Hello! I survived History Day! For now at least. The formatting will be a bit different from now on because a really good friend of mine gave me some great formatting advice. I'm sorry i forgot your pen name. Anyway, enjoy the chapter! :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Total Drama.

The Good, The Nice, And The Demented

Chapter 10

-Mike's POV-

"What do you mean I probably won't like it, Mike?" Savannah asked skeptically. I knew she'd be mad about my plan, but it's the only way to defeat Trey.

"Does anyone remember that mental rejection spell?" I asked everyone.

"I do," Manitoba said, "but I only remember the second half of it." Savannah gasped as she realized what was about to happen.

"Mike, please tell me you completely forgot the first half," she said.

"I would, but that would be a total lie," I responded

"I'm not leaving you all here to rot in this goddamn prison," she protested angrily.

"You have to go," I retorted. "Get rid of that stupid collar; gather some allies; whatever you need to do. You staying here won't help at all."

"No way!" she shouted. "There's no fucking way I'm leaving you guys behind, and there's no talking me out of it!"

"Sorry Sheila, but we have no other option," said Manitoba.

"Hold her back," I instructed the others. Vito and Svetlana restrained her, and Chester remained sitting against the wall.

-Savannah's POV-

"Hold still!" Vito told me, but I refused.

"We can find a way out of here without the spell. Trust me!" I said.

"Savannah, calm down," Svetlana said. "It's better this way." I keep trying to fight it, but I know they make a good point.

"Fine. You guys win," I say. I smirked and stopped squirming. "Sometimes, I seriously hate it when you're right, Mike."

"Alright Manitoba," said Mike, "let's get on with the spell." Mike recited the first half of the Japanese spell.

"Anata ga kite, soko kara modoru.
Anata ga taizai shite wa naranai.
Kono basho o hanare, jibun no kokoro o nyūryoku."

(Go back from whence you came. You shall not stay. Leave this place and enter your own mind.)

Then Manitoba took over, and I felt myself fading back into my own mind.

"Kurō shinaide kudasai.

Kiete,-go de kaesu.

Watashi wa sugu ni watashi no yūjin anata o mirudearou."

(Do not struggle. Fade away and return at a later time. I shall see you soon my friend.)

I blink and the next thing I know I'm in an infirmary with Gwen, Cameron, Zoey, and Trey standing over me and a splitting headache.

"Savannah, are you okay?" Zoey asked. "Mike said there were a few complecations with the spell." Oh, if only she knew about the complications that came after the spell.

"I told everyone that you'd be alright, but they just wanted to be sure," Trey said. "I know my sister well, and I know she's a fighter." He stood there so nonchlantly I just wanted to slap him. But I couldn't. As much as I hate to admit it, he is my brother.

"Yup. Everything's cool," I told them. I had to act like my mind trip wasn't in vain because knowing Trey, he'll probably murder somebody if his secret's exposed. "The monster was almost too easy to get rid of."

I'd have to wait until later for another go at it. I'll keep my eye on Trey and make sure to get footage of his crimes. Hopefully it won't get him locked up in juvy.

Really sorry about the short fucking chapter you guys. I didn't have much time to write this thing. I got a new computer but it doesn't have microsoft office, so i'm using my mom's laptop. Anyhoo, i'll try to make the next one longer. Bye! :)