A Mother's Love is a crossover between The Dresden Files and Harry Potter. It takes place after Cold Days and midway through Deathly Hallows. Yes I know it's not actually possible this is my story. Artistic licence so to speak.
All know and recognisable characters and places, magic etc are the rightful property of Mr Jim Butcher and Ms J. . I own nothing but this crazy idea.
I will make alterations and repairs when people point out glaring errors, as I am unbeta'd and appreciate the feedback.
Due to Health Reasons my updates may be somewhat sporadic but I am going to keep trying.
Thanks to everyone who reviewed, whether I got back to you or not, I appreciate the kind words.
Chapter 15
Another Brick in the Wall
Dresden P.O.V.
If you had asked me yesterday I would have said I liked teaching. Loved it even. I had always enjoyed teaching, imparting my knowledge of magic, training new witches and wizards, helping them learn to control their awakening gifts. I liked learning about and sharing the fundamentals of magic, exploring it's layers and depths. I had never enjoyed myself as much, nor learned as much, whilst re-honing my own skills as I had teaching Molly. There had been some really scary moments too, and I HAD nearly gotten her killed, but still. It had been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life.
That was before I found myself in the Great Hall of Hogwarts, staring at a throng of witches and wizards of all ages, shapes and sizes. All of them looking at me with curiosity, doubt and some hope. Most were debating whether I was Monster or Saviour. They were close I supposed, both sides. Nope, I've decided, I don't like teaching so much.
The first week at Hogwarts had been hectic, but we got a lot done. The marked Death Eaters had been rounded up and deposited, boringly and without a fight, by the House Elves, into Snape's remodelled dungeon. Those who supported the Dark Lord but didn't bear a mark, were relegated to the Slytherin Common Rooms and under constant supervision. They were not allowed out, but were well fed and comfortable. Certainly they fared better than anyone in the Death Camps that the Death Eaters had built. They were also being re-educated with movies and documentaries ala Bob. Some of them were not sleeping very well any more. Movies notwithstanding, actual war footage and frontline documentaries like the bombing of Hiroshima, can be pretty disturbing.
The teachers, working with Molly and Lady Hogwarts, raised the defensive wards and the Battlements of Hogwarts rose with them. Over the years these walls and battlements had lain dormant, unneeded. Now two rings of walls, some five feet thick and towering as high as twenty feet, ringed the castle. The inner wall was higher than the outer, giving the Defenders of Hogwarts the tactical advantage.
The six meter wide expanse of grass between the walls looked harmless, but it was liberally riddled with traps, snares, Madam Sprout's nastiest plants, invisible sinkholes, quicksand, and bogs as well as a myriad of Hagrid's more "intarestin" creatures, including three or four Blast Ended Skrewts, (whatever those where,)some fire crabs, ashwinders and salamanders, a dozen Thestrals, several Knifflers (who were making the topsoil very unstable,) and dozens and dozens of garden gnomes, pixies, fairies and doxies, all armed with tiny clubs, shovels, pickaxes and the like. A few even carried spears, thin poles with wickedly pointed tips. One fearsome looking fellow was like a medieval blacksmith, wielding an evil looking pair of tongs and a heavy metal hammer. There were even a dozen or so of Aragog's dinner-plate sized younger kin. Whilst not as big as their older brethren, their bite was more than sufficiently potent enough to disable a wizard. A larger spider, maybe the size of a truck's hub-cap was keeping them all in check. The midrange sized spiders were hiding themselves, preparing to bring a gruesome and surprising halt to any non human invaders, along the outer walls and within the forest itself. It turned out that Acromantula actually had some chameleon abilities and could hide, easily, against the stone. Web was strung everywhere in the trees, no one would be getting through there undetected save a fire charm, and that would be a dead give-away. The largest of Aragog's kin waited, ready for the traps to be sprung.
Luckily we had brokered a deal with the Centaurs and the Spiders within the forest. As the Forbidden Forest was owned by Hogwarts, it was agreed that the Centaurs and Spiders would have their own territories, they would keep the forest free of other nasties and would not attack the castle or students unprovoked. In return Hogwarts would leave them in peace, continue to keep students out of the deep forest and provide both colonises with a safe place to live, untroubled by the Ministry. Otherwise, the school could have had problems in the future. However with Molly, in her dual roles of Winter Lady and the Voice of Hogwarts, sealed the pact magically.
