Holding Guinevere in his arms, feeling her tremble under him was the best feeling in the world. Knowing he was the one who gave her pleasure only added to the general sense of bliss that surrounded him. Now she lay in front of him, her chest rising and falling, her eyes clouded with desire and Arthur smiled. He loved her, he realised. Not because she was the reason he was throbbing with need and want right now. Not because she was available and willing. But because with her at his side, he felt as if he could do anything, that life had a myriad of possibilities. Because when she was with him, there was always a bubble of happiness in him, even in the most dire of situations. And most importantly, because thinking of her not working for him, of her leaving Camelot left a dull ache in his heart.

Leaning over, he kissed her slowly before repeating his words. "Let's go to bed."

Her palms flattened on his chest and she pushed. Not the answer he expected but he moved away, slightly confused.

"We shouldn't have done this." She was pulling her robe tightly around her, shifting away from his as she did so. Her fingers frantically worked on the tie of her robe.

"Guinevere." He moved to the other end of the sofa when she shook her head. Desire still coursed through his veins but he clenched his fists, willing himself to calm down. Somewhere between her gasping and trembling under his mouth and fingers and him kissing her, something had gone wrong. "Talk to me."

"This was a mistake," she said.

Frustration built in him. How was this a mistake? The past few minutes had been the best moments of his week. He reached out a hand to her and she recoiled as if he'd hurt her. Whatever desire he felt drained away, replaced by a vague sense of dread.

"You're right," he said as calmly as he could. "This is moving too fast."

"You should leave."

"Leave? Can we talk about this?" The dread in him increased at the look on her face.

She looked up at him. "I need you to leave. Please."

He didn't want to go. He wanted to thrash out whatever it was that was bothering her. But he wasn't about to push her, not when she looked like she was about to shatter if he so much as touched her again.

She didn't want him. She didn't feel the same way about him the way he did about her. The thoughts echoed in his mind.

He'd been so caught up in his own feelings and wants, he'd completely ignored hers. Shame flooded him. Guinevere was right. He was selfish, always thinking about himself.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly as he stood. Then he walked out of her house, not once looking back despite desperately wanting to, afraid of what he would see.

The lift door slid open and the first thing he noticed was the empty desk. He laughed at himself. It never just rained, did it?

"Hey, Gwen took a sick day today." Merlin was already in his office on his sofa, a stack of papers in his hands. "She didn't sound so good. I'm going to go over after work. You want to come with me?"

"No. I'm going to be busy cleaning up Mordred's mess."

"So he's still our client because I still remember your father yelling at you that it's Mordred or your job here."

Arthur shrugged. "I'll deal with my father."

"Right then. I dealt with the press already, told them we have no comment at the moment. Guess you better set up a meeting with Mordred."


Merlin peered at him. "Are you alright?"

"No. Look, I just need to be alone."

"Huh. Pity Gwen isn't here. Then you two can go off and do whatever you do that cheers you up."

Arthur ignored the pain that hearing her name caused. "I don't pay you to hang around here talking nonsense."

Shaking his head, Merlin left Arthur alone in the office. He tossed his jacket onto the sofa then sank into his chair. Last night had been awful. For hours, he'd lay in bed, going through all the things he'd done wrong. And when he finally dozed off, he'd been plagued with images of Guinevere, of her in the throes of pleasure under him, then her telling him she didn't feel anything for him. Now, he was a wreck.

He had to focus. Quickly, he called Mordred, his irritation and anger fading a little when he heard how nervous and anxious Mordred sounded on the phone. Then, despite the urge to go over to Guinevere's place, he pulled out some of his other outstanding work and worked through them. He and Guinevere needed to talk but he'd let her make the first move.

Before he could get anything done, his father summoned him.

"Have you told Mordred?" The moment he stepped into his father's office, the words were barked at him.

"I arranged to meet him tomorrow."

"And you'll tell him that you can't represent him anymore."

"And I'll see how things pan out," said Arthur calmly.

His father walked up to him and Arthur resisted the urge to take a step back. "I meant what I said. Drop his case or lose your job. I'm tired of your impertinence. We are not some charity law firm. I said nothing when you take on pro-bono cases like this. But when our firm gets dragged through the mud and associated with that - that sister of yours and her activism, you need to stop."

