New story! Please enjoy!
Leo sat on his bed as he felt every muscle in his body scream in pain all the while he recalled the events that led up to this disastrous outcome.
He was at school awaiting his siblings who had gotten into trouble, but before they were finished Leo felt a hand wrap around his face cutting off his air support. As the world faded out Leo tried to break free but nothing happened. Darkness consumed everything.
Leo awoke strapped to a table in the creepy dungeon at Marcus's house. Panic set in and "help me" echoed throughout the house. It would be an hour, or what seemed like an hour, before Marcus and a strangely familiar man came walking into the room.
"Hello Leo." Said the man. "I guess we are having a step family reunion."
"What do you mean?"
"I am Douglas Davenport. Bree, Chase, and Adams's true father."
"WHAT! That is a lie!" Leo snapped.
"Nope. It's true." Marcus said with a snotty tone. He gave Leo a knowing smirk.
"Ok….then why am I here?" Leo asked.
"Well you have become a real nuisance Leo." Marcus answered. "So we have decided that maybe we could us that to our favor."
"You see, when I was giving Chase Bree and Adam their bionic I knew that they would have to be babies to do it, but over time I have created the technology so that I can give anyone bionics." Douglas stated.
"They why not give yourself bionics?" Leo questioned.
"That would be dangerous. It could kill him and who really wants to risk their life on a project that probably won't work." Marcus laughed. Both he and Douglas had gotten very close to the table. Douglas had grabbed a syringe from the table and proceeded to place what looked like a small chip on it.
"We have decided to test it out on you." Douglas said with an evil smile. Panic consumed Leo as Douglas got closer to his neck. He tried to struggle against him, but Marcus pinned him down and held his head. A sharp pain shot though his neck and shot up his spine. The pain spread across his entire body consuming every cell in his body.
Leo woke some time after, he couldn't tell how long he was out for everything was a foggy, but the one thing he did know was that Leo had an Itch on his nose. With a flick of his wrist he heard a crack but it didn't matter as he relieved himself of the pesky itch. It was then that he noticed the silver shackles hanging from his wrist. He had ripped it clear from the table. Leo didn't know if he should be amazed or worried as he quickly freed himself from the table.
"Looks who's awake." Leo heard Marcus's annoy voice as he and the other Davenport entered the lab. "It worked…" Douglas laughed and jumped up and down. Leo was extremely pissed off at the miniature Davenport and he now had the power to get out of this horrible lab.
Marcus must have realized what Leo was thinking because he blurred in front of the door. "No…No… You can never leave." Something was happening in Leo. He felt as if his entire body was being electrified. He simply pointed at Marcus when a sudden burst of power threw the android backwards. Douglas looked extremely scared of what he created.
"Now…I think that you two should leave." Leo stated. "And never come back…" His eyes felt extremely hot as lasers shot out towards Douglas who screamed and ran out of the room. Marcus got up ready to attack when Douglas came, grabbed his arm, and both fled. Leo laughed at the two who looked like they could have died from fright. With one final laugh Leo decided to go home which now would be easier with bionics.
It took him not even a minute to appear at the front gate. He knew that the others would want to know about the bionics, but something told Leo that he should wait to tell them which he would later be thankful for. He walked towards the house at a human pace.
As Leo walked into the house he was greeted by his mom and Davenport. Both of them had a look of disappointment on their face, but his mom was angrier than anything else. Leo could hear her heart beat as if quickened.
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" She screamed. Leo decided to tell the truth hoping that they would believe him.
"Marcus and his creator kidnapped me, took me to their lab, shoved a needle into my neck, and then proceeded to test me like a lab rat…" Leo simply stated. Davenport shook his head as his mom looked like she was going to burst.
"I have heard some lies in my time, but to try and fabricate a story to get that poor boy in trouble…I have never been more disappointed in you Leo." That hurt Leo all the way to his heart .He told them the truth and they didn't believe him.
"I can't believe you would try and blame Marcus for your actions!" Chase shouted as he, Bree, and Adam came out of the lab.
"I think Leo is just jealous of Marcus causing him to act out…" Adam said. Everyone stood shocked at what he just said.
"Yeah….no I am not. He is evil!" Leo tried to defend himself, but nobody would listen.
"Just go to bed Leo," Davenport finally spoke. "Tomorrow we will tell you what we are going to do…"
Leo tried to speak but his mom brushed him off telling him to go to bed. He wanted to shout at them, but he knew nothing was going to help. They would never believe him.
End Flashback
Leo waited in his room listening to what they were saying downstairs. Chase, Bree, and Adam had gone back to sleep which Leo could hear from upstairs.
"I think that we should sent Leo to my Mother's house for a while…" his mother said with a sadness that would break anyone's heart. Leo wanted to run to her and cry for he knew that his mother never wanted to be separated from him. Once when he wanted to go to a sleepover she had cried to keep him at home.
"If you really think that is best." Davenport agreed. Leo didn't know if he wanted to cry or scream, but he knew something. He was not going to his grandmother's house….there was one place he would go.
Leo reached into his light stand and grabbed a cell phone which was only to be used to call one number. After a second the other person picked up..
"Hi Dad…"
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