His Butler; Re-Summoned
I do not own Black Butler or Harry Potter
Summary: AU. Harry Potter was sold to a cult at the age of ten by his uncle who's frightened by the prospect of having to live with a Harry who knew magic. Beaten and humiliated his soul fills with a thirst for revenge gaining a certain demons attention.
Warnings, contains mentions of rape and there is reincarnation and Lily not being an Evans. Ciel died before Sebastian could eat his soul. So the palace guards shot Ciel more than once. Sebastian still killed Ash/Angela. Ciel is fifteen when he died and Elizabeth was pregnant, in that era it was popular for woman to get married at a young age since people had a shorter life span. Season two happened before the season one finale and Ciel did not become a demon! So he did meet Alois and Claude.
Also Earl is more prestigious then Lord since Lord is usually used for Baron's. And my Grace for Duke's. But Lord can be used for Earl's. I researched titles since it probably means a lot on the Wizarding World. So basically all of the Wizarding families are Barons since they have done no services to the Queen. Harry will be OOC as he does summon Sebastian.
Don't like Don't read.
What God forsakes the Devil takes~ Unknown
Harry Potter had had enough! He had tried to be a good boy, tried to be forgiving, kind, compassionate, understanding, all those things adults desire children to be. But he wanted revenge, his lovely uncle had sold him to a cult! He now sat oh so prettily on a sacrificial alter in an old decrypt church about to be murdered so, these animals could summon a demon or some other idiotic entity.
He had prayed to his dead parents, to God for anyone to come save him. He had never been rude to anyone, had never hurt anyone, he had been told countless times over that he was a freak. But he also heard that God didn't discriminate. So young Harry came to the realization of, there was no God, for surely he would have been rescued.
He had pleaded and prayed for hours on end. He had asked God why he had been forsaken. But he received no answer in return. They had starved him but that was nothing new. Neither was the cage which was slightly more uncomfortable then his cupboard but what was worse was when they violated him. They had put things where they shouldn't be put! Their sadistic smiles as they heard in cry out in pain from their ministrations only made them slam the objects harder. They had also cut into his flesh draining his blood into goblet's and began toasting them saying, that the blood of nobility shall bring about a new era, or some such nonsense.
When this happened Harry decided that, if God was this merciless he would give anything, even a place in heaven with his parents for revenge on everyone who had caused him this pain! As a hooded man slowly walked to the alter with an athame in hand, he stopped before Harry and plunged the dagger straight towards his stomach. Harry's vision blurred, flashing white and black and he found himself in front of a crow or maybe it was a raven?
White feathers cascaded around the boy and he locked eyes with the birds. Those red eyes had widened just a fraction when Harry had made eye contact. The black bird shook its head imperceptibly and opened its beak. Harry was surprised to hear the bird speak, as he had fully expected it to croak.
'Think carefully, should you reject the faith, even this once the gates of paradise will forever be out of your reach.'
Harry snorted at this and said 'Do you think one who is faithful would be here. After all we both know you aren't an Angel or a human for that matter.'
'I am demon, and I will ask again, do you wish to form a contract?' The bird asked
'I do. Now stop asking all of these tiresome questions, do we have a deal or not?' Harry asked
The birds' eyes gleamed in amusement and the white downy feathers rose into the air turning charcoal black obscuring Harry's view of a bird.
In the birds place was now a man with raven black hair, red eyes the color of blood, and a pale almost ghost like complexion.
'To seal the contract all you have to do is state your terms and give me a name.' the demon said
'You have to help me get revenge on those who've caused this to happen to me. Do not lie or betray me and in return you can have my soul.' Harry said
'And for the name?' The demon asked
'Perhaps something from a history text. Something ironic as well, maybe from the inquisition? After all these people are supposedly conducting Witchcraft. There was one that caught my eye and it has stuck for some odd reason. I think I'll call you Sebastian Michaelis.' Harry decided noting that the eyes widened ever so slightly more and asked 'Why are you looking at me like that? You look at me as if I were a ghost!'
'Perhaps I have Young Master.' Sebastian murmured. As the feathers swirled around them even faster and froze suddenly in midair before dropping to the dirty floor of the church, 'What are your orders Young Lord?'
'Kill them, Kill them all!' Harry said hoarsely, his eyes gleaming with hatred.
'My pleasure.' Sebastian said before grabbing the leader's hand that was holding the knife. The corners of his lips upturned as he remembered doing something so similar a long time ago. He broke the man's neck and flung the dagger the leader had been wielding at another member of the cult, not even looking to see if they were dead as he quickly slaughtered the rest.
'Now Young Master shall we complete the contract?' Sebastian asked finishing his first task before looking at the boy for the first time since entering the human world. He looked different not at all like the boy he had seen in his dimension.
'Yes.' Harry replied wrapping the cloth that had been covering him around his waist.
'You have a glamour and other spells on you. I need to take them off in order to place the Faustian Contract.' Sebastian said realising that his new master was a wizard.
'Go ahead, but tell me what spells were on me after.' Harry said
'Yes Young Master.' Sebastian said before placing the palm of his hand on the boys' right eye. He gave a slight gasp. The boy, he was a Horcrux! Someone else had placed a shard of their soul in his young master! Not only that but they bound his magic and there were tracking and compulsion charms on him. Of course the compulsion had broken during the boys stay but the others were still there. Sebastian effortlessly broke the power block and tracking magic. The Glamour was slightly more difficult but still easily broken.
But the Soul shard would be slightly difficult but well worth it. The Soul Shard was full of corruption, hate, desperation, and sorrow. No satisfaction but dark chocolate was delicious in small amounts. Sebastian thought to himself, feeling the boy collapse as he broke the magic block. Sebastian placed his mouth over his Young Masters and breathed in lightly. Sucking just enough to breathe in the small shard.
The boy looked just like Ciel had, but he had heard that the Phantomhive name had died out years ago. The boy was slightly different in appearance but still maintained the cheekbones of an aristocrat. He was obviously of noble blood even if the cheekbones and other features weren't defined enough. Since his new master was a wizard finding his ancestry would be much easier, a trip to Gringotts would easily confirm his suspicions. But for now his young master needed to recover, hopefully Phantomhive manor would still be in a hospitable condition. Sebastian thought to himself picking up the small boy.
Hi. So a new day a new plot bunny. Those brutal savages, my plot bunnies look like Bitter Rabbit except they have fangs and are cannibals. Also point out errors. I know they haven't finished the Faustian contract yet but Harry just had the Horcrux and other spells removed.
To explain the whole glamour thing. You hear about these a lot in Harry Potter but they usually go out of their way to make them look different. But really change a few genes and well you could look nothing like you had before. So I thought to myself, what if Lily was descended from Ciel and Elizabeth, after all Elizabeth did have green eyes and Ciel's aunt had red hair. So the genes are there. Also in rare cases children can inherit traits that skip a few generations even if your parents and grandparents don't have them. Hence Harry looks like Ciel.
You got that right? I was thinking of altering Harry's name.
To Hadrian Ciel Phantomhive-Potter or Ciel Hadrian James Phantomhive-Potter?
Because the story is about Ciel being reincarnated into his descendant Harry Potter who has his own revenge list. I also figured he would get flashbacks after receiving the Phantomhive head ring. I personally prefer the second just without James as a middle name but hey you're the reviewer's. A few other characters might appear as undercover reapers or reincarnated.
Please review and let me know what you think/want to see. After all what kind of writer would I be if I couldn't do something as simple as that?
Words 1670
Pages 3
October 1 2013
Till next time Ash Salvia