A/N: I had a new idea for a story. Tell me if you like this one. I am not going to abandon my other one, but I needed so write something new. Hope you like it. xoxo
Claymore High School was one of the only private Fae only high schools in the country. What made this school particularly special was that it didn't matter whether the teenager's parents were dark or light or rich or poor. This school accepted any Fae teenager upon turning 15 years old. It gave all the students a chance to interact with many species of Fae, and learn how to control their newly developed abilities.
After being there for about three weeks, Tamsin was starting to get used to living in a dorm, she just wasn't so sure about her roommate Kenzi. Tamsin could not wait to get out from under her parents, she loved them but they were just a little too overbearing. She needed freedom.
Kenzi was originally from Russia, but did not have an accent. Although, when she was angry she would start yelling in Russian. She was known to be one of the school's biggest trouble makers. Rumor is that she was living on the streets since she was 12, it made one tough Kitsune. She had connections everywhere, so as long as you were on Kenzi's good side she could get you whatever you wanted. She and Tamsin weren't exactly friends. Kenzi was definitely angry when the dorm advisors informed her of her new roomie. She scared off all of her other roommates so they stopped assigning other girls to that room. As long as Tamsin just stayed out of Kenzi's way, she was fine with the Valkyrie roommate.
Every new student was allowed one week to adjust to living at the school before beginning classes. Each student was allowed to pick through a list of elective classes to go along with their required classes. Tamsin's choices for the first year were Middle Aged Weaponry and Hand to Hand Combat Skills. As a Valkyrie she needed to be prepared for battles and know all kinds of different weapons. She really enjoyed her electives because she wasn't stuck inside reading text books. She learned sword fighting and archery among many other things. She made a friend in her combat class, Dyson, who she liked to call wolf boy. Dyson made an excellent sparring partner for the Valkyrie, they would spend most of their free time sword fighting or boxing in the gym.
One day the two were so into a match that over stimulated Tamsin accidentally revealed her true face, that of a skeleton. She made him doubt himself so much that he fell unconscious. That was the first time that Tamsin got a serious punishment from the school. She had to go meet with the dean.
"Ah, yes Tamsin, come in. You know what you did was a serious offense, correct? Using your powers to harm another student is against our code of conduct."
"I really am sorry, I didn't even realize what was happening, he is my friend I swear, and I wouldn't hurt him on purpose. I just got here; I can't completely control my powers yet."
"You seem sincere, you just got a warning this time, but I will be keeping my eye on you. That roommate of yours is a bad influence; I hope she doesn't rub off on a strong willed young Valkyrie like you. Now you need to go to the infirmary and apologize to Dyson. You are dismissed."
After apologizing to the wolf, who felt like a monster truck drove over his head; she went back to the dorms. Kenzi had her partner in crime Vex in the room, so Tamsin decided to go study outside under her favorite tree.
About an hour later she finally looked up from her book to see a car pulling up to the front of the dorm. Out came a pretty brunette girl she had never seen before. She must be new, Tamsin thought to herself. The girl seemed a bit scared and unsure of what was going on. This girl intrigued Tamsin, maybe I should go offer to show her around. She packed up her books and moved towards the girl.
"Hey, are you new here? I'm Tamsin." She smiled at the girl in front of her.
"Hi, yes. I'm not quite sure what is going on here. One minute I was at home and then these people came and said that I had to come to this special school of Fae kids. I think they are loony, what is a Fae?"
"You don't know what the Fae are?" Tamsin's jaw dropped, if this girl is some sort of Fae, she should know what that is right?
"No. Is this a hospital for crazy people?"
"No, no! The Fae are a race of mythical creatures, I guess you would say, we come in all shapes and sizes and have a variety of powers. This school will teach you how to control those powers and what not."
"I don't have any powers."
"How old are you?"
"I turned 15 today why?"
"You get your powers on your fifteenth birthday. Were your parents Fae?"
"I was adopted. I don't know who my birth parents are."
"Oh. So you have no idea what type of Fae you are?"
Just then the new girl's eyes turned and icy blue.
"I see a color around you. I can't explain it."
"Your eyes are blue and you can see my aura. Tell me how you feel right now."
The girl felt awkward, all of the sudden she was hungry but not for food. She wanted sex.
"Um, I…."
"It's okay, just tell me."
"I feel hungry, but not for food. Like the only thing that can stop this hunger is sex."
"I know what you are! You are a Succubus!"
"A what?"
"It is a kind of female sex demon."
"Oh. The demon part sounds bad."
"Don't worry, I will help you out. We can go search Succubi in the library in a little bit so you can learn about what you are."
"You are being so nice to me. Why?"
"You intrigue me and you are cute."
The girl blushed at Tamsin's comment, "You are pretty hot yourself."
Her eyes flashed blue again. "You need to feed."
"I don't want to hurt anyone; I don't know how to control myself."
"Feed off of me, I will stop you, I promise."
This time the girl's eyes stayed blue and she leaned into kiss Tamsin. Her instinct took over as she started pulled blue chi from Tamsin's mouth. After a few moments Tamsin's pushed her away.
"You taste amazing. What are you?"
"I am a Valkyrie."
"I thought those were mythical."
"There is a lot I need to teach you." Tamsin laughed at how naïve the girl was.
"If you are my teacher then I can't wait to sit through your lessons." She winked at the blonde as she said this.
"By the way, you should know, I'm Bo."