"Mordred isn't lying about what Mercia did. You heard him. I've seen the evidence from Morgana. They need to be taken to task."

Arthur could see the tension in his father's jaw. "We are not some activist law firm," his father bit out.

"And why not? There is a wrong done here and we should -"

"We are not in the business of justice!"

"If Mordred wants to retain me, I'm not going to turn him down. Do what you wish father."

"Arthur," his father's voice softened. "You worked so hard to be a part of the firm, to prove you can take over when I go. Don't waste it all over this boy. He is not worth it."

Arthur opened his mouth but his father held up a hand.

"You're emotional, not thinking straight. Think it over. You'll realise I am right. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Then his father went back to his chair and picked up some papers, effectively dismissing him.

Katherine smiled up at him but Arthur couldn't muster the energy to even pretend to be civil. In the lift down to his office, Arthur fumed. When he stepped out of the lift and saw movement at Guinevere's desk, his heart leapt. Then he realised it was just Merlin rummaging through her files.

"How did it go?"

"Badly. Come in." Arthur stalked into the office. Rubbing his head, Arthur relayed what happened with his father to Merlin. When he finished, Merlin was perching on the sofa looking expectantly at him. "What?"

"That's what I want to know. What are you going to do?"

"I don't know," admitted Arthur, all the anger and the adrenalin that had kept him going drained out of him. He slumped onto the sofa next to Merlin, burying his head in his hands. "I really don't know."

"The way I see it," said Merlin, "the easiest thing to do is to dump Mordred. Your father will be happy, you no longer have to worry about the mess Morgana made and life can continue as usual."

"Is that what you think I should do?"

Merlin shrugged. "I like this job."

Arthur raised his head to glare at Merlin. "You are not helping."

"I think you should follow your heart."

"You're going to be fired after me, you know that right?"

Merlin smirked. "I do. But we'll survive. I can play the violin. I'm sure you can sing."

"I've heard you play before. Believe me that's not playing. And no, I can't sing."

"People might pay for us to stop," laughed Merlin. A reluctant smile tugged at Arthur's lips and he shoved Merlin in response.

Gwen punched her pillow. It didn't ease the tension in her, the tension she'd been carrying ever since she threw Arthur out of her house. Her sleep had been punctuated with erotic dreams involving her and Arthur she rather not have. Eventually, after tossing and turning in bed, she dragged herself out of bed. As she made herself a cup of hot chocolate, she replayed that evening again in her head.

When Arthur had asked her to go to bed, every part of her had been screaming to accede, to accept what he was offering. But that was the problem. What was he offering? A one night stand to ease the stress he was experiencing? An opportunity to scratch an itch? Rebound sex? She remembered how eager Arthur had been to earn Mithian's affections, how he often spoke of Mithian in glowing terms and how he'd been so desperate, he'd ask her to help him. At the same time, she couldn't forget the hurt and sadness that had flashed in his eyes when she said no.

The sensible part of her reminded her that Arthur wasn't Gwaine and Gwen knew that any break up with Arthur would never be as pleasant as the one she experienced with Gwaine. And as much as she was in love with Arthur, her stay in Camelot was supposed to be a temporary. a break from the life she had. Her savings were coming along nicely and in a month or so, she would be out of a job anyway. Maybe, it was time to move on.

She sipped her hot chocolate and sighed. Then screamed when a loud crash startled her. Jumping to her feet, she padded to her room, her heart sinking when she saw part of her ceiling now on her bed.

"Your ceiling collapsed?" Merlin yelled into her ear through the phone. "Are you hurt? Don't move. I'm coming over right now."

"I'm -" Merlin had hung up. Her eyes surveyed the damage in her room one more time, thankful she hadn't been in bed when the ceiling decided to give up. Maybe that encounter with Arthur had its positive side, she mused wryly, then wondered why her hot chocolate wasn't something stronger.

Within the hour, Merlin knocked on her door. That wasn't unexpected. What was unexpected was a slightly sleepy looking Arthur, hair all mussed up, standing behind him.

In shock, she asked curtly, "Why is he here?"

That same look of hurt flashed in Arthur's eyes. "Just the driver," he said quietly. "I'll wait at the car."

