*Shyly peeks out behind non-existent rock*
Hi….*smiles coyly*
It's been a while.
It's been a century
It's been a millennium
And now I'm here.
But in all seriousness. Hello everyone! I am beyond sorry for making you wait this long without feedback. I've literally become my worst nightmare as a quote-unquote 'writer.'
There are no excuses for my behavior. And I cannot express how sorry I am for doing this to you guys.
Unfortunately, this Author's note does not have a bright side. As of this moment I have decided to stop working on this book.
For years I told myself that I could sift through whatever framework a 13-year-old me had and finish this book because I owed it to you to do so.
And I do…
But as I mentioned before, I started writing this book when I was 13. When I didn't know what I even wanted this story to be or how it would end. And as I read it recently – recently being about 1 hour ago—I couldn't help but find several red flags about Edward and Bella's relationship. I'm pretty sure it was headed towards an abusive place because I remember that being the one thing that I actually planned out.
This is something I did not know then, but I know it now and I don't feel comfortable putting something like that out for other people to read especially if they so happen to be young.
I don't want to romanticize or normalize something like that.
I'm turning 20 soon and there are things about myself that have changed. Ways in which I have matured and ways in which I hope to mature.
Believe it or not this book has always been on my mind. There were many ways in which I sought to change it and make it better, but all of them fell through and now I think it's time for me to let go of this story.
Also, for about 4 years I had stopped reading and writing as often as I used to before. I can't tell you why this happened, because I'm not so sure myself. Maybe it was due to me just not feeling great a lot of the time. There were times I'd just wanna hide somewhere for months with no one around me. And that continued for awhile. Even now I still feel it sometimes. This continued until about last year when I started reading again thanks to LOTR. And after that all I wanted to do was read and read and read.
And so, I did. And I began to love it again. And I started wanting to tell stories again. Which I did with short stories that I would write for myself. And that was hard. But I did it. And until a few days ago, I didn't want to share any of my stories with anyone. I was scared that people wouldn't like it, or that I would stop loving it again. Until my friends told me to just suck it up and do it. So I wrote and I posted a story on Wattpad that now has two parts as of today. It's called A Lily In Ashes by J. .
And if you want to, you can check it out.
And if you hate me, I completely understand that too.
But thank you all so much for all your support over the years.
I'll never forget the nostalgia I felt whenever I came home from school to see the positive reviews left on the story. Thank you all so so much.
I love you all.