Amy is in a small bedroom, with light yellow walls. There is a white crib set up in the corner and a changing table next to it.
Amy is now eight months pregnant, and her belly is extremely visible on her petite body. She is hanging up a framed picture of one of her sonograms, and there is words engraved on the top of it that says "Mommy & Daddy's Blessing".
As Amy is trying to straighten the frame, Ricky walks into the room behind her and puts his hands around her waist.
Amy smiles, but continues what she is doing.
RICKY: The room looks great.
AMY: It does doesn't it?
Amy turns around to face him.
AMY: We have to get the bedding soon.
RICKY: I know, but, you know it would be a lot easier to pick out a theme if we knew what we were having.
Amy chuckles.
AMY: I told you, I don't want to now until he or she is born. I want it to be a surprise.
Ricky smiles.
RICKY: I know, I know, it would just be easier, that's all.
AMY: We can just do an animal theme or something.
Ricky raises one eyebrow.
RICKY: An animal theme?
Amy crosses her arms playfully.
AMY: And what is wrong with that?
RICKY: Well, let's assume we have a boy, I would want him to have cars, or trucks, or something... Boyish.
Amy laughs.
AMY: Okay, and if it's a girl?
RICKY: Hey, she can like cars too?
Ricky and Amy both laugh.
RICKY: Okay, okay. Animals it is.
Amy walks over towards the empty crib and traces her fingers around the edge of it.
AMY: I can't wait to see him or her in this crib.
Ricky follows Amy to the crib and kisses her on the cheek.
RICKY: Me either.
Suddenly John runs into the room. He stops when he sees his mom and dad staring into the empty crib.
JOHN: Um, there is no baby in there yet.
Ricky turns towards his and Amy's son.
RICKY: We know that. We are just looking, imagining.
John looks confused. Amy turns to face him.
AMY: Are you excited John? The baby will be here very soon.
John smiles.
JOHN: Yep. I can't wait to be a big brother.
Ricky smiles and tassels his hand in John's hair.
RICKY: You are going to be a great big brother buddy.
John walks over to the crib.
JOHN: I need a step stool in here.
AMY: A step stool?
JOHN: Yeah. I can't reach the top of the crib, and when the baby cries in the middle of the night, I have to be able to reach it, so I can rub its head like you always do to mine mommy.
Amy smiled at John in awe. Ricky also.
Ricky walked over to John and put his arm around him.
RICKY: Don't worry buddy, we will get you a step stool.
Ben is lying in bed, sleeping. Next to him is Grace. They have been together since Grace returned to New York.
As the sunlight begins to shine through the window, Ben opens his eyes. He turns towards his nightstand to check the time. 7:30 am. He slowly gets up, trying not to wake Grace, and makes his way to the bathroom, to rinse his face.
When he returns to bedroom, he sees Grace still asleep. He grabs a pair of jeans, and a shirt, and makes his way quietly out of the apartment.
For the past three months, against Adrian's wishes, Ben has made sure to bring her a good healthy breakfast every weekend. Omar usually leaves early around 5am or so, for work, so Ben is able to avoid him during his deliveries.
Adrian is still in denial to this day, but Ben doesn't care. He knows there is a fifty percent chance this baby is his, and he is doing anything he possibly can to take care of Adrian during her pregnancy just in case.
He has done this so repeatedly over the past months that Grace has just gotten used to the routine, although she is still clueless to everything involving the baby.
Ben wanted to tell Grace the truth, and be honest with her, but if it turns out this baby is in fact Omar's, then he would have jeopardized his relationship with Grace over nothing. He decided to keep it from her, until he was certain.
At this point Ben has learned how to perfect the routine. He leaves every morning on Saturday and Sunday, while Grace is still sleeping, runs to the coffee shop, grabs some breakfast to go, brings it to Adrian, argues with her over it briefly, and then returns to his apartment to eat breakfast with his girlfriend. It has just become second nature to him in a sense.
After getting breakfast and making his way towards Adrian's apartment, he knocks on her door, as usual, and Adrian opens it, with her hand on her hip, and an annoyed look on her face.
ADRIAN: Ben, how many times are we going to go through this?
Ben ignores Adrian's usual question, and makes his way inside.
He places the breakfast platter on her kitchen counter.
BEN: There is eggs, home fries, and a side of fruit. They were all out of the yogurt today, so I grabbed the fruit instead.
Adrian closes the door behind her, and walks over towards the kitchen, where Ben is standing.
She glances down at the food. Even though she hates the fact that Ben does this, she sure does enjoy the food. She is eight months pregnant and hungry every hour on the hour, so she will never admit it to him, but she definitely likes having the food brought to her like clockwork every weekend.
Again, she won't admit this, so she quickly takes her eyes off of the delicious looking platter, and looks up at Ben with a hard glare.
