
It got pretty intense for a while there, didn't it? And trust me when I say both Sango and I are more than relieved that it's over. We can go about our lives, moving forward and not looking back. Of course, being the new parents of a pair of daughters, identical twins, born exactly nine months from the day of our honeymoon is an excellent distraction from the past as well. Funny how stuff like that works out, isn't it?

So, yeah, when all is said and done, it was quite the journey to get to where we are today. While we wouldn't change it for the world, I think I can speak for the both of us when I say that we're glad accepting and/or living with the difficult doesn't have to be a part of our lives anymore. We're a family now and being a father and husband has never been easier. No more biting any bullets; we're done.

(That was kind of cool, right? Working that back in there at the end? Nice.)

AN: There ya go! Completed and done! Finished even. There is a sequel in debate (when I say "debate" I mean "a frequent musing in and out of my own thoughts." Anyway, let me know what you think. Thanks for sticking it out with me!

Peace, pookie92