Let's face it: we all love the concept of Thor vs. Superman. Both are quite arguably and quite honestly the most powerful heroes in their respective universes. It's really a no-brainer pitting the two against each other. I love the concept and for me, Thor would win every time.
But when I see Thor in a fight, I want to see a battle of godlike proportions. Sure, Superman is practically invincible, but he's no god.
I came to ask myself: what would happen if the Avengers' Norse God of Thunder encountered the Justice League's Champion of the Greek gods of Olympus? The Prince of Asgard and the Princess of Themyscera? What would be the result of an encounter between Thor and Wonder Woman?
This is a possible scenario. Reborn Dark Phoenix presents:
When Pantheons Collide
By sheer willpower, she forced her eyes open, blinking rapidly to get the dust out and to regain her focus. She realized she was on the ground, and looking around, she saw that there were hefty chunks of statues, marble and rock sprayed all over and around her as a result of her crash into the once beautiful temple plaza.
In an effort of getting up, she managed to get onto one knee, only for her to stop and shake her head fiercely in an effort to get the painfully loud ringing in her ears out, resulting in tiny fragments of rock and dirt flying out of her raven locks onto the ground. She thanked her gods that her healing was so potent, or else she'd be covered with painful and colorful bruises instead of the relatively small cuts and bruises she had right now.
For a moment, she had to recollect herself and her thoughts. "Hera…what just happened?" she asked herself as she picked up her fallen sword and lasso.
Then she heard the thunder. The now painfully familiar and rage sparking thunder. And she remembered. Looking up to the sky as she now stood firmly, she saw the rapidly approaching figure. The tattered cape flowing against the wind, a hammer in his hand that whirled, calling the power of the thunder and lightning to him; the dirt and bloodstained golden locks, the party chipped armor, the dented winged helmet and a relatively bruised face that brimmed with fury.
"Oh, right…you."
That was all she said as she flew up, weapons in hand, to confront once more this threat to Themyscera, this blasphemy to Olympus.
To this self-proclaimed god of the thunder.
The Hulk, Hyperion.
The Destroyer, the Sentry.
That was what this battle had reminded him of. His opponent's strength rivaled that of his most powerful foes and allies. Almost god-like even.
Taking a moment to recollect his senses, he massaged the point where her fist had connected with his winged helmet. It had made a sizeable dent, and he loved this helmet-it was one of the things that characterized him, and he felt naked without it.
"No, now is not the time for pride," he scolded himself.
Senses fully working again, he looked at his reflection in the puddle that had spawned from his crashing into a fountain, which was now scattered in various sized fragments all over the garden he had landed in. His armor was broken here and there, but it wasn't much, just a few chinks. His golden locks were stained with dust, dirt and a light streak of blood. His cheek, black and blue only a few minutes ago, was now only a light shade of red, and a line of blood was slowly leaking from the corner of his mouth. His cape was tattered along the edges, ripped from when she had caught it and flung him through a number of statues.
It was time to end this.
"Come, Mjolnir."
Stretching out his gloved hand, his mighty hammer flew over to him from a demolished temple a few dozen yards away, smashing through the carnage of stone in its path. As the two united as one again, the skies boomed with thunder and lightning flashed as it decorated the heavens, dancing along to the massive booming, letting his enemy know he was far from defeated.
Whirling Mjolnir, he ascended into the heavens, scanning the ground for his opponent, finding her on a kneeled knee in a rather decimated temple plaza, shaking her head as if to regain her senses.
"This ends now," he told himself, the iron determination evident in his voice.
And with that, he flew down towards her, the thunder roaring his anger and might.
If she was to fall for him to return home, then so be it.
They flew towards each other, neither with the intent of backing down, both intending to walk away from this.
She was armed with her sword, her indestructible bracelets and the Lasso of Truth.
He was armed with the indestructible & enchanted hammer that moved lightning, Mjolnir.
She was protecting her home, while he was trying to go home.
Neither had any intention of relenting, by the fire in their eyes, it was clear they were intent on using any means necessary to force the other to fall.
As they approached closer to each other, each said a short prayer to the gods they knew.
"Hera, give me strength."
"Guide my hand, All-Father."
Thunder roared majestically and the dancing lightning flashed more, foreboding the climactic battle was to start anew. Neither knew defeat or surrender in their vocabulary. It wasn't in their nature. They were champions, guardians, protectors. They were heroes. And it wasn't like them to give up so easily, without giving their enemy a fight to remember.
She was of the Justice League; he was of the Avengers.
She was an Amazon; he was a god.
She was the Princess of Themyscera; he was the Prince of Asgard.
Both were bless by gods: she by the Greek and he by the Norse.
"For Themyscera…"
"For Midgard…"
She was Wonder Woman, Diana of Themyscera, daughter of Queen Hippolyta, and Champion of the Greek Gods of Olympus.
He was Thor, Son of Odin, prince of Asgard, and the Norse God of Thunder.
And neither would be denied victory.
As sword and hammer connected, a split second occurred in which the tiniest of clinks could be heard as metal collided, right before being followed by the largest shockwave the island had ever felt. Temples and statues crumbled and fell, rivers erupted and broke, and the ground cracked and groaned from the strain of the might of the two great beings locked once more in fierce combat.
Well, there you go: a good tease for the events to come. Hope you guys enjoyed and remember to review, follow, etc. More to come soon :D