The Centaurs were forming squads of Archers, the Magic of Hogwarts allowing them access to the higher battlements. They were teaming up with the Goblin Archers who would fire the first volleys. Whilst they reloaded the Centaurs behind them would then fire, and back to the goblins. House elves and teams of tweens, (anyone under fifteen), could hunker behind magically reinforced barriers, ready with refilled quivers, water, towels, first aid supplies, and emergency portkeys. Whilst sneering at the 'man-made' armour available, the Centaurs quickly adapted the design and the magically reinforced schematics to make their own, more 'centaur-like' armour. They had appeared two days latter all kitted out in body armour that fit snugly down over their chests and forefronts, protecting the delicate organs within. Over their backs and flanks they wore fitted barbed dark grey dragon hide, belted and cinched in place, their lower legs were clad in light, goblin made greaves that stayed in place magically and moved with the leg. Their arms and shoulders were bare, allowing them full movement with their huge bows, but they wore dragon hide arm braces and weapon belts hung with an impressive array of deadly weapons. Each Centaurs hair was braided and decorated with feathers, leaves, or unicorn hair, and their faces were painted, ready for war. They were a fearsome sight. I was very glad they were on our side.
The Hospital wing had been expanded, taking over the whole of the fourth floor within the tower and the floor below. House Elves pulled some hospital beds from the Room of Lost Things, and from those they conjured more. Soon we had four large rooms, interconnected to one another and with a bathroom handy. They were lined down two walls with beds, and a long line of 'crises carts' stood waiting in the middle of the room. Hermione and Karrin had explained the concept to Madam Pomfrey and she had latched onto it with gusto. With the help of a large group of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw girls she had some twenty wheeled carts filled with bandages, potions, implements and everything else she could think of, including chocolate. They were all sure Voldemort would bring Dementors, if I left any alive after we sacked Azkaban. (I wasn't liking his chances, or theirs.) We set aside one room for the dead, and another for the most seriously wounded. Several Muggle Born Witches and Wizards, as well as Madam Longbottom and Molly Weasley settled in, ready for the first waves.
Once we had the hospital ready, we started converting classrooms and two lecture theatres, which apparently NEVER got used any more, into large dormitories for the incoming refugees who were able and wanted to fight. Most of the infirm, elderly or too young had been smuggled, via mass portkey, to hidden Black and Potter properties. Harry had had to make them individually and Lupin had been shocked at the power he put in, and that it didn't drain him. I wasn't surprised, the Kid was a powder keg of power, and getting better and better at using it. His massive fire ball still made me grin like a kid every time I saw him throw it. Now he was perfecting smaller fireballs, casting silently and getting his arse kicked regularly by Murphy. He'd also developed a bit of an eye twitch whenever she was around.
In the makeshift dorms rows of four poster beds lined the walls, all with their curtains repaired, to give the sleeper some privacy. Overnight the House Elves had strung up curtains, boxing off one huge room into small cubicles, for the families who had somehow stayed together, and for those reunited with lost loved ones. Other rooms were lined with curtained bunk beds, camp cots and even squishy sleeping bags on the floor. Whether you got an actual bed or not, once at Hogwarts you had a dry, warm and comfy place to sleep, three meals a day, indoor plumbing and a chance to take back your future. If you couldn't fight, you could help. You would be safe in the castle. We were already getting them, trickling in under cover of darkness. Hagrid guarded the door they would come too around the side of the castle, out of sight of the main gate. They permitted themselves to be searched, magically and mundanely or they didn't come in. Once inside there was a magical oath, protecting all within, then came hot food, medical attention, bathing and fresh, clean clothes. (Again the Room of Lost Things came through.) Then a bed. There would be time for talking at day-rise.
Within the week Hogwarts looked like a Castle ready for war. Three Greek Onagers were unearthed in an old store room and gleefully set up by the Weasley Twins and their friend, Lee Jordan. Madam Sprout had a hand in supplying some of the nastier contents for their 'bombs', while Snape helped them tweak the 'kaboom' side of their pay load.
We had maybe two hundred people, and all of them were in the Great Hall, looking at me. It was show time. We would have more when we broke up the camps. I took a deep breath, stepped up to the lectern and addressed the room.
"Good morning people. My name is Harry Dresden, You have all gotten to know me, or at least seen me around, over the past few days. You know that Me and my Companions are here to help you with your Moldyshorts problem." there were gasps and titters around the room. I saw Fred and George Weasley grinning, and Lee Jordan passing them a golden galleon. I smirked.
"Now, some of you are thinking, what can these four people do to help us against the Death Munchers and their overgrown Snake King?... the answer quite a lot." I looked around. "After all, I'm the Winter Knight, I am accompanied by The Winter Lady, The Queen who will Be, as well as a champion and heir of the White Court, and a Relief Knight of the Cross. Not to mention Mouse, and he's just awesome.