"Wait -" she started but Arthur was already walking away.

"Sorry," said Merlin. "Wanted to get here as soon as I could so I got Arthur to give me a lift. He was really worried. Want to show me the damage?"

Shaking her head, trying to clear it of all the conflicting thoughts and emotions, Gwen led Merlin to her room.

"Good thing you weren't in bed."

"Yeah." Gwen sighed. "Good thing."

"We'll call the workers when the sun comes up. Come on, pack some things. You can stay over at my place. You definitely can't stay here."

Merlin was right. Within half an hour, she was all packed and walking out of her damaged apartment. Arthur was leaning against his car, his brows furrowed as he read something on his tablet. Merlin called out to him and Arthur quickly looked up. Gwen found herself unable to look at him. Instead, she fussed over her overnight bag.

"What happened?" He tossed his tablet into his car carelessly, then reached over to take her bag. "Was it bad?"

"She can't stay there, definitely," said Merlin. "She'll stay with me for now."

Frowning, Arthur hefted her bag and put it in the boot. "Your tiny place?"

"It's fine," said Gwen immediately, afraid that Arthur would suggest she stay with him instead. "I shouldn't have to stay with Merlin for too long." Arthur didn't. He merely nodded, then got into the car. Foolish, Gwen told herself. Why would Arthur want her in his house?

It didn't take long before Arthur pulled up outside Merlin's building. Murmuring a quick thank you, she exited his car.

"That was weird," said Merlin as they walked up to his apartment.


"Yeah. Just a couple of days ago, you and Arthur were good buddies. And today, you two can barely look at each other."

Gwen faked a yawn. "I'm so tired. I'm going to crash on your sofa now if you don't mind."

Merlin smirked. "I know what you're doing."

Tempering her smile, Gwen yawned exaggeratedly. "You'd be exhausted too if your ceiling came crashing down."

With a shake of his head, Merlin chuckled and passed her some sheets and blankets. "Here. Get some sleep."

There were only so many days she could avoid work so two days after her ceiling fell in, she turned up and stared at the mess that was her table. And after tossing and turning in bed over the past two nights, she'd come to a decision, one she had to tell Arthur about.

"Mer- Guinevere!" Arthur stepped out of his office and stopped short. "You came back."

"I couldn't stay away forever," Gwen forced a smile on her face, resolutely ignoring the tension and awkwardness that she felt. "Just look at my table after three days of absence!" Friendly and distant, that was how she told herself to act earlier.

Arthur's hand went up to rub the back of his neck and he smiled sheepishly. "Sorry."

The tension she was determined to ignore got heavier and Gwen found herself standing uncomfortably next to her table, her hands playing with a pen she'd picked up as Arthur shifted his weight and chewed on his lips.

"Uh, so how's the ceiling?"

"In the process of being repaired. How's the Mordred case coming along?"

"Good question. We have a meeting with him and Morgana today so I'd better get you up to speed." He cocked his head, indicating she should go into his office.

Having heard from Merlin about Uther's ultimatum, Gwen was slightly surprised that Arthur seemed to be just as committed to the case as he was before. Her confusion must have shown because halfway through Arthur's briefing, he stopped then looked at her seriously. "Is something wrong?"

"I just thought you would be dropping this case."

A frown formed on his face. "Did you think I would?"

"I just - well - your father - his opinion always mattered the most to you," Gwen trailed off as the frown on Arthur's face only deepened.

When Arthur replied, his voice was cool. "After all these months, you think I am still the boy I was in school?"

Shocked by the undercurrent of anger in his response, Gwen simply stared at him.

"Sorry," muttered Arthur, rubbing his face. "I'm just a little stressed. As I was saying, we've put Mordred up at a hotel so the press would stop bothering him. As for the countersuit by Mercia, Merlin is dealing with that at the moment and maybe I was wrong about Morgana but she seemed to have developed a conscience."

Her eyebrows rose. "A conscience?"

"I think she saw how badly affected Mordred was after his announcement and suddenly, she's willing to work with us a hundred percent."

"And you believe her?"

Arthur shrugged. "We'll see."

"And your father?"

Arthur shrugged again. "What's the worst that could happen?"

"Right." Then there was nothing to say, nothing safe at least.

