Always-Ch 1

The team strolled off the elevator after another long exhaustive case, Rossi grins and says, "who is up for some drinks, I think that after that last case we could all use a few"?, everybody raised their hands and said, "ohhhh count me in". Derek laughed and said, "I think I will go and see if baby girl wants to go with us".

They watched as he headed toward Penelopes office, he stopped outside her door and knocked, his heart started beating faster and faster when she said, "come in mortal". He opened the door and said, "I'm not a mere mortal goddess, I am your chocolate god", Penelope threw her arms around his neck and said, "ohhhh sugs you made it back".

He kissed the top of her head and said, "of course I am baby girl", she grinned as she started turning off her babies for the night, he grins and says, "sooo the rest of us are heading out for a few drinks would you like to go"?, she grabbed her bag and said, "ohhhh yes, count me in chocolate drop". Derek laughed and held his arm out and said, "allow me mam".

She laughed and said, "anytime kind sir", he sighed happily as they walked toward the elevator, the gang smiled as they saw Penelope and Derek getting on the elevator with them. Derek put his back against the wall and Penelope stood in front of him and he wrapped his arms snuggly around her, she sighed happily as she relaxed into his embrace.

A few minutes later the gang headed inside the bar and over to their usual table, JJ laughed and said, "come on Spence and dance with me", he said, "but but but". JJ laughed and said, "the only but I want is yours out on that floor dancing with me", he smiled as JJ took him by the hand and led him to the middle of the dance floor.

Rossi smiled when he saw a beautiful young woman walking over to the table, she took him by the hand and said, "dance with me", he grinned and said, "now how could I resist such a beautiful offer". Hotch looked at Emily and said, "let's show them how it's done Em", she laughed and said, "lead the way, lead the way".

Penelope sat down at the table and took a sip of her drink and said, "go on handsome and get your grove thing on with one of the hotties on the other side of the room". He said, "the only hottie I want to dance with is you", she luaghed and said, "sugar shack you don't have to sit here with me you can go and dance with one of those girls staring a hole in you over there".

He put her hand in his and opened his mouth to ask her to dance and a man walked over and looked at Penelope and said, "would you like to dance"?, Dereks heart fell into stomach as he watched Penelope walk away from the table. He watched as the man wrapped his arms around Penelopes waist and pulled her closer to him.

He downed his drink and got another one from the bar, he downed it and watched as the mans hands slid down and covered Penelopes ass, when he saw the man grip her ass that was the last straw. Derek walked over to them and smiled and said, "excuse me but may I cut in"?, Penelope smiled and said, "of course you can baby boy".

The man didn't want to let her go, he said, "can't you see that she is dancing with me", Derek raised his eyebrows at the man and said, "you need to take your hands off of my baby girl and you need to do it right now". Penelope looked at the man and said, "thank you for the dance but I want to dance with my friend now".

She started to walk away and the man tightened his grip on her arm, she said, "oowwww that hurts, you need to let go", the man smiled and said, "you are going home with me, not this clown". Derek gently removed the mans hand from Penelopes arm and said, "if my baby girl goes home with anybody tonight it is gonna be me".

Derek intertwined fingers with Penelope and led her over to another spot on the dance floor, she smiled at him and said, "handsome, what was all of that alpha male crap over there"?, he wrapped his arms around her waist and gently pulled her closer to him. He rested his forehead against hers and said, "baby there is something that I need to tell you".

She took a deep breath and said, "ok baby boy, what do you need to tell me"?, he said, "well I am more for show than tell", she laughed and said, "ok, then show me what you want to tell me". He leaned in and gently pressed his lips to hers, the feel of her lips on his was amazing, his hands slid down her back and when she moaned he deepened the kiss by thrusting his tongue inside her mouth.

When they pulled apart he said, "please come home with me, let me show you how much you mean to me"