Chapter Ten: The Final Stand

The sound of armor clicking against the stone path, out side her window, caught her attention as she rose from her bed. A puzzled look appeared on her tear stained face as she made her way to the balcony. She stepped out onto the balcony and walked over to the ledge and looked down at the ground. She saw her father's army marching around, preparing for battle. She ran from the ledge of her balcony towards her room, to find her father.

"Father!" She called as she ran down the stairs towards the entrance of the palace. He turned around at the sound of her voice. "Serenity.." He said softly as she stood a few inches in front of him. She took a moment to catch her breath before she spoke. "Father, what's going on?" She asked. He reached his hand out to touch her face as he gave her a small smile. "We are going to war with Nemesis. Prince Diamonds actions can't be ignored." He answered as he stared into her beautiful blue eyes. "You are going as well?" She asked. He nodded in agreement. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes as she threw herself into his arms. "Please don't go! I can't bare to lose you as well.." She cried. "Shh.." He soothed as he held her tightly. "Serenity, I have to go, but I promise I will return home to you." He said as he pulled her out of his embrace.

A few hours later, she watched from the teleporting room doorway, as her father and his army left for Nemesis. "He'll return, Princess.." A voice said from behind her. "No he won't...Just like Darien didn't, soon I'll be all alone..." She said as her whole body began to feel numb. Thomas stood there silently as he continued to watch her.


He sat in his cell with his head leaning back against the stone wall behind him. His eyes bolted open to a commotion on the outside. He held his side as he rose to his feet and slowly limped over to the other side of his cell, where he hoped her could hear what was going on better. He leaned against the wall and tried to listen...

"You have a lot of guts coming here Moon King.." Diamond smirked as the two of them stood in the center of the battle around them. "Where is he?" Jonathan asked as he gripped his sword tightly. "Who?" Diamond asked. "Prince Darien, what have you done with him?" Diamond chuckled coldly. "I believe he is still around here somewhere." Diamond answered as he drew his sword as well. "After I kill you, I will take your daughter back, where she shall watch me kill the Earth Prince, then she will be mine!" He said as he charged towards the king. Jonathan only glared at him before charging towards him. With in seconds the metal of the swords clashed against each other and their battle began...

After a while everyone around them stopped fighting and watched the two of them fight. They were an even match for the most part as their swords constantly clashed against each other. King Jonathan swung his sword at him once again and Diamond dodged it and swung his sword at the king and making contact with the King's right arm. King Jonathan cried out in pain as the blade sliced through the skin on his arm. Before he had time to react, Diamond's sword sliced through the kings armor on his back. Jonathan fell to his knees in pain as he closed his eyes. His daughters pleading eyes flashed through his mind. He had to keep his promise to her, he had to bring Prince Darien back to her. His wife's beautiful face appeared in his mind.

Her worried eyes stared down at him. 'Get up, my love..' She whispered. "You are a good swords man, King Jonathan, but not as good as me." He heard Diamond say as he slowly opened his eyes. Diamond drew back his sword for the final blow. As Diamond descended his sword towards Jonathan's back side, Jonathan turned and pierced the blade of his sword through Diamond's stomach. Diamond's eyes grew wide in shock as he dropped his sword and fell to his knees. King Jonathan pulled his sword from Diamonds stomach and slowly rose to his feet. "I am better than you, Diamond." He said as he watched him fall to the ground lifeless.

Darien listened as the battle outside grew silent. He stood there for a few moments wondering what happened, when he heard several foot steps coming towards him. As he stared out the cell doors his vision started to become blurry as his legs grew weaker. "Darien?" He heard some one faintly call his name as he fell to his hands and knees. Everything around him was growing darker until it all went black...

The Moon Kingdom...

She sat in the courtyard staring up at Earth, when she heard foot steps coming her way. "Princess!" Someone called to her. She turned around slowly to find Thomas approaching her. He had tears in his eyes and a small smile on his face. "What is it, Thomas?" She asked slightly confused. "They have returned, both of them." He said calmly. She looked at him in confusion for a moment. Then it hit her. 'They..' She quickly ran into the palace, with Thomas trailing behind her. "Father!" She cried as she entered the palace. He stood at the bottom of the staircase with his back to her. "Father!" She cried out again as she got closer to him. He turned around as she ran into his arms. He wrapped his arms around her tightly.

"It's all over, Serenity..." He whispered as he kissed the top of her head. She pulled out of his embrace and looked up at him. "And Darien..?" She whispered. He smiled softly as he ran a hand over her cheek. "He's upstairs in his room, resting." He answered. Her eyes widened as she turned towards the stairs and ran up to his room. 'Could it be real?' She wondered as she climbed the stairs. She ran as fast as she could through the halls til she came upon his room. She panted heavily as she stood in front of his door. As she reached her hand out to grab the door handle, the door slowly opened..

He stood there before her eyes. His shirt was unbuttoned to reveal the bandages around his waist. His hair laid messily upon his head and he had dark circles under his deep blue eyes. She felt her breath catch in her throat as she stared at him. He stared down at her. "Serena..." He whispered weakly as he took his hand from the door and touched her face. "Darien.." She breathed. She closed her eyes as he caressed her face before pulling her close to him. As her face met with his bare chest, the tears fell freely from her eyes as sobs escaped from her mouth. "I thought I would never see you again!" She cried. He wrapped both arms around her and rested his chin on top of her head. "I know...I am so sorry.." He whispered...

Two Months later...

She took a deep breath as she stood in front of the chapel doors once again. She held her head high and a grin plastered on her lips. The doors to the chapel opened and she slowly walked down the aisle, towards the man of her dreams. He smiled at her as he watched her walked towards him. She was absolutely beautiful in her long white gown that was decorated with red roses. It was strapless and fit tightly around her from the waist up, from the waist down it hung loosely around her hips and legs. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun with a single red rose in her hair.

When she reached him, he took her hand and the both faced the man before them as the ceremony began...