"I'm going to go -" "Guinevere, about -"

They stopped and Gwen swallowed, pushing down the nerves that threatened to choke her. She raised her eyes to his and found herself unable to look away. Arthur's hand reached out and touched her cheek lightly, his thumb brushing so close to her lips the urge to just turn her head a little and kiss it swelled in her. Her heart sped up.

As if in a dream, Arthur moved towards her, the hand on her cheek drifting down the line of her neck, sending a trail of goosebumps in the wake of his fingers. Gwen's eyes fluttered close and she felt herself lean into his touch. By the time Arthur's lips brushed against hers, it was more of a relief than anything. Her lips parted, deepening the kiss as her fingers slid into his hair, tugging him closer to her until they were pressed tightly against each other. She felt his arm go round her waist, his fingers tracing patterns on her back.

"Guinevere," he groaned, pulling away slightly. His forehead rested on hers and his thumb rubbed across her slightly swollen lower lip. "We need to talk about this."

When Arthur looked at her like this, his eyes warm and full of desire, dreams of a happily ever after started to feel possible. It was clear her feelings for Arthur were out of control. "I'm leaving Camelot next month," she blurted, jerking away from him.

"What?" His arms dropped and he took a step back. All the warmth that was in his eyes drained away. "Next month?"

"My contract runs till then and I'm sure George would be itching to get back to work -"

"Liar," Arthur said accusingly. "You're running away from us."

"Don't you see? There's no us! And Camelot was always going to be a temporary place for me."

Arthur stalked back to his table, standing behind it, putting distance between them. "I know you and Gwaine have broken up." He paused then looked at her, the warmth returning to his eyes. "Maybe there could be an us," he said softly.

Still riding the panic at the depth of her feelings for Arthur, Gwen shook her head. "No. Because you're still in love with Mithian. Because I am nowhere close to the kind of person you should be dating. Because I don't belong in Camelot. Because your father hates my family." Because I am afraid. That last thought echoed in her.

"Because you don't feel anything for me?" Arthur asked flatly.

"I -"

The door to Arthur's office swung open with a crash and Merlin popped his head in. "Mordred is here."

Guinevere started when Arthur walked into the pantry, then she left in a hurry. His eyes fell on the mug she left behind in her hurry and that familiar dull pain throbbed in him again. The extent to which Guinevere went to avoid him the whole week left Arthur with little doubt that whatever feelings he had for her were completely one-sided. Which was just as well, Arthur told himself firmly as he slipped his mug under the nozzle of the espresso machine. With the Mordred case heating up and the fact that it was just a matter of time before he would be jobless, it wasn't the best time to start a new relationship.

He glanced again at Guinevere's mug, sighed then picked it off the counter. The coffee in it was cooling so he made a new batch for her. Silently, he set it on her table before disappearing into his office.

Merlin was lounging on his sofa.


"All of Morgana's evidence and witness accounts have come in. She's good. You should work with her - she can dig up dirt on anybody."

Arthur grunted as he flipped through the massive folder left on his table.

Merlin looked at him meaningfully. "Digging up dirt is one thing. Would be good if she had access to a decent lawyer so she could actually take legal action against them instead of simply smearing their name in public. Her association with the tabloids doesn't do much for her reputation."

"Has my father been ranting about firing me again?"

"It's a daily occurrence, isn't it? Speaking of which, Katherine managed to catch hold of me today and demanded I inform you that there's an emergency meeting being held today at 3pm. You are expected to attend."

"Brilliant," muttered Arthur.

Merlin gave Arthur a sympathetic smile then left, lingering outside with Guinevere. His heart contracted again and he quickly turned his attention to the folder Merlin dropped off.

As he flipped through Morgana's evidence, he realised Merlin wasn't exaggerating. Morgana's detective work was A plus and somehow she managed to get a whole swathe of people to talk about all the going ons in Mercia. He grinned, his mood lifting. With Morgana's cooperation, finally, things were looking up. Not only would they be able to get some measure of justice for Mordred, with some luck, they would be able to actually hold Mercia accountable for a lot more than just what they did to Mordred's father. Who would have thought?

