I reeeeeeeeeeeally wanted to write something like this after I read a couple of mangas about a similar plot. Enjoy!

Rein's POV

I didn't think that I would meet someone like you in my life.

I sat leaning on a tree at the back of a school. The falling leaves around me spread across the ground, covering almost every spot. Fall was here. Cold winds blew from almost every direction. I snuggled my legs closer to my body and stared at the wall I was facing. It divided the school's territory and also helped make sure that kids couldn't run away.

I sighed. What am I doing here? I glanced at the school behind me. It was terrible in there. Its like a pyramid. At the top was the popular kids, then the ones with average looks, and then there's me. The bottom of the food chain. I am someone you could consider an outcast. A loner. Reason being because I was always labeled as a 'plain' looking girl.

I have long blue hair which I usually braid everyday. I also wore large round glasses over my sea green eyes, and in my hands I usually carried at least one book. I couldn't talk to other people either. So making friends was really hard, even if my twin sister Fine helped me. She wasn't technically popular but she was known well enough to be known as clumsy and gluttonous. Her red features made her glow like the bright rays of the sun.

I tightened the grip around my legs and buried my face in my knees. I wish I were more like my sister. I thought to myself. I looked up when I heard the irritating shrieks and cries on the outside of the wall. What's that? I got up and walked over to the wall when I saw a large shadow jump over.

"AH!" I shouted as we both tumbled towards the tree. Dozens of leaves fell from the tree once we smacked into it. I rubbed my head, slowly opening my eyes to see a boy with dark purple hair laying on top of me. I blushed and covered my face with my hands, feeling the warmth flush my cheeks. Who is he? What is he doing here? AND GET HIM OFF ME! I panicked.

Just when I was about to shove him off, he pushed himself up and leaned back, scratching his head and leaning on one of his hands to balance himself. He opened his eyes which revealed dark blue eyes. They looked mischievous yet cold at the same time. "Hmmm..." he hummed. I gave him a confused look as I slowly took my hand away from my face.

"What?" I said as I started adjusting my braid. He just continued looking at me.

"You're not gonna squeal? Ask me for my autograph?" He asked.

"Why would I do that?" I said as I swiped a leaf off my head.

He gave me an unbelievable look. "You serious?" I shook my head. "I guess there's a first for everything." I stared at him as he got up. "The name's Shade." He said as he looked himself over.

"I see." I replied as I looked at the ground. I should have said my name! Curse my awkwardness. I shrugged and held my legs as close as I could. Well what's the point. It's not like he'll care. I sighed when suddenly, I felt something slight and warm fall on me. I looked at my shoulders to see that he dropped his winter jacket on me.

"Take it. You look cold." He stated as he smiled at me. I blushed and held the coat around me. I tried hard not to look at him staring at me, but I couldn't help it. I stared back. "You look different from other girls I've seen." He suddenly said, startling me. I looked at the leaves spread across the ground, not wanting to hear how he saw me.

"Are you going to make fun of me for being plain too?" I asked, trying to hide the sadness I felt. "For not wearing what's in style?" After a pause I heard a chuckle and looked at him. He was right next to the wall, looking as though he was getting ready to climb over again.

"No!" He laughed. "You look unique." he said as he smiled at me. My eyes widened, and my face brightened. No one had ever told me something like that before, but that was until he said his next line.

"You look like a genuine nerd." I suddenly saw his smile turn into a devilish smirk. I sat there, too stunned to do or say anything. He stuck his tongue out at me and started climbing the wall. When he reached the top he shouted, "I gotta go. See you later!" Then he disappeared behind the wall. When I finally recovered, I shot up, tore the coat off my shoulders and headed indoors.

I don't need his stupid coat! He's just like everyone else! I said as I folded the coat as I walked down the halls. I could see people staring at me and whispering. What are they talking about. I strained to hear, pretending I wasn't listening. But I could only hear bits and pieces.

"Isn't that..."

"...holding it?"

"...you think she..."

I gave up and sighed. When I finished folding his coat, I placed it in my locker so I could return to him. Or maybe I should burn it. That will keep me warm for the winter. I said as I studied it to see if it was flammable. I sighed and shut the locker, still barely hearing the whispers of the ones around me. Just ignore them. Just ignore them. I repeated to myself.

I walked down the hall and entered my next class.

Well wasnt tht boring! It wont be tht interesting now but it could get better. I will finish my first story then I will start doing this one and then I will fix other stories and there is so much to do...