Okay, due to large demand I've written another 'before' fanfiction about Zidane. This is what I think could have happened to Zidane before he joined Tantalus. Also, I plan to have the first part of another fanfiction out soon too. But Zidane wont be the star this time. Its about another member of Tantalus, called Girl of 1000 pasts. Doesn't take a genius to figure out who I'm talking about . . .

By the way, as for ages, I either made them up (if I couldn't find them, like Kuja's age. I was told he was 24 in the game but I don't know for sure), or got them from other sites.

I don't own FF9 or anything else in this story blah blah blah . . .


The young genome, about twelve years old, crept into the room in Pandemonium, and looked around cautiously. He didn't need Garland catching him now . . .

When he was certain he was alone, he sneaked into the room, and walked up to the bed in the far corner. It was occupied by another genome, barely four years old.

Kuja smiled. This little runt was meant to become the Angel of Death? It was almost an insult. Still . . . he wasn't taking any chances. He had no intention of doing what Garland wished of him, but he wasn't going to let anything become stronger than he was.

Smiling, he grabbed the boy from his bed, and before the younger genome could think of fighting back, Kuja hit him harshly on the side of his head, knocking him out cold. Dragging the boy to the window, Kuja lifted himself onto the ledge, and jumped off, falling onto his loyal pet, the Silver Dragon.

As he felt his master land on his back, the dragon took off, flying towards the portal, that connected the two worlds, Terra, and Gaia together. When the appeared in Gaia, Kuja could hardly stop himself from laughing. Garland was such a fool! To agree to let Kuja live on Gaia, then barely lift a finger to stop him from kidnapping his prized genome! Kuja was young yes, but his power, and vast intelligence would make taking control of Gaia, and Terra, almost too easy . . .

Finally, the silver dragon descended, and landed on a small island, not that far away from a large continent. It was covered in a murky white mist. Or at least, it looked like mist to the naïve humans that lived there . . . Dropping from his pet, Kuja tossed his 'brothers' body aside. For some reason, he didn't feel like killing the young genome, and why would it matter? Without the proper training, this boy would amount to nothing. Let him spend the remainder of his days on this stupid island.

Climbing onto the silver dragon's back, using its claw as a step, Kuja flicked his feathery hair out of his face, and took one last look at the younger genome.

"Goodbye Zidane. May we never meet again" he said to the motionless boy, and flew away, laughing all the way . . .

Chapter 1-Dali

The boy woke up to find a bird, a baby Chocobo, tugging at his tail (for all of you who love chocobo's, I advise you don't read this next part). Slowly, he got up, and the bird looked up at him, unafraid. It was new to the world, and had no clue as to what dangers there were.

The four-year-old could only stare. He had never seen anything like it, but his stomach told him to act first, and ask questions later. He was so hungry, and the bird was just standing there.

Turning round, the genome ignored the bird, then, in a fluid motion, swirled round and snapped the Chocobo's neck, killing it instantly . . .

(AN: I DO like chocobo's, really! But Zidane WAS the Angel of Death just then. Don't stop reading cause of it. No more violence to chocobo's. Honest!)

* * *

He had very little idea on how to make a fire, but somehow, the boy managed to cook the small bird, and have a marginally decent breakfast. Getting up from the campfire, Zidane scoured the area. It was obviously an island, and it was not Terra. There was no blue, except for the water around it, and the ground was covered in a lush green substance.

Finally, it clicked. He was on Gaia! But why now? Master Garland had not told him he was going. He was still young, and needed training . . .

Concentrating, the boy pieced together the events of the past night. He could remember someone hitting him, and there had been a white . . . no silver. Silver dragon.

He shook his head in confusion, and looked out onto the ocean. There was a large continent only a few miles away, and he could see the mist of souls hovering there.

"The mist continent" he thought. "Might as well start getting some answers from there."

So Zidane walked out onto the sandy beach of the island, and waded into the water. For an ordinary human child, the swim would have been an impossible task, but the genome was positive he could swim the distance easily. When the water was past his tail, he dived in, and started swimming towards the continent.

You know, if he had made it, the history of Gaia would have been altered forever. But fate was to intervene, in the form of a very agitated sea monster . . .

* * *

Zidane only realised he was being chased when the wave crashed over him. Choking in the water, he turned round in time to sea a monstrous snake towering above him. It was actually a relation of Gizmaluke, who lived on the mist continent, who just happened to wake up on the wrong side of the seabed. Not that it really matters. For all Zidane cared in could have been the ruler of Terra. He was unarmed, and as the created threw yet another wave above him, all he could do was close his eyes, and brace himself for the attack . . .

* * *

Groggily, the boy opened his eyes. He was lying on a rocky beach, half in the ocean. He was soaked to the core, and had a splitting headache.