Deciding he needed a stretch after plowing over a pile of documents, he left his office in search for lunch, running straight into a conversing Merlin and Guinevere. Buoyed by Morgana's cooperation and despite Guinevere's coolness towards him, Arthur approached them, inviting them for lunch, an offer Merlin accepted eagerly.

"You're paying?"

"Sure, why not?" Arthur smiled. "Guinevere?"

"Come on," urged Merlin.

Seated at a table with Merlin and Guinevere only served to make Arthur feel better. As he watched as the two of them studied the menu, a sense of contentment filled him. This, he realised with a start, was what he had been searching for - a job that made him feel like he was making a difference and people who he cared deeply about. And at this moment, it all seemed almost within his grasp.

"You need me to stay out late today?" Arthur heard Guinevere say.

Curiosity piqued, Arthur jumped into the conversation. "Do you have a date?"

Merlin flushed but before he could answer, Guinevere jumped in, a twinkle in her eyes. "He most certainly does! In fact, he had one last night too and I had to spend most of my evening sitting around in Cafe Bonne until he gave me the all clear."

Laughter exploded from Arthur. "Merlin! How could you do this to Guinevere? And who is this mysterious date?"

"She didn't mind," muttered Merlin. "Did you?"

Guinevere laughed, sending a warm fissure through Arthur. "Anything for your love life, Merlin. And I'm as curious as you are as to who the mysterious date is."

"I can't imagine anyone wanting to date you," Arthur said, pleased that this topic made Guinevere relax and that persistent tension between them disappear.

Merlin just rolled his eyes in response. "That's because you don't know how to appreciate me."

They chatted a little more about Merlin's mysterious date, attempting to tease out more details from him but Merlin was as closed mouthed as a clam. It didn't matter to Arthur. He simply enjoyed having Guinevere talk to him normally again.

"Why don't you come by my place tonight instead?" The moment the question escaped from Arthur's lips, he knew it was the wrong thing to say. Her expression closed and she sank back into her chair. The food arrived at that moment and silence reigned.

"Going to Arthur's place is probably better than sitting in the cafe," Merlin suddenly said between bites. "It's all comfortable and he has a huge flat screen television. And the most expensive leather sofa."

"I'm sure he has better things to do than entertain me."

"If you came over, you could help me sort through Morgana's documents. I would really love the help."

Guinevere narrowed her eyes at him, easily catching on to the game he was playing. "Just for work?" she said carefully.

"Dinner and work. I order takeaway very well."

"Great idea," said Merlin, "Right Gwen?"

Her eyes darted to Arthur's then to her plate. "Yeah, great idea."

Arthur bit his lips to stop the smile that wanted to break out on his face. Tonight couldn't come soon enough.

Whatever good feelings Arthur accumulated over the first half of the day dissipated the moment he stepped into the conference room that afternoon. He supposed, he fumed, as he walked out from the most frustrating meeting he had ever been involved in. And that included the early, stealth meetings with Morgana.

One month's notice and they acted as if they were doing him a favour when they offered him that. In a fit of pique, he'd belligerently told the board that he would leave immediately before marching out of the room, ignoring his father.

In his office, he snatched up all the documents and files relating to Mordred's case, then swung by Merlin's office to break the news. He could feel Guinevere's concerned eyes on him.

"The meeting didn't go well?"

"Shareholders are appalled by my pursuit of this case," Arthur sighed, leaning against her table. "I'm now officially unemployed and unfortunately for you and Merlin, you two are likely to be joining me soon."

Reaching out, she rubbed his arm. "I'm so sorry."

His fingers curled around hers. "I'm going off now. I'm not in the mood to spend any more time here. Come with me. Please?"

He could see the hesitation in her eyes and braced himself for rejection, but eventually she spoke. "Since I'm going to be spending the evening with you, why not start it now?"


Nodding, she slipped her hand from his then turned to pack. Unable to help himself, Arthur watched her, admiring the way she moved as she put all her things together. Need for her gripped him and he moved away. If Guinevere did leave Camelot next month like she said, he wasn't sure how he would cope.

"Let's go," she said, breaking into his thoughts.

He held out his hand and after a moment, she slipped her hand in his.

