Snow was still steadily falling outside the old house, but it wasn't coming down as hard as it had been when the gang had first rushed inside to get away from it. Not knowing what to do, the gang simply sat in the living room by the fireplace as the flame made puppets of the shadows on the walls, making them dance like they were in a ballroom. All five of them were sitting around the fire on the hard floor, feeling that the nearest chairs were too far away, and they didn't want to mess with anything else in the house.

The flame played on their faces, and their skin glowed a fiery orange that made it look like each of the teenagers was lying on a peaceful beach under the colorful sunset. The only thing that pulled them into reality was the sound of the whistling wind outside. Even though the snow had died down, the wind had picked up and was turning the blizzard into more of a windstorm. The boards in the house creaked and wined, as if they were frightened about being pushed into such extremes.

"How is your leg, Phineas?" Baljeet's voice broke the silence. He seemed to be the one doing it the most lately. The first two times he had barged in right when Phineas or Isabella was about to say something regarding their relationship. Phineas guessed he didn't really mean to break anything up, he just had bad timing.

Phineas outstretched his right leg, seeing that Isabella's bow was still firmly wrapped around it. The pink fabric was trickled with blood, and it looked revolting. The gang made disgusted faces as they laid their eyes on the material.

"I don't know. I haven't looked at it since Izzy wrapped it up."

The fire crackled behind his voice. Ferb looked concerned, seeing the unpleasant frown on Phineas' lips. He reached out and touched it, trying to feel how tightly wrapped it was, but the inventor cringed at the feeling of fingers right on his cut. Ferb swiftly pulled his hand away in shock.

"Does it still hurt that bad, Phin? It must've gone deeper than we thought; taking the fact the pain should be tolerable by now." The Brit said in alarm, looking up at his stepbrother's eyes.

"If it hurts that bad, then how were you walkin on it earlier, Flynn?" Buford inquired, shooting a look of uncertainty at the boy in question.

Phineas bit his lip and he smiled guiltily.

Ferb's eyes grew wide. "You mean to tell me that you're mad enough to go and walk on it even though it causes you excruciating pain!?"

"I got used to it after a couple of limps." Phineas tried to make it sound less ridiculous. "Really, it's okay. I'm fine." He began to pull his leg back behind him when Isabella stopped it by resting a hand on his shin.

"Let us see it, Phin." She muttered, looking him straight in the eye.

Phineas looked at her, her skin covered with her own share of scratches varying from paper cut deep to scalpel deep, yet she was only fretful about his own single cut on his leg. Without letting Phineas protest, though he wouldn't have tried very hard since he knew there wasn't any reason to be keeping the seriousness of his injury a secret, Isabella pulled on the ends of the bow she had tied earlier today. It unraveled easily, and she cautiously removed the make-shift bandage. They all, even Phineas, grew discomforted at how much blood he had lost, for it had seeped through only two layers of the wrap, and the third had functioned primarily as a cover-up. Isabella held her old bow out and dropped it on the brick that was meant to catch flying sparks from the fireplace.

The wound was about a centimeter wide and three inches long, stretching horizontally across the lowest part of his knee, gouging in right under his kneecap. Her bow had helped with most of the bleeding, thankfully, but a small stream of the red sticky liquid was still coming out of it like a river down a mountain.

Isabella hadn't gotten a good look at it before, with everything that was going on she had simply wrapped it up, not inspecting it like she wished she had. She held a hand over her mouth as she examined it, while Ferb sacrificed his scarf. It was a thin piece of fabric, but not as thin as Isabella's bow. "This will have to do until we get out in the morning." He murmured, handing it to his brother to wrap it up himself.

Phineas did exactly as Ferb implied. He held it down on the back of his leg and pulled it around the gash about four times before tucking the other end inside. He winced at every amount of pressure that was put on it.

Phineas knew he needed to change subjects, seeing all of his friends' worried faces. Especially because they worried about him, and he didn't feel comfortable with everyone he loved feeling so heavy-hearted about something as tiny as a cut on his leg. He managed to pull his lips up into a grin and he looked out at everyone. "Hey, on the bright side, guess what?"

Ferb and the others looked up at him wearily, eyes full of disdain. "What, Phineas?" Isabella managed a small smile, feeling reassured that he could still pull his signature expression out of a hat as he always seemed to do. It was like magic, and it filled her with awe every time.

"I know what we're going to do tomorrow! That is, if the weather isn't too bad."

Baljeet chuckled, and Buford rolled his eyes. The other two besides the genius with the glint in his eye looked on in wonder.

"Since nobody got to have Halloween today because of the storm, I was thinking we make something that can get rid of all the snow so everybody can go trick-or-treating tomorrow night. We'll have a late Halloween."

Ferb raised a thumb up in approval, Isabella nodded eagerly, and Baljeet and Buford looked very happy.

"Sounds like a plan then!" The red-head chuckled.