"We are not doing it all for you however. Each of you, right now, is holding a deadly weapon. One which you have had since you were eleven years old. Every one of you has been taught how to use that weapon. Most of you however have never used it AS a weapon. Wouldn't have even thought to raise it in anger against another. That is what makes you BETTER then the Death Eaters, but also puts you at a disadvantage. As of now, we are going to change that. Now is the time to use it, to fight for what is right and for your very freedom. This is war. These people are coming to enslave, torture and kill you, your families and friends. Are you going to just drop your wands and allow it, run and hide? Expect a barely trained seventeen year old boy to save you all? Or are you going to take a stand, fight back against these terrorists threatening your very way of life? Step up and be counted and if you go down, take as many of them down with you?" A roar went up that shook the castle, Molly gave me a thumbs up. I had them now. The determination on every face said I'd struck a nerve.
"Right then. We are going to be working in groups, your going to learn to fight like a survivor. I am hereby banning the words Muggle, Mudblood, Blood Traitor, and so forth. We are an army, and therefore we will act like a family. And Muggle is stupid.. Mundane sounds more elegant. Classier to say." I dusted my hands, "Right. Groups. Your going to be running some drills, learning whole raft of new, nifty spells, and my good friend Karrin Murphy here, is going to show you how to cause pain without a wand or weapon. You will all probably really hate her by the end of the day, she is evil. My brother, Thomas... oh for Pete sake, yes he's pretty, and he's also a vampire, so stop drooling all of you! Thomas will be teaching basic knife and sword fighting, blade safety and technique, as well as assisting Ms Murphy.
The Winter Lady is going to be working with the staff and Lady Hogwarts, but she will be holding classes on illusion magic and veils. I will be teaching advanced combat magic, for those of you who can do it. We have some Aurors here who will be teaching advanced shield techniques to teams of 'protectors.' It will be your jobs to solely DEFEND our forces. We are going to teach you to survive, and to help things along, provide you with a range of goodies from the Weasley's new defence line, which they will explain before the time to use them comes. Do not use them for pranks." There were murmurs and titters, a few of the grown men looked sheepishly at their glaring wives. Apparently WWW products were insanely popular.
"Right.." I looked at them all again. "The first lesson starts now people. Rule Number One. Stay Alive. Don't get Heroic. When in doubt, run away. You can't live to fight another day if your foolish. You also can't call the dark tosser by name because of the Taboo, but feel free to take the mickey out of him and his followers, the less you fear them the easier it is to stand up to them.
Rule Number Two. Look in ALL FIVE directions. A lot of people forget to look UP. It's usually the last thing they forget. Especially when fighting Vampires. Be aware of what is happening around you, and whenever possible, keep your back to a wall. Do NOT get trapped in a corner or boxed in.
Rule Number Three. Be creative and don't hold back. These are Death Eaters aided by dark creatures. They will show you no mercy, so give them none. They are here to kill you, they think it will be easy. You are going to disabuse them of that notion. Use everything and anything in your arsenal, fire spell chains, distract and disorientate. Confuse them! Use 'Lumos' to blind, and polish up your blasting and banishing hexes. Levitate them over banisters or out windows, ice the floor, whatever you can think of.
Rule Number Four. When you take someone down, make sure they stay down. We will be providing rolls of duct tape, tougher and harder to get out of the magical suppression cuffs. More permanent than a Stunner. Believe me, it's tough stuff, and doesn't seem affected by magic much. Take their wands, but don't snap them, we'll want them for evidence. Summon everything from their pockets, and take their shoes if you can. Don't touch anything in case it is a hidden portkey. We'll have a pile of shielded bags and pouches for you all.
Now, before we can get to all that fun fun training, we have to work out what you all can do. Not all of you can or will fight. Some of you will be defenders, some of you will work in the hospital wing, providing aide to the rescues, that sort of thing. We need good potion brewers, anyone with medical training, even veterinary skills, builders and carpenters, and any other skilled helpers. For years Hogwarts has had poor and poorer DADA teachers, so those of you magically strong enough for battle, prepare to learn a whole lot of noisy, painful spells."
There was a lot of excited chatter, and a group of five men stepped forward. They were all large, broad shouldered men, with an array of interesting scars and burns apiece. Their spokesman was a familiar, red haired man I finally realised was Charlie Weasley.
"Sir Knight, we are from the Romanian Dragon Preserve. We have a bit of a surprise for everyone." Charlie had a warm voice, rich and cheerful. " It's all thanks to Hagrid and our very own Norberta. From day one she would not leave my side, she seemed to really like me for some reason." Charlie winked at Ron who flushed red. "Then there was a tragedy, and a nest of very young Welsh Green Dragonettes were left orphaned. So we raised those four youngsters by hand, alongside Norberta and, one thing led to another and... well they let us ride them, and they will fight for us. The last time Hagrid visited the reserve I thought Norberta would follow him home! If she were to be 'told' that 'bad' men were after her 'Mummy'... well... no more bad men" Charlie looked to Molly and young Harry. "Your a Parselmouth Harry, she will be able to understand you if you speak slowly and use simple words. And the Voice of Hogwarts will be able to help, I am sure." Molly nodded.
