Okay so I wanted to write Yami no matsuei fanfic because I think it is a lovely series and of course, Tsuzuki and Hisoka are a really cute couple :D So there will be TsuSoka pairing :) Focusing on Hisoka's POV I will release new chapter as soon as possible, probably before Friday :)))) Maybe even tomorrow! :D

Hisoka thinking


It all started with some stupid argumentation. The field job they had been given was really harsh for Kurosaki Hisoka and expecionally for his partner Asato Tsuzuki who had to protect Hisoka from getting overhelmed by various emotions. Tsuzuki didn't even give Hisoka a chance to protect himself even though Hisoka shoul be powerful enough to keep his emotional shields up and finish off some weak enemies they had dealt with. Well, maybe Tsuzuki didn't know that Hisoka was already able to take care of himself.

"Hisoka, are you alright?" Tsuzuki asked and took a step closer to his partner. He had to check if boys shields were strong enough to keep Tsuzuki's thoughts out.

"Yeah, you don't have to worry over me so much, Tsuzuki", Hisoka said, a little blush appearing to his face. He was ashamed, indeed, to have let Tsuzuki protect him, again. Hisoka stood up slowly and directed towards the front door,"We are leaving since we finished here."

Tsuzuki followed Hisoka, invisible tail wagging behind him.

"Nee, Hisoka?" Tsuzuki started, but Hisoka interrupted him," Cake? Really? We ate cake just before we left and now you are already feeling like eating more? What was the talk about stomach ache?" Tsuzuki just nodded, smiling, and Hisoka rolled his eyes in disbelief.

They made it through the front door and they walked in silence for a while.

"Nee, Hisoka? Onegai, watashi wa oishii keeki ni tabetai!" Tsuzuki begged and made his famous puppy-face which no-one was able to refuse...well, expect Hisoka, who wasn't feeling sorry to say "no" to his unbelievable greedy partner.


They returned back to Meifu and Hisoka started to write a report about their field trip. He knew he had to be really careful while filling in the form because he knew Tatsumi would be as stright as usual. Tsuzuki had run off to somewhere, apparently hiding, so Hisoka had to finish up their report.

Really, that guy has got no sense of responsibility...When will he learn?

Hisoka thought that maybe he should try to find Tsuzukuki and ask him to help, but then again, it wouldn't help Tsuzuki to chance his attitude towards Hisoka. So if Hisoka wanted to gain Tsuzuki's trust, he should only finish up their report so that Tsuzuki would appear just when he had finished it already.

And look who is the kid here...

Tsuzuki returned, just like Hisoka had thought, a minute after he had finished his report.

"Where have you been, Asato?" Hisoka asked. Even though Hisoka sounded normal, Tsuzuki knew he was angry because he had called him Asato instead of Tsuzuki.

"Gomenne, Hisoka!" Tsuzuki answered and tried to smile gently. Hisoka didn't feel like smiling so he just stared at Tsuzuki.

"I am really sorry! Please Hisoka, I promise I won't disappear like that ever again!"

"I remember you saying the same the last time you were late too. How could I trust your promise?"

"Well I am your partner, you have to trust me. Please Hisoka. Just give me a chance?" Tsuzuki literally begged on his knees. Hisoka didn't feel like giving up.

"No way! We are partners so yes, we should be able to trust each other! But this way I won't be able to trust you because if I don't keep an eye on you, the next moment I see you is after work!"

"Well...that might be true..." Tsuzuki started but was interrupted ,"Not MIGHT it IS true! Look at yourself!"

Tsuzuki was on the defence. He didn't want to loose a debate against a kid like Hisoka.
"Look, I am really sorry, Hisoka. Please, forgive me." Hisoka just stared at him. Tsuzuki started to feel angry.

"Just do your job, idiot! You are always thinking about your cursed sweets and cakes and never doing your job properly!"

"Then who is protecting you during our field trips!?" Tsuzuki shouted but regretted immediately seeing the hurt look on his partner's face,"Sorry, Hisoka, I shouldn't have..."

"Shut up, Asato. Our work is over. Hand this report over to Tatsumi before you leave." Hisoka said, hiding his face and leaving the room.

"Hisoka!" Tsuzuki tried to call his partner but it was already too late,"Damn, I must have dropped my shields!" He ran after Hisoka but couldn't find his partner.

He felt like an idiot.


Hisoka returned to Meifu the next day as normally. He headed towards the meeting room and sat down to his seat. Tatsumi and chief Konoe were already waiting there.