That's when the front door of the house flew wide open, letting the cold air blow in like a tornado during the proper season. The hair on the five teenager's heads blew back as they turned their heads quickly to the loud noise, gasping in shock. The wind was so heavy that the fire behind them, the huge beautiful orange flame, went out like a lamp. The two candles they had been carrying from the start of their adventure until now also blew out and left a trail of smoke to float up like that of a puff from a cigar.

"Oh my God, they're here!" The voice of Linda Flynn-Fletcher sang with relief as she first stumbled into the house. "You were right, Vivian, you were right!" She yelled into the yard.

Phineas and all his friends' faces lit up like stars when they found out who it was.

"Mom!" Phineas shouted, and he pulled himself up, attempting to run to her, but he stumbled and was caught from a fall by Ferb. "Careful! Don't get too excited." The young green-haired man smirked.

Phineas glared at him as he helped him up.

Linda came running up to him and Ferb, and was followed into the house by Vivian Garcia-Shapiro.

When Isabella saw her mom, she let out a breath that she hadn't known she was holding. The girl ran to her mother and practically jumped onto her, hugged her tightly.

"Oh, mi hija!" Vivian exclaimed joyfully. "That was a smart decision to go into a house when the blizzard arrived. I'm so proud of you!"

Linda pulled away from a hug from her sons and rubbed Baljeet and Buford on the heads. "Oh, you all had us worried sick! When I came home and you guys weren't there, I remembered that you had gone out for a walk, and I was sure you had found somewhere to take shelter through the storm." She paused and looked around the old house. "This old place gives me the heebie jeebies, though. I would think you would try and knock on somebody's door, I mean you kids know everyone in the neighborhood for some reason I can't explain."

"This was the closest house when the storm blew in." Phineas answered.

Linda rubbed her mittens together and shivered. "Let's drop everyone off and get warm, okay? The more time we spend in here, the more of a risk there is of someone catching a cold." The woman began to rush everyone out the door. She wanted her sons and their friends to be safe and sound in their homes for the rest of the night.

"But mom, how did you know we were here?" Phineas wondered, looking up at her with curiosity.

Linda nodded her head at the fireplace behind them. "The smoke coming from the chimney. This house hasn't been lived in for thirty years, so why would there be smoke?" She smiled. "Vivian and I checked almost every house on the street before seeing it."

"But the weather outside is way too bad for a car to be driving, even if it's just going down the street! The snow is like five feet deep!" Isabella fretted.

Linda chuckled. "We had other means of transportation." She pointed down at her feet, where she sported two big snowshoes. "Remember the trip to Colorado five years ago?"

Vivian also had a pair of the tennis racket-like foot gear.

Buford chuckled at this. "Looks like you strapped rackets to your shoes."

Then their eyes widened as Linda pulled an extra three pairs of tennis rackets out of her jacket. She had been keeping them in there so she wouldn't have to hold them, because if she tried her fingers would go numb from the cold. And yes, these were actual tennis rackets. Not snow shoes like the two adults had on. Vivian reached into her pocket and pulled out a ring of duct tape.

"We didn't, but you are." The woman handed a pair to Buford, a pair to Ferb, and a pair to Isabella. Baljeet and Phineas frowned at the lack of tennis rackets for them. Linda bit her lip. "We only had six rackets, so two people are going to have to carry someone."

Buford lifted Baljeet up and put him under his arm like a suitcase. "I'll carry this one." He said rudely while the Hindi teen sighed in anguish. "I guess I should have seen that coming." He muttered.

Phineas looked at his brother and then to Isabella, who both had amused smiles. The boy was about to say something about flipping a coin, but then Isabella rolled her eyes and muttered, "Oh, come here you big ragdoll" and stepped forward and scooped him up into her arms, causing him to yelp slightly. She giggled.

Ferb and the others laughed, including the two women.

With that, the whistling wind met them outside, leaving the house in its everlasting silence once again. The snow had stopped completely but the wind was cold-blooded and ruthless. But they had to get home no matter what. The moms led the group with two high-powered flashlights they didn't know the boys had beefed up to where they could use them to make portals to anywhere on Earth. But Phineas and Ferb had forgotten about it.

They stepped into the snow and made their way down the frost covered streets, walking slowly against the wind. Phineas hid his face in Isabella's jacket, and she did the same, causing their foreheads to touch. He knew her cuts must be stinging right now, even though all of the winter gear had been replaced on her body, her face still showed and she was cringing a bit. He could feel her struggling to carry him through the harsh conditions. The wind was bringing up chunks of hard crystals that hit the skin on their faces, and it felt like tiny razor blades… or even the possessed glass that had caused the cuts in the first place. Isabella re-gripped Phineas and he immediately put his arms around her neck to hold on. Ferb walked behind them with his hands stuffed deep into his pockets and his winter's hat stretched over his ears. He squinted through the weather, but couldn't see his brother or best friend -only figures- walking ahead of him. This was going to be a long walk.

"Alright, it's not that deep, honey, just let me get some Neosporin and some gauze to cover it with." Linda said calmly, leaning over her son's leg. Phineas looked at the cleaned cut. It wasn't as deep as he had thought it was. In fact, his mom said he wouldn't need stitches and he just needed to keep it clean until it healed by itself.

