Chapter 1

Disclaimer : I Don't own Yu Gi Oh!

Italic stands for thought / dreams

+Japanese Language+

[Stands for voice from the past]

Underline stands for letter

"Quote stands for dialogue"

Bold stands for emphasis

Bold italic stands for a dangerous tone

A Vampire Boy

A white haired man was riding his horse back to his hideout, he has just came back from stealing a golden necklace from the Pharaoh's room. He smirked to himself as he rode his horse to the oasis ahead of him, then he heard a commotion not too far from him. His curiosity taking over, he rode to the direction he heard the commotion.

He saw a group of bandits were attacking a group of merchants, from the look of it, the merchants were losing badly since nearly all of them left, he watched as the few left get killed before the bandits noticing his presence and attacking him.

He chuckled as he took out his two daggers, to mess with him was like asking to die. He grinned evilly as he avoiding their attack and killed them, "You morons." He spoke coldly as he grabbed the last bandit by his throat, "To mess with me, The Thief King Akefia, is the same as asking to die." He hissed lowly before he stabbed the man's heart with his dagger.

Akefia laughed softly to himself before looking to the carts direction. Since he already get to the place and killed the bandits, why not searching for something valuable from the merchant's belonging? He blinked his eyes when he saw something strange, there's a chained box and the box was moving by itself.

Akefia frowned and slowly walking to the box, Maybe it's just an animal? He asked himself as he stopped in front of the cart holding the box, the box was moving again, more strongly this time, his frown deepened when he heard a growl from inside the box, but the growl didn't sound like animal's growl at all, it's sounded like human's. Maybe it's really a human, Akefia thought, but still frowning, the box was too small to keep a grown up man, since most people who got kidnapped was mostly adult to be sold as slaves.

Akefia then heard a crack from the box, he took a step back in case it's a wild animal instead of human, since the box was really just too small to keep a grown up human. The cracking sound continued until the top gave away, a clawed hand break through the top and trying to widened the hole it's made, a second later, another hand came out.

Akefia stared with wide eyes, the hands were so small that he knew the owner was a child, but clawed? He asked himself as he move to help the small hands to rip open the lid of the box, as he rip open the lid, he was met with a pair of Amethyst eyes.

Akefia blinked again and take a better look. The eyes belonged to a boy with a strange hair that shaped like a star and has three colors, the base was black and turned Amethyst at the tips with blond bangs. The boy was staring at him with a wide and round eyes that made the boy looks so cute and adorable, but when the boy opened his mouth, he saw a pair of pointed fangs. As if his hands and fangs were not enough, Akefia also saw a pair of black wings on the boy's back, looking big enough to lift the boy up to the air.

"Thank you." The boy spoke to him, pulling him out from his shock, but only to get into another shock. He had never received any 'thank you' from others, only from his late friends and family.

Akefia never thought that he will find the word 'thank you' to make his chest so warm but tight at the same time, the boy didn't know what happened but he thank him for helping the boy to opening the box. "You are welcome." He said with a small smile, he then noticed that the chains were still intact, "Hold on, boy, I will break the chains." He said as he search for something like an axe to break the chains away.

"No need." Akefia blinked when he heard the boy answered him, he looked back to see the boy grabbed a chain with his bare hands and his hands glowed with a silver light and the boy pulled the chain until it broke away.

Akefia stared with open mouth as he saw the boy broke the rest of the chains with his glowed hands, "What the?" he mumbled softly, he had never seen anything like that. He's aware of the existence of Magic, since he was able to use Shadow Magic, but he knew the boy didn't use any Shadow Magic since his Magic didn't reacted to the boy's Magic, and Shadow Magic was dark in color, not silver. "What was that?".

The boy grinning brightly at Akefia as he finished breaking all the chains, "My Magic." He answered cheerfully.

Akefia closed his mouth before shaking his head, "Yes, boy, I know it's Magic, but I don't know what kind of Magic was that." He said as he walked back to the boy, "So, what kind of Magic was that?" he asked seriously.