Against his body's wishes, the boy got to his feet, and looked around. Nothing on the misty land looked familiar. He remembered . . . what did he remember? His mind was a complete blank.

"Focus" he told himself. "What happened? Who am I? Where did I come from?"

Slowly, he door to his mind creaked open, and leaked out a few precious nuggets of information. A strange blue light that was important, and an oddly familiar name.

"Zi . . . dane?" he wondered. "Is that my name? Yes . . . That's my name!"

Pleased that this had come so easily, Zidane, waited on the ledge for several hours, hoping for more of his memory to come back. As the sun began to set, he twitched his tail in annoyance, nothing else had come back, and it was clear it wasn't going to come back willingly.

Clambering off the rock, he looked into the fog, and walked straight into it, looking for some form of shelter.

As night set, Zidane still hadn't found anywhere to sleep, and was beginning to start thinking about going back to his rock, when he spotted several lights in the distance. Filled with a new purpose, Zidane ran towards the lights, finally revealing themselves to be a small village. As he walked into its empty streets, he saw a strange sign depicting some kind of message. However, he couldn't make out a word of it.

"What the heck does that say" Zidane said to himself. "Did I forget how to read?"

Come to think of it, could he write? He was pretty sure he did, but none of the letters on the sign were familiar to him.

"Heh, why do you need to read anyway? I'll just ask someone" he decided, and walked into the town.

Since it was late, very few people were up. But still, Zidane was able to find a man walking home.

"Hey! Do you know where I can get something to eat?" he asked the man.

"What? No where is open at this time of night kid" he replied harshly, then froze as he took a closer look at Zidane.

"Uhh, are you aware that you have a tail?" he asked, finally.

"Huh?" asked Zidane, and looked at the long brown tail flicking behind him, and then looked at the man. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I have one?"

"The man ignored the boy, and walked off, muttering, "Normal kids don't have tails. What kind of parents could . . ."

"Hey! Wait!" shouted Zidane, but the man just quickened his pace.

Kicking at the ground, Zidane crossed his arms and wondered what to do next.

"What's so bad about having a tail?" he wondered.

Just then, a voice behind him asked, "excuse me, but are you lost?"

Turning round, Zidane saw an old woman, standing behind him. "You seem a little young to be out here on your own."

Smiling back at the friendly face, Zidane replied, "No. I ain't lost, I just don't have anywhere to go."

The woman frowned. "What about your parents."

Zidane looked at the ground. "To be honest, I think I hit my head or somethin' cause I don't remember anything other than my name."

"Amnesia? Well, if you haven't got anywhere to go, I have plenty of room, as long as you're willing to pull your weight and help me out on my farm tomorrow."

Zidane frowned. "What's a farm?"

The woman chuckled. "Just how much of your memory did you lose? I'll explain on the way . . ."

The woman turned out to be the oldest woman in her town, which she told Zidane (after explaining to her that he couldn't read or write) was called Dali. It wasn't a very rich village, as the farms were only very small, and she even had to share hers with her sister. She never revealed her name to Zidane, and just told him to call her Aggie. He was given the lions share of food at her house, and after inspecting the rags he was in (which weren't holding up very well after having escaped through two worlds, plucking a Chocobo, and getting attacked by a wild sea monster), gave him some new clothes, even taking the time to cut a hole in the trousers for his tail, which she didn't see as odd at all.

"Everyone is unique in their own way" she said, when Zidane asked her why the man had reacted to his tail. "But some people think that originality is a bad thing, that we would be better off if everyone was the same. Personally, I think they're idiots."

Aggie managed to fill Zidane's head with countless facts that night. How much gil certain things cost (even giving him 100gil), what Chocobo's, Moogles, and Oglops were, and where it was dangerous to wander when you were unarmed.

Finally, Zidane grew tired, and Aggie led him to her guest bedroom. Barely able to keep his eyes open, Zidane fell into a deep slumber.

* * *

The next morning, Zidane woke up to find the house in complete darkness. There was something in the air. Something that didn't feel right.

Walking into the living room, Zidane found his new friend Aggie, sleeping on the couch. Gently nudging her, he said, "Aggie. Wake up. Aggie."

However, no matter how much he nudged the woman, she refused to get up. Somehow, knowledge lodged in his blank mind was pulled out, and he realised that his friend was never getting up . . .

It was his first contact with death. Or at least the first he remembered. He'd only known her a short time, but she was the only person who he could truly say he knew . . .

He couldn't stay there any longer, that was for sure. As much as he hated leaving Aggie just lying there, Zidane was pretty sure he would be blamed if they found her with him by her side.

* * *

As he walked out back into Mist Continent, Zidane took one last look at the village of Dali, and walked into the fog . . .

To be Continued . . .

Okay, that was bad! I'll try to make the next chapter better. But can anyone tell me where the closest place to Dali (other than Linblum) is? I've lent the game to a friend, so I'm stumped . . .