So this topic came to mind when someone asked me if I was eligible to go to prom next year. The first thought that came to my head was well, NO, and this couplexD If people like this I'll probably continue it..well even if they don't since it's so fun to write! lol but really...It's mostly drama in the beginning and the couples I have so far are YmirxChrista and MikasaxSasha. So..enjoy! Sorry for any spelling mistakes. I write these on my phone and we all know how stupid auto correct is.

Christa sighed as closed in on the school. It was chilly this morning and she didn't have time to grab a coat. She had to deal with the first thing she found which was a thin white sweater.

"Christa!" She hears a voice squeal and suddenly a pair of arms embrace her.

"Sasha...can't...breath..." The brunette backs up with a grin. "Sorry! I guess I don't know my own strength." The girl next to her rolls her eyes. "Hey Mikasa!"
The blonde greets with a smile.

"Ymir isn't here yet?" Sasha asks as she nervously looks around for the girl.

"What's that? I heard my name."

Sasha jumps and looks at Ymir with wide eyes.

The taller girl scoffs and shakes her head, ignoring her. She makes her way to Christa, putting an arm around her shoulder.

"Good morning." She purrs and the girl can't help but blush a scarlet red.

"G-good morning."

The bell rings signaling them to head to class. Ymir grabs the smaller girls hand, intertwining their fingers, and leads rhe way into the school.

As usual its packed with students, some against their lockers, others waiting outside of a door waiting for the teacher to arrive.

As they walk, the blonde can't help but gaze at the posters plastered on the walls. Prom is coming up, and no matter how many times she brings it up, ymir never asks her out.

They stop in front of a classroom door giving Christa another chance.

"Hey Ymir.." She tugs at the older girls sleeve, which causes her to look down at her with a raised brow.

"About prom.." She felt her face go hot and her throat swell up a bit.
She couldn't deal with it if Ymir laughed in her face again.

The older girl grimaces. "Not again Christa..I don't like those sort of events."
"But I do!" She whined, giving her girlfriend a pleading expression.

Ymir sighed and cocked her head to the side.

"I'll take you anywhere you want but not there. Not to a room filled with stupid people, and stupid music."

The petite girl winced hearing her say the words. Honestly was it really that hard?

"Fine! You know what don't come oover today. I just remembered I have something to do!" The girl stomped to the door, swung in open, and walked in leaving Ymir alone.

The brunette put her hand to face in exasperation and walked in.

Her girlfriend sat alone this time away from her usual seat and held a icy stare.

"Great job Ymir.." The brunette muttered to herself as she sat in her usual seat, which was located in the back.

"Shadis isn't here yet Sasha." A brown headed boy says as he takes his seat next to a boy with blonde hair.

"You're not going to stop her Eren? What if she gets caught..?"

The boy scoffed and shrugged.

Sasha grins, walking in with a hot dog in her left hand, and took her seat next to Mikasa.

"Hey Christa!" Sasha greeted through muffled chewing looking at the blonde who sat behind her.

She swallowed her food and have her a perplexed look. "Why aren't you with Ymir?"

The blonde didn't give her a reply which let the brunette catch on quickly.

"She doesn't want to take you to prom eh?"

"Shut up Sasha." The older girl in the back hisses in anger.

"Ymir she's talking to me. Not you.." the blonde retorted, not in the mood for the girls attitude.

"Well she's sticking her noise into our business."

"She wouldn't be if you took me to prom."

Eren snickered a bit which caused the boy next to him to shake his head in disapproval.

"Fine then Christa. Find someone who'll take you!"

"Sure thing.." Christa muttered in annoyance, but felt slight hurt at the comment.

"Everyone shut up!" Heads snapped to the front of the classroom to see Shadis walking in with his briefcase.

"Class begins now!"

Christa sighed and began taking the notes he projected onto the board.


Christa didn't wait for Ymir wait for Ymir after class and the girl knew to keep her distance.

It was around lunch time when Christa was putting her books away in her locker when someone tapped her shoulder.

The blonde turned and smiled as she shall a tall figure.

"Hey Reiner!"

"Christa." He greeted with a smile, which feel as he continued, "I heard about your argument today with Ymir. You okay?"

She sighed but nodded once.

"She's just so difficult. I really want to go to prom since its our senior year..this will he one of the last few events well be holding.."

He have her a sympathetic look and smiled nervously.

"I could always take you Christa."

The girl blinked and gave him a questioning look.

He rubbed the back of his neck, blushing slightly.

"I've had a crush on you since last year, I admit that. You seem like you really want to go.."

"I can't..." She whispered with disbelief.

"Ymir said to go with someone who would take you. I'm standing right here."

There was an awkward silence as Christa thought it over.

Just the thought of Ymir earlier in the morning made her blood boil.

The brunette never took her seriously when she was mad, and always teased her.

She pursed her lips and nodded once.

"Okay...but just as friend's okay. I'm with Ymir."

He smiled happily and nodded. "Of course!"

She smiled and waved as she made her way down the hall.

"Ymir did say it.. wonder if she'll take me seriously now." She thought.

Little did the blonde know Ymir was listening in the whole time.

"Christa...she wouldn't..." She felt complete rage but a tugging pull on her heart as she saw her girlfriend push the doors open and disappear into the cafeteria.

The brunette choked back a sob and hit the locker in front of her, before stomping down the hall in the opposite direction.