Gwen wasn't quite sure what she was doing. She'd spent most of the week avoiding Arthur, especially when that kiss in the office proved to her that she had little self control around him and now she was seated in his plush car, about to spend the evening with him. But, she didn't really want to spend the evening in that tacky cafe with the leering owner and now, with Arthur's sacking, she felt this need to be there for him.

The music from the car radio masked the silence in the car and Gwen stared out of the window, mulling over her decisions, achingly aware of Arthur within touching distance. By the time Arthur pulled up at his apartment building, Gwen was a mess of nerves and need. In the lift, she stood as far from Arthur as she could, staring resolutely at the rising numbers. Arthur said nothing.

His hands brushed against her as he took her coat once they stepped into his apartment. By then, the tension between them was so fraught that it felt like it would snap at any moment. She should step away from Arthur, put some distance between them, but she couldn't. Her back still to him, she waited, wondering if he would touch her again.

"Guinevere," he breathed and she could feel his warm breath against her nape. Desire curled in her stomach and spread all the way to her toes. How did he make her ache with just a whisper of her name? Sucking in a deep breath, her brain warring with her heart, she turned slowly around and found herself caught in his gaze. "Kiss me."

And she did, gently at first but the desire that smoldered between them burst into flames when Arthur's tongue dragged across her lips and his arms gripped her so close to him, she could barely breathe. His mouth slid to her neck, nibbling and sucking while his hands rucked up her top, caressing the skin beneath, tracing circles around her belly button then drifting up to brush against her breasts. She moaned and shuddered under his touch, her own fingers scrambling at the buttons of his shirt until she was able to slide her hands under his shirt, across his stomach, smiling as she felt him tense under her searching fingers. Slowly, he moved until the back of her thighs made contact with his sofa. She tumbled onto the sofa, and he tumbled after her, her laughter cut short when he brought his mouth down to her collarbone.

She sighed and ran her fingers in his hair.

Then he stopped and looked up at her. "Are you sure?"

His words were like a bucket of cold water. All the reasons she had for not getting into such a situation again raced through her mind. Sucking in a breath, she retreated to the corner of the sofa. "No."

Arthur nodded, then moved away, his unbuttoned shirt hanging off him. "We should talk. Although I rather do something else," he said wryly. He took her hand in his, threading his fingers through hers, his thumb rubbing the back of her hand.

"This is a bad idea." Yet she couldn't bring herself to pull her hand from his.

"I don't think it is," he said so quietly she had to strain to hear him. His eyes studied her, then as if he came to a decision, took a deep breath, squeezed her hand and continued in a more confident voice. "I like you a lot Guinevere." This he said in a louder voice. "We get along well, we are obviously attracted to each other so why is this a bad idea?"

Fear gripped Guinevere. She wasn't about to confess her feelings for him. "I told you before - you're on the rebound and I don't -"

A slow, deep kiss cut off her words. "When I kiss you, there is nothing else in my head except you, the way you taste, the way you smell, the way you feel. I can barely remember where I am, much less think about relationships that never had a chance anyway."

"I'm leaving next month," she said shakily, desperately trying to remember all the reasons she had for rejecting Arthur. But with him looking at her as if she was the most precious thing in the world, all her reasons seemed foolish.

"Don't. Don't leave. Stay with me." A finger trailed down her cheek, then his hand cupped her face.

"I don't belong here. Not anymore."

Arthur frowned at her words. "Then I'll go with you. I've no job anymore, nothing to keep me here. If you want to go to Gedref, we'll go to Gedref. If you want to go to Essetir, then we'll go to Essetir."

"Just to sleep with me?" she asked in shock.

"No," Arthur huffed, "I'll go because I love you."

Gwen stared at him, hearing the words but not quite understanding them. Did Arthur Pendragon, the person she had been in love with forever, just say he loved her? And why? Convinced she was imagining things, she shook her head in confusion.

His hand dropped from her face and something that looked a lot like hurt darkened his eyes. "Guinevere," he said, his voice low and serious. "we have a good time when we're together, don't we?"

She nodded, her mind still frantically trying to make sense of what was happening.

"We get along well."

She nodded again.

"And being with you makes my life brighter. You make me happy. You make me want to be a better person."