ADRIAN: I told you Ben, there is no reason for you to do this every single week, I have food here, and I am not going hungry. Omar takes very good care of our baby.
Adrian always makes sure to emphasize "Omar" and the "our" when arguing with Ben.
BEN: I know, but this is my way of contributing, in any way I am able to. Besides, even if you are reluctant to admit it, if this baby turns out to be mine, then I don't want to hear how I never did anything for her mother while she was pregnant.
Adrian creases her eyes.
ADRIAN: And if she is Omar's?
Ben chuckles in reaction to Adrian's sarcasm.
BEN: Well then consider it a gift to one of my closest friends during her pregnancy.
Adrian takes a deep breath. She doesn't like being mean to Ben, and deep down she knows this is a possibility; however, she refuses to admit it at this point. If it turns out that Ben is the father, than she will deal with it then, but until that is known for sure, she will not let herself go crazy over it anymore. Things will work out, is what she tells herself; although, she is pretty uncertain whether or not that is true.
ADRIAN: Anyway, so what are you doing now? Going to sneak back into your apartment, and continue to lie to Grace?
Adrian snarled, she always came off a bit jealous, and Ben noticed, but he just blamed it on crazy hormones.
Ben chuckled.
BEN: Mhmm, and you? Going to call your husband to tell him how you made yourself such a delicious breakfast?
Ben knew how to push her buttons, and he did so purposely.
Adrian squeezed her lips together in response, giving him a sarcastic stare.
ADRIAN: Ha-ha-ha, very funny.
Ben smiled, Adrian was cute when she was mad, but he didn't tell her that.
As Ben made his way towards Adrian's door, about to leave, Adrian waddled behind him.
ADRIAN: Thank you.
Ben turned around to look at her, nodded in response and made his way out the door.
After he left Adrian closed the door behind him, and leaned up against the door. She looked confused, and uneasy.
She took a breath in, and exhaled, then made her way towards her kitchen, where the aroma of the food was controlling her senses.
Ethan sat at one of the many tables in the Mess Hall. He usually came there to get something to eat, and would end up staying for hours studying for his classes.
He and Kathy haven't spoken about anything involving the two of them since that first week of school three months ago. He seen her around campus here and there, but they would usually make small talk, and that was it.
It was killing Ethan as he watched Kathy prance along with her varsity football captain boyfriend, and all there so call popular friends, but there was nothing he could do about it. He wanted Kathy to be happy ultimately, but he really regretted transferring schools, because now he was forced to watch her move on, and that was extremely hard.
As he sat at the table with a finished tray of food beside him, and an open text book in front of him, he heard Kathy's voice from across the room. She was with her boyfriend and a group of friends.
He looked up with his eyes only, and listened to their conversation.
KATHY: What time are we leaving?
GREG (KATHY'S BOYFRIEND): In about an hour, you and the girls can go head to the frat house, and Eric, Dave and I are going to go pick up the kegs.
Ethan decided to stop listening. He had seen Kathy in bad places since school started, doing stupid things with her idiot boyfriend, but he hated seeing her doing those things.
Not only was she too smart for him, but she was letting him ruin her. Ruin her purity, her sweetness, her innocence, her kindness, and all the things he loved about her.
He didn't know why Kathy was letting herself fall, and getting involved with people like she was. It really hurt him to watch it, but still, there was nothing he could do about it, and Kathy made that very clear to him.
As he was gathering his things, and getting ready to get up from the table and leave, due to his inability to hear and see Kathy with her boyfriend any longer, he was startled by her voice not too far behind him.
KATHY: Hey Ethan.
Ethan turned around to see Kathy standing by the vending machine not to far from him.
Ethan nodded in response, but failed to answer with words.
KATHY: Studying?
ETHAN: Uh, yeah. I was, but I'm leaving now.
KATHY: Oh. Okay. Well see you around.
ETHAN: Yeah. See ya Kathy.
Ethan walked away, and out of the mess hall.
Kathy watched him as he left. She still cared for Ethan, and deep down she loved him, but she needed to move on. She wanted to experience other things, other people, have fun, make the best of her college years, but she still couldn't help knowing that he was on campus, and she hated to hurt him, but she had to do what was best for her right now.
As she bent down to grab her drink from the vending machine, she felt someone touch her inappropriately from behind. She shot up and turned around. Her boyfriend, Greg, was standing there, with a smile on his face.
GREG: Sorry, I couldn't help it.
Kathy looked annoyed.
KATHY: Don't do that.
Greg tweaked his neck back.
GREG: Why the attitude? I was just playing around.
KATHY: I know, it's just; you startled me, that's all.
Kathy was uncomfortable with how openly sexual Greg was, but she tried to avoid confrontation, because he didn't have the greatest of tempers.