The boy pouted, "No boy, Yugi." He complained cutely, "It's Vampire Magic, I'm a Vampire".

Akefia can only stare at the boy before he blinked and placing his palm on the boy's forehead, "You don't have a fever." He mumbled as he pulled back his hand, "You really are a Vampire?" he asked to no one with a frown, "A child like you? How old are you again?".

Yugi raised six fingers, "I'm six." He said cutely.

Six years old and already changed into a Vampire, the Vampire must be a crazy one. Akefia thought with a sigh, "Okay, with that kind of appearance, I believe you." He muttered before looking at the boy straight in the eyes, "But if people know that you are a Vampire, they will kill you for they are thinking that Vampires are dangerous creatures".

Yugi nodded and his body glowed with silver light again, his claws and wings disappeared, then when the boy grinned at him, his fangs also disappeared, "Done." He said cheerfully.

Akefia smirked, "Clever one." He praised, "So you can hide your identity well enough." He nodded in satisfaction, but then he frowned again, "What happened to you, Yugi was it? Yugi, why are you in the box?" he asked in confusion.

Yugi bit his bottom lip before his eyes watered and he start sobbing, "I, I was playing in the garden when I felt a pain at the back of my head." He sobbed, "When I woke up, I was already in this box".

"So they kidnapped you." Akefia snorted, "What a bastard, kidnapping a child, even I wouldn't do something so low like that".

"Language." Yugi said in scolding manner but still sobbing, " Father and Mother said that it's bad to swearing, Grandfather also get mad if people swearing in front of him".

Akefia looked at the boy with sad eyes, "It's good that you still have them." He said sadly before raising his eyebrows when the boy shook his head and looked down to his feet, "What?".

"Father and Mother was killed about three years ago, I was nearly killed too if not for the Vampire who turned me so I can stay alive, that's what Sister told me." Yugi said softly, so softly that Akefia nearly couldn't hear him, he wouldn't hear what the boy was saying if not for his sharp hearing.

"But at least you still have the rest of your family." Akefia said as he wipe away the boy's tears, "I lost everyone in my village, my family and friends, they died when I was ten." He said and rubbed the boy's head, "Do you know where your home is? They must be worried sick about you".

"Don't know." Yugi shook his head, "I forget the name, I can speak the language but I forget the name too." He said sadly, "I forget so many things when I woke up".

Akefia sighed, if the boy didn't know then he couldn't help at all, if at least the boy know the name of the country then he can try to get the guards helping him even if it's a bit complicate to do. "You got a mild amnesia, huh." He commented in annoyance, he glared at the corpses of the merchants, What the hell are you? A monster? Even he wouldn't attacking a boy so hard like that, he will only knocked them aside if they get in his way, never really harming them. Many of his friends in the past were also children when that incident happened, so he dislike to harming children if not really necessary.

Yugi's sobs become harder as he continued to cry, Akefia sighed before picking the boy up and rubbing his back, "Don't cry, it's alright now." He said to the boy, "If you are alone now, I will take you with me, so you won't be alone." He said softly, he didn't even know why he was so kind to the boy, normally he would just took the boy to the nearby village so they can take care of him. "But you really speak Egyptian so fluently for a foreigner." He said in humor.

The boy giggled in the midst of his sobs, "I remember I learned them not too long ago, since my family planned to visit Egypt some time in the future." He answered.

Akefia smirked, "Then we will wait, they will come sooner or later, right? We will wait until they come here, we will know right away if they come since it's rare to have a pale skin here in Egypt." He said as he get the boy sitting on his horse, "Now, stay here, I will search for something first".

"Are you a thief?" Yugi asked with innocent face.

Akefia smirked to the boy, "I'm Akefia. I'm the King of Thieves, Yugi, not an ordinary one." He said as he walked to the carts to see if they had anything valuable to take.

To be continued . . .

Froim : My First Yu Gi Oh! Story.

Yugi : Please your review.