And then it finally dawned on her. Arthur loved her. She smiled. "Arthur -"

"No," he interrupted her, "let me finish. I know that you think I'm still in love with Mithian but I'm not. It may sound callous but all the time I was with her, I found myself, unconsciously at first but much more consciously later, wondering what you were doing, wondering how much more I would enjoy it if you were around. And I also know that you're afraid that I'm still the Arthur you knew from a long time ago, but I like to think that I've changed and -"

She placed her fingers on his lips, the urge to share her feelings suddenly overwhelming her. "Arthur. I love you too. I've love you for a long time."

That shut Arthur up.

Shock, then utter delight filled Arthur's face. "Brilliant," he whispered before kissing the fingers she held against his lips. "Because I love you too."

Far too slowly for Gwen's liking, Arthur kissed his way up her arm to her shoulder, ignoring her pleas to hurry. Annoyed, Gwen slid her hands up his chest, enjoying the feel of his flexing muscles under her palm, then pushed him back against the sofa and straddled him.

"Eager, aren't you?" teased Arthur as he unbuttoned her blouse, then pushing it off her. Her response was a soft laugh, followed by her pressing kisses along his jaw then down his throat until she reached his chest. Her fingernails scrapped over his nipple before she laved it with her tongue, the groan torn from him only encouraging her on. His hard length pressed against her stomach. Her own arousal was growing and part of her wanted nothing more than to pull off Arthur's pants and sink onto him.

But there was a lot to be said for having Arthur writhing under her touch and lips and having him clutch at her shoulders and moaning her name.

"You need to stop," he gasped after she tortured him with her mouth, his hands pulling her up. "Wait."

Impatiently, Gwen disentangled herself from Arthur and watched as he removed a foil packet from his wallet.

Finally, after they removed the remnants of their clothings, she sank down on him. For a while, they just lay there, his hands caressing her back, raining kisses on her face as she shut her eyes and relished the feel of him in her.

"I love you," murmured Arthur in her ear. "So much."

It wasn't long till the two of them lay sated, entwined in each other arms. Arthur pressed kisses against her damp hair as she snuggled into him.

"That wasn't so bad," she smiled into his chest.

"Not so bad?" Arthur's laughter rumbled against her cheek. "Clearly we need more practice."


~ Epilogue ~

Thursday was date night and despite Gwen's protests, both Merlin and Arthur managed to persuade Mithian that dinner at the Cowboy's Ranch was a great idea. That was why she was now seated in a restaurant tackily decorated with plastic (at she hoped they were plastic) animal heads, cowboy hats and horseshoes with the serving staff dressed in stereotypical cowboy garb as loud country music blasted in the background. More appallingly, a group of people line danced in the middle of the restaurant. Merlin bopped far too happily to the music as his wife looked fondly on.

"I am still upset that the two of you just upped and eloped last week," grumbled Gwen as she popped a chip in her mouth.

"You're upset because Arthur here is taking far too long to propose to you."

"Shut up Merlin!"

Ignoring Arthur and Merlin, Gwen turned her attentions back to Mithian. "You need to throw a party to celebrate."

"The whole point of eloping was to avoid the whole wedding nonsense," said Mithian. "If you want a wedding, maybe you should be planning your own."

"With Arthur and Morgana still working through their new venture, I think a wedding is the last thing on his mind," Gwen said, instinctively leaning towards Arthur who easily slipped his arm around her as he continued squabbling with Merlin. "But we'll probably manage a house-warming."

"Good. I can't wait to see what you've done with that rundown shack."

"You have no imagination," laughed Gwen. "It's turning out to be gorgeous."

Finally surfacing from their quarrel, Merlin grinned at Gwen. "I don't care what your house looks like, I'm just glad you're hanging around in Camelot."

"Me too," she said, still slightly surprised that she truly meant it.

"Come on," said Arthur, "a toast to finally closing the Mordred case."

"A toast," Merlin repeated.

"You three did fantastically," said Mithian, pride all over her face.

Gwen grinned, snuggled into Arthur and clinked her glass against the others. She felt Arthur nuzzle her hair. Maybe it was the wine, or maybe it was the warmth of the restaurant, but Gwen thought she felt happier than she ever had before.

Then Merlin insisted they try line dancing.

AN: Thank you so much for reading and the comments. I enjoyed reading them. :)