"Lady Hogwarts says 'Yes as long as the dragon's promise not to burn her down while helping.'"
Charlie laughed. "No problem... but err... Hagrid, you'll have a very large shadow for a bit, even larger than usual. I think Norberta misses her 'Mummy.'" everyone laughed and Hagrid grinned, absolutely ecstatic. "We'll portkey out tonight, if we are quick and lucky we will have the Dragons here before we sack Azkaban. I can't wait to see if a Dementor can withstand Dragon fire. Oh, Make sure the House Elves know how to make a really hot Three Alarm Curry. It gives the Dragons an edge." He winked and he and his fellow Dragon riders left the hall.
"Well.. that's an unexpected bonus." Murphy commented and we went back to sorting out skill sets.
In the end we had a group of twenty healers of all walks of life, including two vets who were set up in their own ward for any wounded non-human defenders. All of the fourth and fifth year Hufflepuffs, and a handful of Ravenclaws and neutral Slytherin's had been divvied up between the Healers, so each had at least four or five helpers. There was also a team of Goblin Healers and an ancient old House Elf who was there to care for his kin. They too had their own little wards and teams of helpers. This was done, not out of prejudiced, but for simplicity and to prevent mishaps. Who knew what a healing potion brewed for a Wizard might do to a House Elf after all.
The female House Elves had taken over all the Castle's domestic duties, freeing their male counterparts to more, defensive and offensive duties. The Elf Army, with assistance, weapons and training from the Goblins AND toys from the Weasley Twins, were really scary. All were clad in the miniature tactical vests over toddler sized army fatigues, with war paint and a dazzling array of weapons, some carrying Goblin blades, other's sticking to what they knew, rolling pins, frying pans, cleavers and butcher's knives from the kitchens, wickedly garden tools from the greenhouses, and golf clubs, beater's bats, ropes, nets, fireplace pokers, heavy marble busts and balls and all manner of other weaponry. Winky, sober and looking much happier since Molly arrived, was carrying around a wicked looking extra long ice-pick. Flitwick, after nearly getting skewered, had made her her own sheath, and now she wore it proudly slung down her back. Lady Hogwarts had insisted all 'her' elves wore 'uniforms' and the days of pillowslip dresses and tea towel togas were over. Every elf wore smart grey slacks, or skirts for the girls if they so chose and pristine white shirts. A golden Hogwarts was embroidered across one breast, and their names across the other. They were all bidden to be seen, and to interact more with the students. This was a bid to better House-Elf Wizard relations. No student or teacher would be allowed to abuse any Hogwarts House-Elf in any way. Lady Hogwarts felt very strongly about this. The students, likewise, were told that they would be expected to pick up their own rubbish, and dirty laundry and to make their own beds in future, with the Prefects inspecting daily. The elves had more important things to do than play nursemaid.
We soon had five teams of builders, with at least six to a team. They immediately ran off in different directions to continue fortifying the castle. Cooks, chefs and House Witches joined the House Elves in the kitchens, seamstresses and shop keepers pitched in wherever they could, Ollivander, much recovered, was making new wands as fast as he could. He'd taken Luna and, surprisingly, Blaise Zabini, the most neutral Slytherin of all, on to help him.
Snape had rounded up everyone he knew to have any potion skills and had roped Neville in to get them fresh plants. He'd actually pulled the young man aside, apologised for being a total prick for years and had promised to stop being such a douche bag in the future. No one was expecting him to be all bubbles and giggles, handing out candy and puppies, but not being a bastard would be a huge improvement.
Then there were the Enchanter's, Spell Crafters, Alchemists, Pyromancers, Conjurers, Masters of Magical Martial Arts, Duellists, Fencers, Treasure Hunters, retired Aurors, and a handful of Muggle-borns who had joined the armed services when their blood status kept them out of the Ministry. Mundungus had brought a few 'trusted' thieves. There was even a large dark skinned man who reminded me strongly of Sanya, who was a Mercenary. A chat with him revealed that Voldie had broken faith with him, going as far as to try to kill him and had, worse still, not paid him. So Erebus (the only name he would give me) with a small army of nasty types, were ready to dish out some pay back.
We even had three professional Quidditch Teams who'd flown in under cover one night. They were all now acting as aerial guards.
In the end we had fifty newbies to train up, all with some serious power, and a driving desire to fight.
Fun Fun Fun.