'Sup, people! This fanfic is about Total Drama All Stars. BTW: If you haven't watched it at all, you really should. It's awesome! Plus, this thing will make a lot more sense if you've seen episode 3. Anyway, this is the first fanfic I've ever posted online, so please cut me some slack if it's crappy. I've been really secretive about my stories until now. I hope you like it. Enjoy! :)

Disclaimer: I do not, repeat DO NOT, own Total Drama or any of its characters.

The Good, The Nice, And The Demented

Chapter 1

-Mike's POV—

It's been haunting me nonstop since it happened. I can't believe I broke Sam's Game Guy (DO NOT OWN).I don't know what came over me! The last thing I remember, I was asleep, then BAM! A destroyed handheld ended up right in front of me, in my hands! I've been zoning out about it all day, trying to think of what to do.

"Mike, are you okay?" I recognize the voice of my beautiful girlfriend, Zoey, and I suddenly remember that the team's gathered in the dining hall for dinner. "What? Oh, yeah, I'm good," I say, a fake smile plastered on my face. "Are you sure?" she interrogates, "You've been acting pretty weird lately." "Trust me Zoey, I'm fine. If there was anything wrong, you'd be the first person I'd tell. I gaze lovingly into her eyes, and she blushes and looks away. "Okay, as long as you're sure."

Five minutes later, I zone out again! I'm thinking I should tell Sam what happened. If I do, and I explain everything, Sam might forgive me and it'll all blow over. On the other hand, he could be totally pissed and end up murdering me.

I decided to weigh the options and choose what to do about it later.

It's about 2:15 in the morning, and suddenly I wake up hovering over Zoey's bed! I can feel my eyes widen in shock as I try to keep my mouth shut. How the hell did I end up here? How am I going to get out without making a single sound? As I ask myself these questions, Zoey starts rolling onto her side so she's facing me. I instantly freeze with my hands over my mouth. 'Shit, I'm dead meat!' I thought to myself. As soon as I noticed that she was still sound asleep, I let out a silent sigh and snuck out the door.

The next day, right before the challenge, Cameron came back from Boney Island looking battered, bruised, and happier than ever. We all went up to him asking if he was okay, except for the villains of course. Although, they did have a slight look of concern on their faces. "Oh I'm fine. Actually, I've never felt more alive!" This seemed ridiculous because of his scars, black eye, and torn clothes, but if it was fine with Cameron, it was fine with the rest of us.

"Okay then. Now as you all know, I should be explaining the challenge to you right about now," Chris started with a somewhat disappointed look. "Unfortunately for me, the producers say I've been beating on you guys a little too hard and that I should give you a day off. I decided that that day is today, so go do whatever you want, I guess." Everyone's faces immediately lit up. I grabbed Zoey and took her to the gigantic cliff on the side of the island. The sun reflected off the water perfectly, so it was the most romantic setting ever at the moment, minus the sharks below, that is.

Zoey and I gaze thoughtfully into each other's eyes for a couple of minutes. Then that's when she pulled me in for a kiss. At that moment, everything was pure bliss as I felt her soft lips against mine. Nothing could ruin anything for me at this point. After what felt like forever, we pulled away. I took a deep breath, and everything faded to black.

Don't you just love cliff hangers? Anyway, I'll try to update either this week or next week. Please be patient if the next chapter doesn't show up quickly. I tend to be pretty busy with schoolwork and stuff like that, plus I get writers block a lot. So in the meantime, review, follow, fave, etc. Thanks for reading! :)