Linda disappeared into the hall to fetch the aforementioned items, leaving Phineas and Ferb in their room. All of the teenagers had retreated to their houses, and it had been an hour since Ferb had closed his eyes in his warm bed. So it was just Phineas and Perry, sitting quietly in the room. Perry knew that his owner was hurting, so the platypus had curled up beside him, giving the boy warmth and comfort. Phineas stroked the animal's fur and smiled, thinking he must have had a rough day at the agency. Yes, Phineas knew about his double life, but that was beside the point at the moment. All that really mattered right now was that nobody had gotten frostbite, no one had to sleep in a freezing cold house that was definitely haunted, and Ferb wasn't snoring. Phineas reached a fist up and knocked on his wooden side table.

But just as his knuckle met the wood for the second time, his cellphone started playing a song sang by Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, indicating that she was calling him.

Don't need a limo or a corsage,
Just him and me without the entourage
And I won't be upset (I won't be upset)
At this emotional roulette (Emotional roulette)
I'll take any little thing that I can get...

He listened to it for a bit… and he realized he was the one she was singing about. "Hmm." He murmured in disdain. He should've known. Although it was her birthday when she had sang it, and he had other things on his mind.

He pressed the answer button and put it up to his ear sleepily. "Hey, Izzy."

"I tried to make it go on the swings, but the butter was too dry!" The girl murmured sadly.

A smile crept up on the boy's face. It was good to know she had fallen asleep already, because he had been a little worried that she wouldn't be able to sleep tonight after the day's events.

"You tried to make what go on the swings?" He asked casually.

"The pillow kitty."

Phineas blinked. He could hear steady breathing on the other end, indicating she was in fact asleep. "Well, maybe you should get some non-dry butter."

"It's all the way in the bouncy house." Her words came slowly.

"Where's the bouncy house?"

"In the hair."

"What hair?"

"Your hair is so flaming, Phineas…"

Phineas snickered. "H-what?"

"Don't catch on fire."

"Oh, I promise I won't."

"Don't get your hair in the toaster."

"Can I put eggs in the toaster?"

"No, eggs in your hair."

Phineas shifted in his place and got under the covers in the S.S. Phineas. "What about yours?"

"My pillow kitty is in the freezer!"

Phineas giggled. "You better get it out then, it's gonna turn into ice."

"Now the butter is too wet."

"Blot it with a paper towel."

"The paper towels have chicken sneezes."

"But those were the expensive ones!" Phineas said sadly.

"Chickens are hot."

Phineas had taken a sip of water from a glass nearby and he spit it all out on Perry. The platypus jumped up and glared at him, wiping the spit water off his fur.

"What!?" The red head exclaimed.

"The chicken legs are so hot, Phin. So hot…"

"What kind of messed up dream are you having?"

"Oh, this isn't a dream, chickens are just so smoking hot."

Phineas paused and tried to picture what she could possibly be dreaming about. "Do you mean like… scolding hot… or hot hot?"

"Jealous of the chickens." She muttered.

"No, I'm just trying to help you get your pillow kitty on the swing."

"Don't worry, Phinny Phin Phin… no one can beat your record. Not even the chickens."

Phineas' eyes widened. "Um… what record?"


"I don't think you've ever had a dream as weird as this one, Isabella."

"Oh, it gets much stranger, Kevin."

Phineas frowned and looked at Perry, who shrugged. The girl started mumbling some kind of gibberish.

"Thank you for saving me…" She muttered.

Phineas remembered pulling the raven-haired girl away from the kitchen. "You don't have to thank me, I couldn't have lived a second longer knowing it was my fault you didn't make it."

"You set me free. My room was getting really claustrophobic with all of the pink." Her voice had gotten a lot clearer and less tired. In fact… Isabella sounded younger.

"I don't think I understand…" He lowered his eyebrows.

"You don't have to. All I want you to know is that this house is much brighter now that the fighting is over." The sound cracked and static started coming through, but the voice was still understandable. "I don't have to hide anymore. I can see the light now. I'm free."

Phineas gasped and pulled the phone away from his ear and stared at it, and then returned it to his ear. "Where's Isabella?"

"Don't worry. I'm not hurting your friend. I'm just using her mouth to speak."

Phineas didn't know what to make of it. "Get out of her!"

The voice gasped and whimpered. "I'm sorry. I've done wrong." She paused. "Thank you and your friends for helping me. I-I'll go now." The voice of the small girl giggled. "I… I can see his face…"

Then the sound cracked and the static stopped.

Phineas' breaths shook and his brow furrowed, but then a small smile grew on his lips, and he looked at the phone. "Goodbye." He said softly.

The call had ended. He turned his head and looked at Perry, who had his little teal head cocked to the side. Phineas smiled, still trying to register the last sentence the girl had said. He opened his mouth to say something to the platypus, but then he closed it again. He just pressed his lips together in thought. "We did something really good today, Perry." He finally murmured.

The platypus smiled.