Dean Winchester sat at the bar, working on his second beer. He and Sam had yet another argument. The two just had not been able to reconnect since he got back from Purgatory. Dean was different now. Sam was different. And the new versions of themselves just were not getting along.
He stared absent-mindedly at the television above the bar which silently played a football game. Voices around the bar cheered and booed, but Dean began to pick up on one voice in particular, full of frustration. He looked to his right and saw a woman two stools down. Brunette. Shoulder-length, loosely curled hair. It was her voice. Her face showed the frustration he had heard, and he immediately saw why. Two guys flanked her at either side, and they were pressed in close.
Dean rolled his eyes. She obviously was not interested, but they refused to give up. Dean watched as the woman took a sip of her beer, trying to ignore the men, until the one on her left grabbed her wrist. She tried to pull away, but the man held firm.
"Cut it out, Jake!"
"Come on, you know you want it. Why else would you come here lookin' like that?"
Dean was on his feet and behind the man in seconds. "Maybe she just wants to drink her beer in peace."
"Why don't you butt out, buddy?"
The man, Jake, turned to face Dean. He started out cocky, but the sly grin on his face quickly faded. Dean had at least three inches on the guy, and, though Dean's stance was relaxed, his face was serious. Jake recovered, and turned back to the woman as he spoke over his shoulder.
"This doesn't concern you."
Dean looked around Jake and spoke to the woman. "Would you like this to concern me?"
"Yes, I think I would." Her tone was grateful, but she also seemed a bit worried.
"See," Dean said to Jake, "it concerns me." Jake slowly turned back to Dean as Dean continued. "Now, looks to me like she's not interested. When a lady's not interested, you walk away. Understood?"
"Just who the hell do you think you are?" Jake stepped closer to Dean, trying to intimidate him. It wasn't working.
"I'm the man who's gonna break your face if you don't leave this woman alone... now." Dean's voice was quiet, but firm as he stared down at Jake. Jake's buddy came to his side and pulled at his arm.
"Come on, man, let's go. It's not worth it."
Jake glared at Dean as he turned back to the woman. "You prude, virgin bitch!"
Dean was about to grab the guy, but the woman bit back. "I'd rather be a virgin the rest of my life than have you touch me."
Jake's buddy dragged him away, and Dean watched long enough to make sure they had no intention of turning back. He faced the woman to see her staring at him.
"You okay?" he asked.
"Yes. Thank you."
"No problem." Dean gave her a small smile, then turned to walk back to his stool. Normally, this would have been a woman he would hit on, but he thought it was a bad idea considering what just happened. He downed what was left of his beer, then turned when he felt a presence to his right.
He watched as the woman sat next to him and motioned for the bartender. "Another El Sol over here." She tapped the bar in front of Dean, and the bartender nodded.
"You don't have to do that," Dean said with a smile.
"It's the least I can do. Most guys wouldn't have intervened." The bartender sat the beer down in front of Dean, and Dean wrapped a hand around it. The woman extended her hand. "I'm Rebecca."
"Dean," he replied, shaking her hand firmly. "You gonna make me drink alone?"
Rebecca smiled and turned back to the bartender to order herself another beer. Dean took the opportunity to look her over, thinking about the fact that Jake called her a virgin. Was that some kind of insult? It couldn't be true. Rebecca had to be in her early thirties, and she was beautiful.
Once she had her beer, she turned back to Dean and extended the neck of her bottle toward his. He smiled slightly as he clinked his bottle to hers, then they both took long pulls.
"I really appreciate you stepping in that way," she said.
"It was nothin'."
"Not true. Jake could have been a guy with a really bad temper... He could have been violent."
"All the more reason for me to step in." Dean took another sip.
"And they say chivalry is dead."
Dean chuckled. "I'm no angel. I've picked up more than my share of women in bars... But no means no, right?"
"When a woman says no, I back off."
"And when she says yes?"
Dean raised an eyebrow as he watched her take a sip of her beer. "I make sure we both have a good time."
They talked for over an hour, completely losing track of time. Dean was still trying to figure out if Rebecca was really a virgin or not. He would love to hook up with her, but the idea that she really was a virgin made him back off. He liked experienced women, but there was something about her. Even if she was a virgin, he still felt the urge to take her. The bartender came over and took their empty bottles.
"Two a.m. guys. We're closin' up."
Dean looked at his watch. "Wow. I didn't realize it was this late." He looked around and saw that the bar was almost empty, but Jake was still there. "Do you need me to walk you to your car?"
