's only you who doesn't like him." Nel put her hands on her hips.

Grimmjow grimaced. His sister was only in grade nine and she already was interested in shitty guys. He hoped that it would have started in high school because everyone knew not to mess with him.

"I get a bad feeling from him that's all."

"Just like all my other boyfriends?" Nel sat down in the kitchen.

"Hey I was right about Nnoitra. He was fucked up in the head."

"True but you were wrong about everyone else."

"That's because I got you to break up with them." Grimmjow sighed. "I just don't want you to get hurt."

Nel stood up and walked over to her brother. "I won't because I have you as a brother and I'll be careful if it makes you feel better."

Grimmjow nodded and stepped away from the counter he made his way into the living room. Grimmjow looked at the neko before going into their closet for the first aid kit.

"Who's he?" Nel looked from the neko to Grimmjow.

"Some neko that I found."

"He's in really bad shape." Nel crouched down and ran a hand through his matted hair.

"I know. I'm gonna fix him then he can leave." Nel moved to the side when Grimmjow sat in front of the neko.

"We can't keep him?"

"No." Grimmjow pulled out a pair of scissors and cuts away the rest of the cloth that was once the boy's shirt.

Nel pouted. Grimmjow tossed the cloth to the floor and examined the neko's wounds. There were small cuts all along his chest and stomach. None was too deep that they would need stitches. Grimmjow grabbed the things he would need, but Nel's hand on his shoulder stopped him.


"I think you should bathe him first. It gives you a chance to wash away the blood and to look at his legs." Nel stood up and made her way to her room. She knew Grimmjow would be mad if she stayed after he had a bath.

Grimmjow looked at the orange haired neko and sighed. He carefully lifted him and walked to the restroom. Grimmjow turned on the water and made sure it was at a good temperature before he began to wash the boy. Nel had been right he got a good look at the boy's legs and a better look at the ones on his chest. Nothing was too bad but for the one gash on the boy's outer thigh. Grimmjow watched as pink water turned back to clear before he looked at the boys head. He began to slowly run his fingers through the neko's hair washing out the blood. Orange ears twitched a few times but he never showed any sign of waking up. Grimmjow turned off the water and dried off the orangette. Grimmjow quickly patched up the neko then threw a blanket over him.

"You can be really soft sometimes." Grimmjow looked back at his sister.


Nel shook her head and snorted. She went to the kitchen to begin making supper.

"Nel hurry up!" Grimmjow shouted and tapped his foot.

"But I don't want to go to school." Nel whined and dragged her feet.

"If you make me late for school you'll regret it." Grimmjow growled.

Nel sighed and looked back at the neko. She wanted to stay home in case he woke up, but Grimmjow dismissed that idea quickly. Grumbling under her breath Nel picked up the pace and followed her brother. Grimmjow closed the door and locked it missing the chocolate brown eyes that had opened slightly.

There will only be four chapters