So here you go... last chapter... Remember, I knew how this was going to end before I even started writing, that's why. I love Lennox, i think she's neat, I even love the story art I did... but her story and it's end is important to Cat et all, part of their development, so to speak... so enjoy.
Check out Miles to go... new chapter will be posted soon, just show me some love! let me know what you think!
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It's weird being at your own funeral. Everyone is standing or sitting around crying their hearts out and you want to comfort them, to tell them it would be okay but you can't, you can only watch, feeling completely helpless.
I sat in a tree during it, hidden from view, not wanting Cat to see me. I wasn't ready for that.
I didn't know if it was because I was coming to terms with being dead or because she was the one that had killed me. I didn't know what she put in me but it wasn't for the pain, it put me to sleep, permanently. I know I asked to die and I know I shouldn't hold her responsible but I was dead, what else was I going to do?
My parents had come out to take my body but upon seeing the friends I had made here, my first real friends, they held a memorial for me in Beacon Hills.
"You can get closer without being seen by her."
I jumped at the voice that sounded so close, almost falling out of the tree when I saw a blonde girl sitting beside me. I wondered what would happen if I did fall out of the I float to the ground or just fall and hit it, would it hurt? What's the worse that could happen? Not like it would kill me. Yeah, good to know I still had a sense of humor in the afterlife.
"Erica?" I cautiously asked.
She nodded.
"How come you're the first dead person I've seen?" I couldn't help but ask. "I mean, really, how many have died in Beacon Hills?"
"We see each other at times but you don't always know who is and who isn't, not at first. Catty sees a lot of spirits but she just doesn't know it, this whole thing is very new to her. The thing is, we also have that choice on when to be seen, it's actually pretty simple. I tried very hard to get Catty to see me and one day, she could. But Boyd had no inclination to do that, he was done here, he moved on to another plane and once you decide to move on for good, you can't come back."
"Why did he move on and you didn't?"
Erica sighed. "At first, I didn't because everyone I cared about was still alive. When Boyd died, he was here for a bit but he moved on, I still couldn't because I love Catty, I couldn't leave her yet, not until it was all over, even if she couldn't see me. When it was finally done and she could see me, I didn't want to leave."
"Do you ever see him?" I asked, referring to Boyd.
"Yes, at the inbetween."
I shot her a questioning look.
"It's the halfway point, not really here, not really there, the inbetween."
I mulled over this information in my head before turning back to my funeral. "You said I could get closer without being seen?"
She nodded. "It's a lot more simple then one thinks, just think that you don't want to be seen."
"How do I know this isn't a trick?"
Erica rolled her eyes, disappearing from beside me and reappearing in front of Cat, waving her hands and yelling in her face. I giggled but the tiny blonde didn't even react. I jumped from the tree, not quite mastering the ability to disappear and reappear at will. I made myself think that I didn't want to be seen as I stepped into the small group of people.
Cat stepped forward, clearing her throat to get everyone to look towards her. "I- um- Lennox loved this song, she was singing it to Stiles near the end, she was thinking how much she would love this song at her funeral. I- I want to sing it for her."
She began to sing If I Die Young by The Band Perry and even in my new… state I teared up because I did want this song. I turned around to look at everyone standing there. My mom was sobbing, leaning against my Father who had an arm wrapped around her. Beside them, Trent stared stonily ahead, looking ready to murder someone and a small part of me feared for my friends and the stupid actions he just might take now that I wasn't there to reel him in. I was the brain and he was the muscle we always joked.
"I didn't know Catty could sing." Erica murmured, appearing beside me.
I ignored her, looking at everyone else gathered. Lydia, Danny and the twins stood at the back, there for moral support more than anything else. In front of them, Stiles stood looking at the ground, tears in his eyes and that killed me. I never meant to hurt him, I never should have gotten involved. Scott stood beside him, staring moodily at the ground, beside him, Allison stood holding his hand and on the other side of her, she held Isaac's hand, the taller wolf staring at his girlfriend who couldn't finish the song, breaking down as she got to the part I had sang to Stiles. Isaac stepped forward and wrapped an arm around her but no one else reacted. I looked to Erica in confusion.
"They're all mad at her." She softly replied. "Either that or indifferent towards her."
"Why?" I asked.
"Because she did what she had to."
"What? Kill me?" I bitterly asked.
"You were dying anyways." The blonde sneered. "So don't you dare be all angry and bitter towards her. She did that to protect everyone and let me tell you, her way was a lot better than claws killing you. You should be happy for that."
"Happy I'm dead?" I asked in disbelief.
Erica stepped up to me and grabbed my shirt, pulling me closer. "Lose the attitude. You were going to die, why the hell are you blaming Catty for it?"
"I don't know." I yelled at her. "Maybe because I'm pissed off that I'm dead."
She let me go with a smirk as she stepped back. "And there it is. It's okay to be pissed that you're dead but you can't blame her for it. If you ask me, she saved you a whole lot of pain.
"Fine, I get it, okay? I just- I just wanted it to work so bad."
"I get that but look, Catty needs you."
"What? Why?" I asked.
"Because her friends blame her for this, she blames herself for it and it's killing her."
Around us, everyone walked away, save for Cat. Isaac tried to move closer but she pulled away from him, staring at the memorial that had been erected for me. Finally Isaac followed everyone else, leaving the tiny blonde alone.
"She needs you." Erica reminded me before turning to Cat. I guessed she made herself visible as she stepped up beside her.
"Catty-" She began only to be cut off.
"Everybody hates me." The Seer's voice was low and trembling.
"No, they don't, they're just dealing."
"They hate me. The only one kind of talking to me is Isaac and I think he's only doing it out of obligation." She looked at Erica with tears in her eyes. "I only did what I thought was best. I was trying to save Scott from doing it, I didn't want this on his conscience."
"So you decided to have it on yours and now he's treating you like you have the plague. How is that fair?" I couldn't help but ask.
Cat's eyes widened and she turned towards me, a hand covering her mouth as she let out a sob. "Lennox? Oh my god, I thought I would never see you again. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."
"Stop saying that, please. You saved me from more pain, especially if Scott's way of doing it was to use his claws."
"You- you don't blame me?"
I glanced at Erica who was giving me a look and I shook my head. "No, I don't, I was dying Cat, what were you supposed to do?"
She sank to her knees, wrapping her arms around her middle. It wasn't hard to see that through all her pain a part of her was relieved that I didn't blame her and Erica was right, I couldn't blame her.
"Maybe you should just…tell them that I don't blame you and to stop being assholes." I suggested.
"Now they'll think I'm making it up just to save myself." The small girl mumbled. "I think your brother wants to kill me, Stiles can't even look at me, when Scott looks at me, god I can't even look back at him. Isaac is so distant. What am I supposed to do?"
"Who are you talking to?"
All three of us looked towards the new voice, seeing Lydia standing there, looking at Cat with wide eyes.
"Tell her." I urged but Cat shook her head.
"I can't." She muttered.
"Can't what?" Lydia asked.
"Tell her, tell someone." I pushed her.
"If anyone understands, it might be her." Erica continued.
Cat sighed before standing up and looking at the redhead. "Lydia, I need to tell you something. It's a little hard to believe but the truth is… I see dead people."
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Herein ends Lennox's story, make sure you head on back to Miles to Go to see Season 3B.