"Actually, my friend drove us here, and she has the keys."
"What friend?" Dean's face showed his confusion. As far as he had seen, Rebecca was alone.
"She hooked up with some guy not long before you came in. They went to the motel next door."
"Some friend."
Rebecca shrugged and Dean stood from his stool.
"Why don't I drive you home?"
"No," she waved her hand. "I'm fine. She should be back soon."
"Come on. The bar is closing. I'd feel like a total jerk if I left you here alone."
Dean gave her the closest thing he had to Sam's puppy dog eyes, and she caved.
He guided her out of the door and toward his car. She let out a whistle as she took in the black beauty.
"I don't know much about cars, but this is nice."
"You like?"
"I do. What year?"
"She's beautiful."
Dean opened the passenger door and Rebecca climbed in. After some initial directions, the ride got quiet. Dean occasionally glanced at Rebecca as she took in the inside of the car. He still had one question on his mind, and Rebecca called him on it.
"You've been wondering if it's true, right?"
"If what's true?"
"If I'm really a virgin."
"Hey, that's none of my business."
"Well, it's true. Just so you know."
There was silence again until it got to Dean. "How is that possible?"
She laughed. "Well, it's not for lack of trying on some guys' parts... as you saw tonight. I just think sex is special. It should be shared with a special person. I had never met a guy that I wanted to share that with."
Dean pulled up in front of Rebecca's house and put the car in park. She turned to open the door, but stopped and looked back to Dean.
"Would you like to come in?"
Dean hesitated. He doubted he would get lucky with this girl, and he needed some sleep. "I should really get back to the motel."
"Okay." She gave him a small smile. "Thanks again for coming to my rescue."
Dean opened his mouth to say "you're welcome," but he never got it out. Rebecca leaned over and kissed him firmly. Shocked, but always up for a kiss, he returned it, putting a hand to the back of her head. His senses finally took hold again and he pulled away.
"Hang on," he said. "You're looking for something special... I'm just passin' through town. This can't go anywhere."
"I said 'someone' special. There's something about you, Dean... You give off that bad boy vibe, but I think you're a good guy."
"Oh yeah?"
"How do you know this isn't all an act to get you into bed?"
"Because you're trying to talk me out of it. I kissed you... you were in."
"I usually go for women with more experience." There. He said it. Her face fell a little, but she wasn't deterred.
"When was the last time you were with a virgin?"
"I..." That question caught him off guard. "I guess I was a teenager."
"And so was she?"
"I'm not some naive little girl. I know all about sex. I've just chosen not to participate... until now." She scooted closer to him and placed a hand on his thigh. "I'm sure you could teach me some things..." With her head down slightly, she looked up at him through her lashes, and Dean felt his pants tighten. "I'm a blank canvas." She placed a soft kiss on his lips. "Uncharted territory." Her hand went to his face as she kissed his jaw. She certainly wasn't acting like a virgin. "Don't you wanna be the first to explore?"
"If I go in that house, there's no turning back."
"You're sure about this?" He wasn't. He wanted her, sure, but he felt a twinge of guilt.
"Positive." She kissed him again, pulling his bottom lip between hers. "I want you... I'm saying yes."
Dean turned off the engine and got out of the car. He opened the passenger door and helped Rebecca out. He stood a respectable distance as she unlocked her door. She let him in first, and sat her keys and purse on the small table by the door as she closed and locked it. Dean watched and waited, and as soon as she turned around he grabbed her hand and pulled her into his arms, crashing his lips onto hers. He pulled back to let her catch her breath and saw the surprise in her eyes. She had no clue what she was in for.
"Bedroom," he whispered.
She pointed to a door on her left and Dean began to back her toward it. His hands roamed down her sides as they made their way to the bedroom. Once inside, Dean shrugged out of his open, button-down shirt, then removed his t-shirt. He watched as Rebecca stared at him. He took her hand and placed it flat on his chest before moving his hands into her hair.
Her fingers dug lightly into his chest and she ran her hand over the muscles there as he kissed her. Dean felt a slight tremble in her fingers, and knew she was nervous. He kissed along her jaw and down to her neck, letting his tongue flick out as he went. That caused her breath to catch, and he smiled, pulling back to look into her eyes.
"No one's ever kissed your neck that way before?"
"No," she answered. "Not even close."
Dean was warming up to the idea of being Rebecca's first. He would be the first one to make her breath catch. The first person to make her moan, and maybe scream.