Greg responded with a hint of an attitudeā¦
GREG: Well, I didn't mean to startle you, I was just playing.
Kathy forced a smile, and tried to reassure him, she wasn't mad.
KATHY: I know.
She and Greg walked back over towards their group of friends.
We hear a distant crying in the background.
Madison walks over to the crib where Destiny is laying; she picks her up and sits in the rocking chair, beside her crib.
MADISON: What's the matter my angel?
She continues rocking Destiny back and forth, when Jack walks into the room.
JACK: I'll take her, you go take a nap.
Madison looks up at Jack, she looks irritated.
MADISON: I can handle it.
Jack takes a deep breath.
JACK: Madison, how many times do I have to say sorry? The game went into overtime last night, I had to stay late. I'm their coach.
Madison rolls her eyes.
MADISON: Yeah, well you come home at almost midnight, after I have been home all day with her, and then when she wakes up at one in the morning, I am the one who has to get up with her. It was supposed to be your night with her.
JACK: I'm sorry. I was exhausted; you should have just waken me up.
MADISON: What good would that have done? I was already awake.
Jack walked over to her and destiny, and got down on his knees next to them.
JACK: I am sorry. Please just let me take her, and go take a nap.
Madison looked over at Jack next to her, trying to keep quiet, because Destiny was falling back asleep.
MADISON: You know, this is happening more and more lately right?
Jack put his head down.
JACK: I know.
MADISON: I mean I appreciate you working Monday through Friday, and taking care of the finances, but staying home all week and getting up in the middle of the night is taking a toll on me too. I need sleep also Jack. We had a deal, that during the week I would handle Destiny during the night, because you have work in the morning, but on the weekends, it is supposed to be your turn.
JACK: I know. I am sorry.
Madison looked at Jack, and cracked a small smile.
She handed Jack the baby, now six months old, and kissed him on the cheek.
MADISON: I'm going to lie down.
Jack nodded in agreement as Madison walked out the nursery.
Lauren was sitting at a little table outside the cafe', with coffee next to her, and her laptop in front of her.
She looked thin, and her hair still short; however, she seemed somewhat healthy.
She paused for a moment when she saw her father, KEN FIELDS, walk towards the table and sit down next to her.
KEN: Hey hunny.
LAUREN: Good morning. You slept well?
KEN: Yeah, I got to the hotel late last night, but I caught a couple good hours of sleep.
LAUREN: Good. I wish I could have offered for you to stay at my place, but I figured you would be less comfortable on a couch, my place isn't very big.
KEN: No, I know. Hey it's only for the weekend anyway, I'm fine.
Lauren smiled at her father.
LAUREN: So what time is your interview today?
KEN: Uh, at one, but I will probably try and get there a bit earlier.
LAUREN: You really think you and mom are going to move here?
KEN: I am hoping so, I mean as long as they offer me the job today.
LAUREN: You know you guys don't have to move here because of everything going on with me. I'm okay really.
KEN: No. We want to. I know you are okay, and you will be okay, but your mother and I want to be closer to you, that is all. We know you can't exactly leave your career here, so we figured we will come to you instead. Plus, we could use the change.
LAUREN: What about Jason?
KEN: Jason? He is fine, he's in the dorms anyhow, I don't think it really matters to him whether you mother and I live there or here.
LAUREN: Well, I just hope this is what you guys want to do, not just because of my illness.
KEN: Lauren listen to me, your mother and I want to be close to you, that's all. Trust me; we want to move here, besides you need your family right now.
Lauren smiles. She does need her family right now, and it was really reassuring to know they would be close to her.
Ricky is out front taking the trash out when Nora and Leslie pull up in front.
Ricky looks up at the car and smiles as Leslie jumps out and runs over to hug him.
LESLIE: Hi Ricky!
RICKY: Hey Les, good to see you.
LESLIE: John is home right?
RICKY: Yeah, he is inside with Amy, go ahead and run in.
Leslie takes off for the door, and goes inside to greet Amy and John.
Ricky walks over to his mother, who has a box of pastries in her hand. He takes the box from her, and kisses her hello on the cheek.
RICKY: Hey mom.
NORA: Hey baby.
RICKY: Where is Willadean?
NORA: Oh she should be here in a little bit; she's running late at work.
RICKY: Oh aright, well it's nice to see you. Amy is making dinner inside.
NORA: Amy is making dinner?
Nora looks at Ricky in confusion, because Amy is not at all the best of cooks.
Ricky laughs.
RICKY: She insisted. She is making her famous meat sauce.
Ricky says sarcastically.
NORA: Oh boy.
Ricky laughs and nudges his mother playfully.
RICKY: Hey, be nice, she is extremely hormonal.
Nora smiles at her son, and nods in agreement.
NORA: Meat sauce, my favorite.
She responds playfully as they make their way inside.