"Is Tsuzuki late again?" He asked, but it was more like a statement. Chief Konoe gave Hisoka a guestioning look but kept silent.

Soon Tsuzuki appeared into the meeting room and, to everyone's surprise, he was there before the meeting had started. They sat there in a silence for a while.

It took only a while before Watari and Gushoushin came in and they could start the meeting. It was Tatsumi who spoke first.

"Okay, so there has been something paranormal going on in Nagasaki southern district. I would like you, Hisoka and Tsuzuki, to go there and investigate.

Tsuzuki and Hisoka looked at each other and nodded. Then Gushoushin gave them some more information.
"There has been three people died in their teens in Nagasaki during last night. Their souls are still trapped in this world and you have to help them to get to the other side." Gushoushin explained.

"Okay, are we going to leave immediately?" Hisoka asked in his usual tone.

"Yeah, it's really urgent to get this job done quickly."

Everyone left the meeting room and Hisoka and Tsuzuki started to prepare to their job. First they got to read the files dealing that matter.

They found out the people who had died last night were around 14-16 years old, two girls and one boy. They had done nothing out of ordinary before their death but it was really apparent they weren't dealing with normal deaths.

"Hey, Hisoka, about yesterday,...I am really sorry..." Tsuzuki tried but Hisoka just shook his head.

"It's okay, Tsuzuki. I overreacted too."

Damn! Why Tsuzuki had to bring this up? I feel really pathetic...

Hisoka started to blush sligthly and even though Tsuzuki noticed it, he didn't say anything.

They left Meifu after a couple of hours and headed out to look for the lost souls of those teens.

First they headed to where these teens have died because it was really normal for souls died too early to come back to the place where they met their deaths.

This time was different, however. Not even a one soul out of three was found there.

"This seems complicated." Tsuzuki said out aloud. Hisoka took a look at their surroundings. These teens had died in a small alley behind some factory.

What the hell where they doing here in the first place?

"Hey, Hisoka, what do you think?" Tsuzuki asked. Hisoka thought for a second.

"Well, I wondered what were they doing here. This is no place for young people to hang around. Maybe they were lured in here somehow?" Hisoka suggested and Tsuzuki gave him a silent nod.

"That could be the case", Tsuzuki said,"of course there is a chance they got something to do here and then some mad-man just found them here and decided to kill them?"

"Yeah. But at any rate, we have to find the souls first, the killer becomes after that."

"Okay, but where do we start? I mean, they are not here at least. Maybe their homes?" Tsuzuki said in a low tone. Hisoka looked down to the ground where the bodies had been found.

"Hold on a second." Hisoka said and bent over to where those bodies had been. He laid his hand on the ground and started to track down the feelings those teens had had.

It wasn't much of a work. Almost immediately when he touched the ground, various emotions started to run through his body. He tried to find something usefull but it was really hard just trying to control his powers.

Stay away! *panic* Don't touch me! * horror* Help me, Misato! *desperation* am I going to die here? Are we all just going to die here? *pain* Please, just stop this! It hurts! Kill me already! *suffering* I don't want those two to die together! Why are you doing this?

Hisoka was trembling but he had to figure out at least something. He had seen how two of those teens had died right before the third one's eyes. She had had no other option but to stare in horror and realize she was going to die soon too. It had been really painful, slow death without inner peace.

It took a while before Hisoka took his hand off the ground and stood up with shaking legs. He felt like he was going to lose conciousness but he couldn't.

"Well? Did you see something?" Tsuzuki asked carefully.

"Yeah...apparently they were related to each other somehow...I don't know how...but the yongest girl, Hanako,14, died first, then died the boy Misato,15 and the last one was the oldest one, Koizumi, 16 years. Her death was the most painfull, the other two died immediately but her death was really slow."

Tsuzuki just nodded and made a mental note of everything Hisoka had said.

"But...I couldn't sense feelings of Hanako and Misato. They died too, so they should have had at least some sort of emotional track in here." Hisoka said in a dark tone, wondering what that could mean.

"Okay. But for now, we should head back to Meifu and give a report. We can come back tomorrow." Tsuzuki said and they headed back toward Meifu.

Hisoka didn't even realise how hard those emotions had hit him. He felt tired of course, but there was something more to that. He felt really bothered by those emotions, expecially one emotion which sticked out from the other emotions.

He had felt the undeniable feeling of wanting this world to perish. The feeling had been really nasty, really gleeful and there was not even a hint of regret. It was something he had never felt before.


Onegai,watashi wa oishii keeki ni tabetai! = please, I want to eat delicious cake!