His mouth returned to her neck as he slid his hands beneath her shirt. He let his hands roam over her bare skin before he slowly began to pull the shirt up. He backed away to pull the shirt over her head. She helped by raising her arms, and when the shirt was off she moved quickly to kiss Dean. She made her way down his neck, trying to emulate what he had done to her. It was working. Dean put a hand to the back of her head, and one on her hip. A moan escaped Dean's lips as she continued down his chest.
"Damn, baby... You're a fast learner."
Dean's hands went to the button on her jeans, quickly undoing them and pushing them from her hips. She pulled her lips away from him long enough to remove them from her legs. As she did, Dean removed his own jeans and sat on the edge of the bed.
"Come here, sweetheart."
Rebecca went to him and stood in front of him, unsure of what he wanted. He saw her questioning eyes and took her hand.
"In my lap... Knees on the bed."
She placed one knee on the bed then straddled Dean's lap. He smiled and took her face in his hands.
"There you go."
His lips were on hers again. His hands began to move down her neck, past her shoulders and down her arms. When his hands made their way to her back, she let hers wrap around his neck, pulling him closer. He felt her body stiffen when he unclasped her bra.
"You still with me?" he asked against her lips.
She simply nodded her approval. Dean continued to kiss her as he pulled the straps from her arms, pulling away to remove the bra completely. As he stared at her, he saw that she fought against the instinct to cover herself. He took her hands in his, lacing their fingers together and holding her arms open.
"You are so beautiful."
He kissed her lips before leaning down and taking her breast into his mouth. She squeezed his hands and almost rose completely off of his lap, moaning loudly. He released her hands so he could put his on her back, holding her still as he continued his suckling.
Rebecca's body trembled as she came back down into Dean's lap again, and he could feel the warm result of his actions coming from her body, held back by only her panties. He kissed back up to her neck and moved her legs so that they were wrapped around him. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and he stood with her in his arms. He turned and lay her down on the bed, slowly pulling her underwear from her legs before removing his own.
Rebecca sat up and put her hands on Dean's hips. She quickly glanced up at him before placing a kiss on his stomach. Dean growled, very low, and watched as Rebecca's lips encircled him slowly. He stared down at her as she did her best, which was not bad, but he soon took her hand and placed it on himself, helping her movement. His other hand went to her head to steady her rhythm. After a few minutes, Rebecca had Dean's eyes rolling back, and he let his hands fall to his sides. He felt the pressure building inside and pulled Rebecca back. With his breathing heavy, he kissed her as he lay her back onto the bed and climbed over her. He stopped at her center, giving her the same pleasure she had given him, trying to get himself back under control. Her body writhed beneath him, her hips rising to meet his mouth whenever he pulled back. It didn't take long for her to start trembling, and he ran his hands up and down her thighs as she rode it out.
"You ready, sweetheart?"
"So ready."
Dean couldn't help but smile as he kissed his way up her body, stopping for just a moment at her breasts, then her neck. He whispered into her ear.
"This may hurt. I'm gonna do my best to make it better."
She nodded and he kissed her just below her ear. He pulled back to look into her eyes and saw the anxiety. But he also saw passion. When he entered her, he knew for sure she had not been lying about being a virgin. The friction was almost unbearable for him as he went inch by inch, letting her adjust.
He watched her as her eyes fluttered shut and she gasped. He felt her nails sink into his arms and took in a sharp breath.
"Dean..." Her voice was strained.
Dean stopped his movement and leaned next to her ear. "You okay, sweetheart?"
"Yes," she said before taking his earlobe lightly between her teeth.
He groaned and began moving again, a little faster now. Rebecca moaned, and Dean felt that familiar tension building again.
"Say my name again," he whispered into her ear.
She opened her mouth to speak, but all that came out was a strangled cry. Dean knew she was close, so he ran his tongue over her neck as he picked up the pace.
"Say it, Rebecca."
"Dean... Dean... Oh my..." her voice faded into grunts and moans before her body completely gave in. She arched off of the bed and Dean felt her trembling around him, pushing him over the edge. Rebecca pulled at the sheets, trying to ride out the high as Dean kissed her neck.
When she finally regained control of her breathing, she put her hands to Dean's face and looked into his eyes.
"That was amazing."
Dean smiled and kissed her again. When he pulled back, he stared at her face. He loved seeing the fully satisfied look he put there.
"You were amazing," he said. After another lingering kiss, he gave her a sly grin. "Why don't you give me your number... I'll give you a call next time I come through."
"You'd better. I have a feeling you're a tough act to follow."