So, the reason why I wanted to write this chapter is because (DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED) my "little" brother is soon turning 18 and I've been feeling nostalgic and remembering how was it when my parents told me and my older brother that we would have a younger sibling.

Mary Margaret entered the kitchen and found Emma staring out the window. The blonde girl had her eyebrows furrowed and seemed to be really invested in a discussion with herself.

"Is everything alright, sweetie?" the older woman asked walking towards her daughter. Emma turned to face her step mother, her gaze then shifted to were Mary Margaret had placed her hands: her abdomen. The girl's look softened.

"Why do I have to wait 7 more months to meet the baby?" Emma asked her mother.

"Because the baby needs to grow stronger in my belly, your brother or sister wouldn't be able to survive in this world if he or she were born now," Mary Margaret explained, trying to sound more like a mother than a teacher. She sat next to Emma and slid her arm around the girl's shoulders. "But, if you want to see the baby, you can come with your father and I to the doctor's appointment today,"

"Really?" Emma asked excited.

Mary Margaret nodded. "Our appointment is at 3 p.m, so go and do your homework until then,"

With nothing more to say, Emma stood up and quickly walked towards her room. Mary Margaret watched Emma's golden curls bounce as her daughter got away. It had been three months since Mary Margaret and David got married. After coming back from their honeymoon and getting settled in their new house, things had started to march as they should march for a family with a seven year old girl. That meant the usual "I don't want to do my homework," from Emma's side, and the usuals "Sit and eat your vegetables," from Mary Margaret's side and "No TV tonight," from David's. But overall, the three of them were doing a pretty good job.

The teacher remembered when her husband and she told young Emma that she would have a baby sibling. The girl had been so excited she didn't sleep the whole night. Specially after David and Mary Margaret told her that she could choose the name for the baby. The blonde girl first suggested "Walmart," because the retail shop had become her favourite place, but David told her that the baby couldn't be named after the store. So she had been up all night making a list of possible names, Emma's favourites were Alex and Charlie, because they were names that worked for both, a baby girl and a baby boy.

"Emma, are you done with your homework?" Mary Margaret asked checking the kitchen's clock. "We have to get going, your father is waiting for us outside,"

"I'm done, I'm done!" Emma replied running towards the kitchen and putting a paper on the table. "You can check it,"

"I'll do it after we come back, come on," the teacher grabbed the girl's hand and walked towards the entrance door, "Put on your jacket, sweetie," she pointed at a red jacket that was hanging next to the umbrellas as she put her own coat on.

At the doctor's office Emma could barely hid her excitement, the little girl sat impatiently on her chair, swinging her legs and looking around. David and Mary Margaret glared at the girl tenderly. When the doctor called them in, Emma was the first one to stand up and ran into the office.

"Someone's excited to meet their sibling," Doctor Whale commented as he put the gel over Mary Margaret's stomach. "If only Gerhardt would have been so excited when my wife got pregnant with Victor," he added.

Emma knew Victor Whale, they both went to the same class. She didn't like him at all, he was mean and weird. And loved killing and dissecting animals, which made him the first person on Emma's black list. The blonde girl totally understood why Victor's older brother wasn't particularly excited when his brother was born. But her sibling would not be like that, her sibling would be awesome.

"Wait a minute," the doctor said shifting the ultrasound probe from one side of Mary Margaret's stomach to the other one. "Here is your brother or sister," he said pointing with his finger at a gray mass on the screen. "That right there will be the hand,"

Emma walked towards the screen and placed a finger over her sibling's future hand. "Hi, baby," she said with a smile on her face, "I'm Emma, your older sister," she introduced herself to the screen "Now, hurry up and get out of mom's belly, I'm getting bored,"

Her comment made the grown ups laugh. These would be seven extremely long months for Emma.

The end

Thank you, each and everyone of you, for reading and showing support throughout this fic. If you enjoyed this story, the sequel is already alive, you can find it on my profile. It's called "Noise".